mikemike -> RE: How much did it cost? (6/22/2009 9:15:22 PM)
Hollywood just made movies after the same tried-and-tested formula as all the old pirate movies, like "Captain Blood", "The Sea Hawks" or "HMS Defiant", that is a movie loosely based on historic events but without any attempt on historic accuracy, just a good yarn to generate good entertainment. The trouble with The Movie That Shall Not Be Named or for instance, "U571" is that too many people know perfectly well what really happened and are annoyed about the inaccuracies. A century or so down the line, this will likely be different, and those kind of movies will be regarded as fine war adventure movies, with spectacular special effects (for the time). I also don't think people will then become excited about seeing Spruance DDs in 1941 Pearl Harbor (well - they were from about the same period, and anyway they were still using fossil fuels and powder-and-shell guns, so what's the difference?). I shudder to think what a contemporary of the Monmouth Rebellion would have to say about "Captain Blood". (There's just now a short Errol Flynn retrospective on one of the German TV channels; I think tonight it's the General Custer movie).