arras -> Just idea about detailed combat. (6/18/2009 9:06:47 PM)
This is not complain or request, just mere idea for discussion and thinking. And perhaps something what may appear in the future. One feature I am missing from detailed combat is ability to throw back defender. If you read accounts of battles (any battles not just Napoleonic) you see units give way under pressure. Not disorganize and flee give ground. Here is small example from battle of Leipzig 1813 (Osprey Campaign Series): quote:
At 8 a.m. the attack began with Duke Eugene advancing on Wachau which was quickly abandoned by the small occupying force. Attempts to break out of the village were halted by strong French artillery fire. Victor moved in for a counter-attack and threw out the Russians at the point of the bayonet. Wachau was in French hands again by 9.30 a.m. An artillery and musketry duel lasted until 11 a.m. when the Allies staged another assault on the village, driving the French out as far as their gun line to its rear. Allied losses were too high to pursue any further. The French counter-attacked and cleared Wachau but were unable to advance any further because of the Prussians and Russians engaged to their front. quote:
Klenau started his advance at 10 o'clock. The Kolmberg, an ideal vantage point, was unoccupied by the French so Klenau placed a detachment there. Liebertwolkwitz itself was occupied by only a small force of French who were quickly driven out except from the church and the northern end of the village. They soon counter-attacked and made the Austrians retrace their every step. By 11 o'clock the situation on this sector of the front was becoming critical. The initial gains had been repulsed and it was clear that strong French reserves were approaching. Yet in game only thing resembling this is when charge displace enemy. Otherwise battle resolves only on inflicting casualties and breaking enemy morale. You can't displace ordered enemy unit. What if strong fire attack or strong charge would throw defending unit one square back (and perhaps allowing attacking unit to move forward)?