Graycompany -> RE: Why all of the off map areas? (6/16/2009 8:11:57 PM)
for a time, complaints about off-map movement will be entertained. [/quote] I'm not picking on Andy, I'm pointing out something to that seems to unbalance the game! 1.Please tell me why this off-map movement can't be exploited by the allied player? Which of these are incorrect (around the world = off map movement, one off map base to another)? 1. No fuel required to move ships around the world(ships during off map movement no refueling required). 2. No Ships needed to move troops around the world(strategic movement doesn't require ships for moving troops). 3. No ships needed to move air groups around the world (strategic movement doesn't require ships for air groups) 4. Nothing can be attacked or lost moving around the world. 5. No Escorts required when moving ships around the world. [/quote] What is your point to this? it is in the game, it is not coming out. 1. No fuel required to move ships around the world(ships during off map movement no refueling required). So what? you dont think they had fuel at the off map bases that could be used? 2. No Ships needed to move troops around the world(strategic movement doesn't require ships for moving troops). you dont think the Allies had other ships that were dedicated to moving units and supplies other than what is represented for the game in the Pacific? 3. No ships needed to move air groups around the world (strategic movement doesn't require ships for air groups) could have saved some posting here, see answer 2 above. 4. Nothing can be attacked or lost moving around the world. and? Name a Convoy that was stopped moving Units and supplies on the routes that are off Map represented in the game? (dont say PQ17). And really? think if anything was, it wouldnt be replaced if it was really needed? 5. No Escorts required when moving ships around the world. Again, there are more ships dedicated to this process than are represented in the game. They are trying to slow the Allies down with this method. There will be plenty of targets on the Map to shoot at. In no way, would this unbalance the game, None, not a chance, wouldnt happen, Pigs shall fly first, the Cubs will win the World Series, Seriously, If its in the game, its in the game....(I called EA Sports, they dont mind really....)