herwin -> RE: How to check identity of pwhex.dat in RHS? (7/1/2009 7:33:19 AM)
ORIGINAL: AlexCobra Hi Trying to start PBEM RHS game, scenario RHSCVO and want to be sure pwhex.dat is correct for this scenario. I downloaded pwhex pack from http://www.rhs.akdreemer.com/RHS%20Scenarios/PWHEX.dat%20file and selected file named "pwhex.dat" from archive. But in first historical turn kates in PH fly with bombs only and on the map the range is good for torps. Is this ok in RHS or not? Thanks in advance, Alex. el cid's comments: The original RHS system was to use just one RHS pwhex file. IF you want to do it that way - use the pwhex.dat file here. The second RHS system was to have several files - which you rename when you want to use them. These are also here. IF you want to use a different file - just cut out everything in its name except pwhex.dat - and copy it to the top level folder. IF you LATER want to change back to the original file - simply rename STANDARDpwhex7.dat - and you will be back. There are two "families" of RHS pwhex files. The first ones apply until 17 October 1943 - and the later set applies after that date. That is the date the Burma-Siam opened. Four different rail lines all upgrade or appear in these files on that date (which is close to the right date for all of them). What happens is this: 1) The Burma Siam RR changes from trail to road = secondary rail line in Andrew Brown's scheme of pwhex 2) The Bengal and Assam RR changes from road to railroad. This feeds the area from India's main rail net to the Imphal and Ledo areas. This was a major and important US Army Railroad Service project. 3) The Whitehorse and Yukon RR changes from road to railroad. This is not important - but it was a US Army RR project. 4) The road on New Caledonia changes to railroad. This is another US Army project. The basic file is changed by renaming RAILROAD17OCT43pwhex7.dat - the date is in the file name so you know when to do it. But we give you other options in both families. A) The Panama Canal can be taken out - and the Panama RR is reduced to trail status at the same time - IF there is greater than 90 per cent port damage at Panama City. To do that - rename PANAMApwhex7.dat if before 17October43 - or LATEPANAMApwhex7.dat if after that date When the port damage at Panama City is reduced to less than 10 per cent - rename the pwhex file back to fix the canal and rail line: STANDARDpwhex7.dat if early and RAILROAD17OCT43pwhex.dat if late. B) The Kyushu-Honshu RR Tunnel can be taken out on a similar basis - if the Kagoshima hex suffers similar port damage to that described above. To do this you rename KYUSHUpwhex7.dat by removing all the name except pwhex.dat - if early; or LATEKYUSHUpwhex7.dat - if late. When / if the damage is repaired, rename with STANDARDpwhex7.dat if early or RAILROAD17OCT43pwhex.dat if late. C) If you wish to play with open interior river systems (this means players must be careful not to send large ships into shallow rivers) - you can rename RIVERpwhex7.dat . Originally this option was meant to be used only for a day or two so small vessels could leave an interior river system - and not be "trapped" in it - or vice versa. For the purpose of this - "small" ships include: 1) All river craft (a vessel with R in its name or an abbreviation beside its name - as in RGB) - regardless of type designation (a CL means it has 6 inch guns and armor; a CA means it has 8 inch guns and armor) 2) All landing craft 3) All junks, dhous, or vessels with "river" in their name (river tanker, river transport) 4) Any transport or tanker with a capacity of 500 tons or less 5) Any destroyer type vessel (although it occurs to me that a true DL should be exepted from this - if you can identify them from a DL in the name)