Enquiring Minds Want to Know : Matrix, are the bean counters happy yet? (Full Version)

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dgaad -> Enquiring Minds Want to Know : Matrix, are the bean counters happy yet? (5/29/2002 11:23:34 PM)

Have you sold enough UV to guarantee the production of WitP ?

dgaad -> (5/29/2002 11:25:31 PM)

Sorry for the double thread. Its not my fault I swear to GOD.

Admin delete the misspelled one.

IChristie -> (5/29/2002 11:33:52 PM)

Must have been your TF commander reacting to someone else's thread...

:D :D :D

dgaad -> (5/29/2002 11:37:04 PM)

Once again, we need a setting to prevent people from doing really dumb things. I'll make first use of it.

David Heath -> (5/30/2002 12:27:07 AM)

Sales are good but we are a good way off our needed goal.


dgaad -> (5/30/2002 12:50:48 AM)

Do you have a redirect sales mechanism?

Beckles -> (5/30/2002 2:54:09 AM)

Personally, I only "stumbled" across Uncommon Valor about a month before its release ... I don't even remember how I "stumbled" across it, but may not have known about it otherwise because I've given up on Computer Wargaming in general as of late (Not that there aren't some good games, but in general I'm not interested in WW II land combat, which is what everything has been lately it seems ... the last game that held my interest was The Operational Art of War series). Anyway, realizing that we need to help Matrix and 2by3 to assure there are future games, I did actually just yesterday send an email to two people I know that would likely be interested in this game to make sure they knew about it too ... I'd certainly encourage everyone else to do the same if you know of someone who might have an interest in buying the game.

On a more general note David, although the news is not what we'd like to hear, I hope you'll continue to share such information with us so that we can pitch in even more if and when necessary (although many may not be able to afford such a gesture, I'd be willing to go as far to purchase a second copy of the game that I'd just keep as a backup or maybe give to someone who might not otherwise buy it ...).

Jason629 -> (5/30/2002 2:57:35 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Beckles
[B]Personally, I only "stumbled" across Uncommon Valor about a month before its release ... I don't even remember how I "stumbled" across it, but may not have known about it otherwise because I've given up on Computer Wargaming in general as of late (Not that there aren't some good games, but in general I'm not interested in WW II land combat, which is what everything has been lately it seems ... the last game that held my interest was The Operational Art of War series). Anyway, realizing that we need to help Matrix and 2by3 to assure there are future games, I did actually just yesterday send an email to two people I know that would likely be interested in this game to make sure they knew about it too ... I'd certainly encourage everyone else to do the same if you know of someone who might have an interest in buying the game.

On a more general note David, although the news is not what we'd like to hear, I hope you'll continue to share such information with us so that we can pitch in even more if and when necessary (although many may not be able to afford such a gesture, I'd be willing to go as far to purchase a second copy of the game that I'd just keep as a backup or maybe give to someone who might not otherwise buy it ...). [/B][/QUOTE]

Look it that! Two UV players in Charlotte now....the games noteriety is growing exponentially! :D

IChristie -> (5/30/2002 3:05:26 AM)

Which is not to say that work is not continuing on WITP.

WITP is still very much alive and well and living on my hard drive, at least :p

Erik Rutins -> Indeed.. (5/30/2002 3:13:45 AM)

Nothing is on hold here at all. In fact, things are more frantic than ever. :)

I think we all at Matrix appreciate the sentiment expressed by Beckles. If you are happy with UV and know wargamers that may not be aware of it, drop them an e-mail sending them to the UV page and forum. The "grapevine" can work wonders and we depend on word of mouth as much as anything else.

If UV meets its sales goals we and 2 by 3 will be in a much better position to do what we'd all love to do, make great wargames! Assuming we are able to do that, a whole host of good things will come down the pipeline for wargamers around the world.


- Erik

Crocky -> (5/30/2002 5:03:23 AM)

Thats the idea if you belong to clubs or ladders put a note on the board about UV.....I belong to Band of Brothers where we play CM and have been regular keeping a threat updated there at last count I think we had about 14 of the brothers buying UV and loving it :)

Adam Parker -> (5/30/2002 5:36:20 AM)

FYI David - an email from my local distributor (Vortigern) citing the game's "box" blurb brought my attention to it's pending release. Of course, I thought it meant - available March - doh!

Til then I remembered some posts at CGO last year but gave it no further thought. So good PR there.

Caltone -> (5/30/2002 8:15:45 AM)

[QUOTE]Look it that! Two UV players in Charlotte now....the games noteriety is growing exponentially![/QUOTE]

Actually there's at least three of us now :D

Hartmann -> (5/30/2002 10:17:33 AM)

I spread the word, too. Hope it helps, even if only a little bit. :)


Jason629 -> (5/30/2002 11:34:16 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Caltone

Actually there's at least three of us now :D [/B][/QUOTE]

My apologies Caltone! The "Hornets Nest" of UV gaming in Charlotte continues to grow! :D

MIDNIGHT -> (5/30/2002 12:22:48 PM)

Just adding to Beckles great idea. l for one would gladly pre-order and pay for WITP now, if that would help any. In a way we are a band of brothers, and a dying breed by all accounts, to survive we all must do our bit. Long live Matrix, 2 BY 3 and wargaming.;)

Arith -> crocky (5/30/2002 12:23:38 PM)

Crocky is the reason i bought this game, i saw his post about U.V on the Band of Brothers Combat Mission forums and checked it out and now my copy is in a UPS truck somewhere between California and Illinois. :)

jhdeerslayer -> (5/30/2002 8:42:57 PM)

Crocky is also the reason I have a new game to be obsessed about from the BofB CM site. He deserves a Matrix "at a boy"!

Erik Rutins -> Well done! (5/30/2002 9:58:13 PM)


ATABOY! :D See folks, the grapevine works. Keep up the great work. :)


- Erik

MadMike -> (5/30/2002 10:27:04 PM)

Another Crocky recruit here, his posting of AAR's and comments from the beta test, and answering questions about scale etc. over at the BoB forum brought me here...keep up the good work!

Mark Ezra -> (5/30/2002 10:54:52 PM)

More CM people! My PBEM pals actually purchased the game before me. I had introduced them to SPWAW a while back and they got the UV word along the way.

mbatch729 -> Charlotte (5/31/2002 12:17:55 AM)

Well, four if you'll count Mt. Holly.

kaleun -> WITP (5/31/2002 12:27:03 AM)

I am playing right now three PBEM 12 o'clock high games.
I found out about this game at the 12 o'clock high forum. I really really want to play war in the pacific, since my wife would probably leave me if I started yet another long and comlex e-mail game, but I did buy UV to support the Matrix team.
"Unfortunately" UV is now interfering with my PBEM games.
When will War in the pacific come out? Just so I can build a doghouse to move to (With broadband connection)

WarBuddy -> (5/31/2002 12:35:41 AM)

I too have been telling my CM PBEM buddies and spreading the word.
You see, even tho I really enjoy land combat, my first love has alway's been naval comat and the pacific side of things. Ever since I was a kid reading books from Samuel Eliot Morison, and to trying teach my friends to play Avalon Hill's Flattop with me. ( I could hardly ever find anyone who would play that with me, Grrrrrrrr....! )

Anyway, I'll gladly support those with the desire and know how to develop games from the pacific side of things. Hats off to you guy's. :)

Jason629 -> Re: Charlotte (5/31/2002 12:57:08 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by mbatch729
[B]Well, four if you'll count Mt. Holly. [/B][/QUOTE]

Mount Holly definitely counts! Welcome aboard! The Charlotte "gaming hub" continues to grow.

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