Modern Wars: Volume I: Additional Information Question (Full Version)

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Jason Petho -> Modern Wars: Volume I: Additional Information Question (6/18/2009 10:19:13 PM)

Good day.

Jim (from the Blitz) and I created a PDF document that was included with the Project Blitzkrieg #1 disc for East Front that provided those interested with a brief summary of the campaign.

Would you be interested in something like this for the Modern Wars: Volume I? (At least for the Middle East portion)

Jason Petho

scottintacoma -> RE: Modern Wars: Volume I: Additional Information Question (6/19/2009 2:04:08 AM)


After just a quick view of the file, I would say yes.

V22 Osprey -> RE: Modern Wars: Volume I: Additional Information Question (6/19/2009 2:12:03 AM)


ORIGINAL: Jason Petho

Good day.

Jim (from the Blitz) and I created a PDF document that was included with the Project Blitzkrieg #1 disc for East Front that provided those interested with a brief summary of the campaign.

Would you be interested in something like this for the Modern Wars: Volume I? (At least for the Middle East portion)

Jason Petho

If it will further delay Modern wars significantly, then no I'm not interested.

TAIL GUNNER -> RE: Modern Wars: Volume I: Additional Information Question (6/19/2009 2:44:05 AM)


I'd wager your average CS'er knows much about WWII, but very little about the various Arab/Israeli Wars.

A little hindsight would be cool. [8D]

MrRoadrunner -> RE: Modern Wars: Volume I: Additional Information Question (6/19/2009 10:10:16 AM)

If they are small enough files like the one you posted, like V22 Osprey, I think you could attach them here instead of delaying the release?

Maybe make a "sticky thread" spot where you add files for download (that by-pass) "official" upgrade or download restrictions?
Later you could add them to future updates that can be part of the official game folders?

Just a thought.[:)]


kool_kat -> RE: Modern Wars: Volume I: Additional Information Question (6/19/2009 1:04:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: MrRoadrunner

If they are small enough files like the one you posted, like V22 Osprey, I think you could attach them here instead of delaying the release?

Maybe make a "sticky thread" spot where you add files for download (that by-pass) "official" upgrade or download restrictions?
Later you could add them to future updates that can be part of the official game folders?

Just a thought.[:)]


I think this is an excellent idea. [8D]

In addition to historical background information, why not keep the game rules manual online too? You would be able to keep the information current, update it quickly as needed, and drive more folks to these forums?

Maybe make it SOP for all future game releases? [:)]

Geomitrak -> RE: Modern Wars: Volume I: Additional Information Question (6/19/2009 1:20:27 PM)



... why not keep the game rules manual online too? You would be able to keep the information current, update it quickly as needed, and drive more folks to these forums?


Good idea!

And, for printed-out hard copies of the manual, provide replacement pages when things are altered, along with a version number for that page in the header or footer.

So, if something on page 71 has to be altered, a new page 71 is released with 'v2' printed at the top or bottom. This can then be easily inserted in a ring binder and the old page 71 discarded. Keep a list of updated pages so people can check they have the latest ones.

If its a large alteration that takes up more than one page, make it 71 and 71a so you maintain the page numbering from page 72 onwards.



Jason Petho -> RE: Modern Wars: Volume I: Additional Information Question (6/19/2009 3:06:15 PM)

All good ideas, gentlemen.

What about abolishing page numbers altogether and provide printable PDF's by section.

If a section is updated, the section is versioned, dated and replaced?

A TOC could be provided as an overview with the latest versioning and dates?

Jason Petho

rich12545 -> RE: Modern Wars: Volume I: Additional Information Question (6/19/2009 3:52:50 PM)

That's an excellent idea.

1925frank -> RE: Modern Wars: Volume I: Additional Information Question (6/19/2009 5:46:30 PM)

I'm not so sure about doing away with pagination altogether.

If the manual is broken down into sections (which it is), I don't recall any one section being that long -- maybe 5 to 6 pages.  Even if a section is 12 pages, if you print it independently, it's not that large. 

What about pagination within the sections?  For example, page 1 of section 1 would be 1.1.  Page 10 of Section 5 would be 5.10.  If the sections are paginated separately, you can change one section (and its pagination) without it affecting the remainder of the manual.

I like pagination because it's the surest way to know you've got everything and that you've got everything in the intended order.

Edit: Come to think of it, the subsections are already broken down along that pattern, just not as part of the pagination.

Jason Petho -> RE: Modern Wars: Volume I: Additional Information Question (6/19/2009 5:57:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: 1925frank

I'm not so sure about doing away with pagination altogether.

If the manual is broken down into sections (which it is), I don't recall any one section being that long -- maybe 5 to 6 pages.  Even if a section is 12 pages, if you print it independently, it's not that large. 

What about pagination within the sections?  For example, page 1 of section 1 would be 1.1.  Page 10 of Section 5 would be 5.10.  If the sections are paginated separately, you can change one section (and its pagination) without it affecting the remainder of the manual.

I like pagination because it's the surest way to know you've got everything and that you've got everything in the intended order.

The sections are already broken down into sub sections, for example;

Section 5.0 Combat (1 page)

Section 5.24 Terrain Types (covers 10 pages)

So maybe a 5.24-1 to 5.24-10 or something? In case there are further subsections of 5.24?

Jason Petho

MrRoadrunner -> RE: Modern Wars: Volume I: Additional Information Question (6/19/2009 9:49:21 PM)

I think we are on to something here? [X(]

Maybe something similar can be done with scenarios?
Only new or revised ones would be included in patches and upgrades.
It would surely keep the size of the downloads smaller? [8|]

Anyone who downloads the game (like for the first time) will have everything up to date. While the upgrade/update will be a much smaller file, of course?


Jason Petho -> RE: Modern Wars: Volume I: Additional Information Question (6/19/2009 10:55:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: MrRoadrunner

Anyone who downloads the game (like for the first time) will have everything up to date. While the upgrade/update will be a much smaller file, of course?

True, generally.

The catch comes with multiple updates and multiple download dates. The updates will still have to be cumulative to ensure someone who downloaded the 1.00 version can be compatible with someone who bought at the 1.02 version, and all playing at the 1.04 version.

Jason Petho

Geomitrak -> RE: Modern Wars: Volume I: Additional Information Question (6/20/2009 2:14:53 AM)

Yep, sections would work just as well as pages, as far as updating is concerned. Just as long as a record is kept of the latest versions. I know who can do that...Jason can ! He has way too much free time as it is! [;)] [:D]



Jason Petho -> RE: Modern Wars: Volume I: Additional Information Question (6/20/2009 2:17:17 AM)


ORIGINAL: Geomitrak

Yep, sections would work just as well as pages, as far as updating is concerned. Just as long as a record is kept of the latest versions. I know who can do that...Jason can ! He has way too much free time as it is! [;)] [:D]




Pure evil.

Jason Petho

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