RE: How much did it cost? (Full Version)

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mikemike -> RE: How much did it cost? (6/22/2009 9:15:22 PM)

Hollywood just made movies after the same tried-and-tested formula as all the old pirate movies, like "Captain Blood", "The Sea Hawks" or "HMS Defiant", that is a movie loosely based on historic events but without any attempt on historic accuracy, just a good yarn to generate good entertainment. The trouble with The Movie That Shall Not Be Named or for instance, "U571" is that too many people know perfectly well what really happened and are annoyed about the inaccuracies. A century or so down the line, this will likely be different, and those kind of movies will be regarded as fine war adventure movies, with spectacular special effects (for the time). I also don't think people will then become excited about seeing Spruance DDs in 1941 Pearl Harbor (well - they were from about the same period, and anyway they were still using fossil fuels and powder-and-shell guns, so what's the difference?). I shudder to think what a contemporary of the Monmouth Rebellion would have to say about "Captain Blood". (There's just now a short Errol Flynn retrospective on one of the German TV channels; I think tonight it's the General Custer movie).

Hornblower -> RE: How much did it cost? (6/23/2009 1:43:42 AM)

OMG, can you immagine it...  20-30 years from now that movie we can't mention is considered fact?  and that Tora Tora Tora fads away...  Holy crap i need to talk to may kids now... 

Flying Tiger -> RE: How much did it cost? (6/23/2009 4:45:57 AM)



The Hollywood movie industry possibly operates in the same way that the New Zealand television industry has operated. About two years ago the programming on most channels in the evening was horrible, mainly consisting reality shows from Aussie and teenage situation programs from the States. As was to be expected these channels faced a fall in their ratings, and looked in to the reasons for the decline in viewers.

It was found that the programming was being influenced by the advertisers, and that the advertisers were targeting the group with the highest disposable income. The group with the highest disposable income was the eighteen to twenty-five year old age group, but the problem was that most of this age group doesn’t much watch television anyway. So the finding was that the television industry was programming for a demographic that wasn’t watching their channels much anyway. [:D]

last time i watched TV in kiwi land they were showing sheep dog trials on TV. Now i'm not quite sure WHICH demographic that is targetting, but i'm guessing it is not a demographic with a whole lot of income of ANY kind! Rivetting viewing that.

stuman -> RE: How much did it cost? (6/23/2009 5:14:10 AM)



The Hollywood movie industry possibly operates in the same way that the New Zealand television industry has operated. About two years ago the programming on most channels in the evening was horrible, mainly consisting reality shows from Aussie and teenage situation programs from the States. As was to be expected these channels faced a fall in their ratings, and looked in to the reasons for the decline in viewers.

It was found that the programming was being influenced by the advertisers, and that the advertisers were targeting the group with the highest disposable income. The group with the highest disposable income was the eighteen to twenty-five year old age group, but the problem was that most of this age group doesn’t much watch television anyway. So the finding was that the television industry was programming for a demographic that wasn’t watching their channels much anyway. [:D]

That is both funny, and sad.

DivePac88 -> RE: How much did it cost? (6/23/2009 10:04:10 AM)


ORIGINAL: Flying Tiger

last time i watched TV in kiwi land they were showing sheep dog trials on TV. Now i'm not quite sure WHICH demographic that is targetting, but i'm guessing it is not a demographic with a whole lot of income of ANY kind! Rivetting viewing that.

You must have been here quite a while ago, as a lot of these really cool programs have been off the air for years. There was of course the live dog trailing show that was very popular, and then there was the speed milking competition. Also very popular was the top plowman show, but by far the most popular was the sheep handling competition, called ‘Blind Date’. [;)]

Flying Tiger -> RE: How much did it cost? (6/23/2009 10:13:46 AM)


You must have been here quite a while ago, as a lot of these really cool programs have been off the air for years. There was of course the live dog trailing show that was very popular, and then there was the speed milking competition. Also very popular was the top plowman show, but by far the most popular was the sheep handling competition, called ‘Blind Date’. [;)]  

Hey, now you're scaring me!!

Nikademus -> RE: How much did it cost? (6/23/2009 2:42:17 PM)

wow, whats with the negative waves? [:)]

Kwik E Mart -> RE: How much did it cost? (6/23/2009 5:15:41 PM)



And apparently the USAAF never heard of the idea of actually training bomber crews, using fighter pilots instead....

Man, why is it the ETO in WWII gets waaaay better movies?

you didn't like "1941"? classic...

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