ChezDaJez -> RE: freq dist USN sub losses to cause (7/3/2009 7:59:21 PM)
Oh, and I've probably damaged at least as many, if not twice as many, of his freighters and tankers as I've sunk. I have also sunk one CA, and my subs have torpedoed one CV and one BB, though a single torpedo into each was not enough damage in my book! Early in the war, his subs were running rampant all over my shipping lanes, but once I had enough destroyers to set up a few ASW TFs, the tide turned on the I-boats. I was extremely aggressive at chasing down sub sightings, and I don't think that he was paying attention to those sightings the way he should have (leaving the subs in the same hex so that a turn or two later they were found by the ASW TF). His analysis is correct. I did not move my subs as often as I should have and paid the price. Most of my long range boats are on the bottom now. His shipping lanes are safe. The Japanese are beginning to get improved PCs and they can be death to a US sub that lingers long enough to be found. I have probably damaged or sunk more subs in the last 6 months than in the entire period prior. Chez We have both had many shots at captial ships though most have missed IIRC. He did sink the CA Maya with an S-boat in the first week of the war. I've had several shots at RN BBs and missed everytime but I can take out escorts! Unfortunately, IJN subs appear to be a one-shot affair. They take a shot at an escorted force... they get counter-attacked... patrol over.