RE: Survey Question - How do you organize/administer/document your war effort? (Full Version)

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mussey -> RE: Survey Question - How do you organize/administer/document your war effort? (7/21/2009 8:53:17 PM)




ORIGINAL: mussey



I have developed several (15, I think) spreadsheets that I use to keep track of things that are also available in Tracker and in the game reports. I do this because that's the way I become aware of things best -- just about the only time I've gone back to review is to the results of previous ground combat (specifically, what was my opponent's strength at the time).

Beyond that, I keep a notebook with a list of all the things to do each turn. This isn't a routine checklist, but rather a list of things I want to do each specific turn. If I don't make a note of something I want to check while I'm reviewing the combat results, I'll forget about it later. This also gives me a list to go back to later to remind myself of what I actually did.

Since my PBEM game is less than one turn per day (a major reason my opponent and I are playing against each other; we both have busy and variable schedules), I do write down outline plans for my major operations, so I won't forget over time what it is I'm planning to do. Doesn't mean I remember to go back and read it, though!

The one thing I don't do, but need to get in the habit of, is recording what my task forces are doing and why. While it's obvious for some of them, it's more nebulous in other cases. For example, I might have a division in Port B that needs to be moved to Port C, but I have no transports in Port B. I form up the TF in the nearest possible location, Port A, and send it off to Port B. But by the time it gets there I'm likely to have forgotten my original plan. This is especially a problem when I'm doing something similar in two different places at the same time (e.g., preparing invasions of Luzon and Mindanao simultaneousy).

Of course, in the end you have to do what benefits you the most. Just as different people learn differently, so do different people remember differently. Whatever you do, I can guarantee you'll end up tweaking it a lot over time (like my spreadsheets, which will need considerable revision for AE, to accommodate additional information that is being presented).

Capt. Dave, if I may be so bold - what are the spreadsheets that you have used? May be something I want to try as well. [;)] As for the TF's, that occurs frequently with me - not easy to document every one - JeffK mentioned the new feature of naming the TF's which will be a huge help.[&o]

Here's a list of my spreadsheets, by title: I think they're self-explanatory. If you'd like to know the exact information on each one, let me know and I'll PM you the list; it'll be a little lengthy and maybe not of interest to the vast majority here. I'm also happy to share the spreadsheets, but that might as well wait until I get AE and see what changes need to be made.

Air Combat Report
Amphibious Landing Report
ASW Attack Report
Base Upgrade Status Report
Daily Intelligence Report
Damage Status Report - Bases
Damage Status Report - Ships
Ground Combat Report
HQ Summary Report
Naval Bombardment Report
Sightings Report
Signals Intelligence Report - Attack Plans
Signals Intelligence Report - Troops and Units
Signals Intelligence Report - Units Embarked
Sinking Report
Submarine Attack Report
Submarine Disposition Report
Surface Combat Report

FWIW, I find that filling out these reports by hand makes each turn take about 45 minutes to an hour before I get to the issue orders stage (very occasionally even longer, normally because every air unit on the map actually gets to fly its mission). I've retired the HQ Summary Report for my own use, but it might be beneficial again under AE; this remains to be seen.

My goodness.....(be carefull what I ask for!!!! [X(]). Of these, which ones provide the most help (or if one was to pick the best 4 or 5, which ones?). I seem to lack a good Intell report, so I like these.

Barb -> RE: Survey Question - How do you organize/administer/document your war effort? (7/21/2009 10:05:49 PM)

I was doing some template files for myself to keep things organized.
So here is what I got:
Strategy Directive - docfile for HIGH LEVEL PLANNING (like what I would like to do in terms of whole map or POA/SWPAC/SEAC/China theathre area)
Operational Directive - docfile for lower level planning - i.e. campaign or operation planning with many details.
Theathre template - xlsfile for each theathre with their own command structure, airforce, navy and ground units.
Magic - xlsfile with your sigint highly organized for unit types like HQs, ARM, ART, AAA, INF Divs, INF Bdes, INF Small, ENG construction, ENG combat, IJA BF, IJN BF, CDs, ....
magic_old_game - txtfile I used in my last games - absolutely easy to put informations, bit harder to extract them

Barb -> RE: Survey Question - How do you organize/administer/document your war effort? (7/21/2009 10:06:55 PM)

>here was second file for download<

EDIT1: Didnt worked as it was supposed to. Herwin may get them on a RHS backup site (tomorrow) and provide a link

EDIT2: If you would like to have them earlier, send a PM or e-mail me on thunderbolt(at)centrum(dot)sk.
I could be lurking here until 00:30 Central European Time

EDIT3: Once I will have AE in my hands I will try to customize the files more to AE. I'll let you know then.

CaptDave -> RE: Survey Question - How do you organize/administer/document your war effort? (7/21/2009 10:38:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: mussey




ORIGINAL: mussey



I have developed several (15, I think) spreadsheets that I use to keep track of things that are also available in Tracker and in the game reports. I do this because that's the way I become aware of things best -- just about the only time I've gone back to review is to the results of previous ground combat (specifically, what was my opponent's strength at the time).

Beyond that, I keep a notebook with a list of all the things to do each turn. This isn't a routine checklist, but rather a list of things I want to do each specific turn. If I don't make a note of something I want to check while I'm reviewing the combat results, I'll forget about it later. This also gives me a list to go back to later to remind myself of what I actually did.

Since my PBEM game is less than one turn per day (a major reason my opponent and I are playing against each other; we both have busy and variable schedules), I do write down outline plans for my major operations, so I won't forget over time what it is I'm planning to do. Doesn't mean I remember to go back and read it, though!

The one thing I don't do, but need to get in the habit of, is recording what my task forces are doing and why. While it's obvious for some of them, it's more nebulous in other cases. For example, I might have a division in Port B that needs to be moved to Port C, but I have no transports in Port B. I form up the TF in the nearest possible location, Port A, and send it off to Port B. But by the time it gets there I'm likely to have forgotten my original plan. This is especially a problem when I'm doing something similar in two different places at the same time (e.g., preparing invasions of Luzon and Mindanao simultaneousy).

Of course, in the end you have to do what benefits you the most. Just as different people learn differently, so do different people remember differently. Whatever you do, I can guarantee you'll end up tweaking it a lot over time (like my spreadsheets, which will need considerable revision for AE, to accommodate additional information that is being presented).

Capt. Dave, if I may be so bold - what are the spreadsheets that you have used? May be something I want to try as well. [;)] As for the TF's, that occurs frequently with me - not easy to document every one - JeffK mentioned the new feature of naming the TF's which will be a huge help.[&o]

Here's a list of my spreadsheets, by title: I think they're self-explanatory. If you'd like to know the exact information on each one, let me know and I'll PM you the list; it'll be a little lengthy and maybe not of interest to the vast majority here. I'm also happy to share the spreadsheets, but that might as well wait until I get AE and see what changes need to be made.

Air Combat Report
Amphibious Landing Report
ASW Attack Report
Base Upgrade Status Report
Daily Intelligence Report
Damage Status Report - Bases
Damage Status Report - Ships
Ground Combat Report
HQ Summary Report
Naval Bombardment Report
Sightings Report
Signals Intelligence Report - Attack Plans
Signals Intelligence Report - Troops and Units
Signals Intelligence Report - Units Embarked
Sinking Report
Submarine Attack Report
Submarine Disposition Report
Surface Combat Report

FWIW, I find that filling out these reports by hand makes each turn take about 45 minutes to an hour before I get to the issue orders stage (very occasionally even longer, normally because every air unit on the map actually gets to fly its mission). I've retired the HQ Summary Report for my own use, but it might be beneficial again under AE; this remains to be seen.

My goodness.....(be carefull what I ask for!!!! [X(]). Of these, which ones provide the most help (or if one was to pick the best 4 or 5, which ones?). I seem to lack a good Intell report, so I like these.

Which ones work best? Well, it all depends on what your intended use is. If you're playing Japan, the Signals Intelligence reports are completely useless -- you never get anything except "radio transmissions detected" and you can figure that out from the map. In my case, I use these all because by writing things down as they happen they stay in my brain better.

I like my Damage Reports because I can see trends -- how fast are bases getting repaired, are ships repairing or getting worse, and so on. Similarly, the Base Expansion report lets me see if a base is stagnating in its expansion. The Ground Combat report lets me go back to see what the troop levels were when we last fought four turns earlier, and the Air Combat report is of similar assistance. And I like the Submarine Disposition report so I can avoid sending multiple submarines to the same hex (once they're on station, it's easy to see where they are, but when they're en route it's a much bigger pain).

The other use I've found for the reports is to help answer questions that may come up about when something happened. This is less for my own use as it is for discussions with my PBEM opponent.

Yamato hugger -> RE: Survey Question - How do you organize/administer/document your war effort? (7/21/2009 10:44:05 PM)

Personally, I will use a post it once in a blue moon if there is something in particular I want to be sure to remember to do or if Im tracking a possible bug and want to remember a units strength, which isnt often. The rest of the time I just play the game and try to have fun with it. Guess I am in the minority on that but Ive never seen a need for "tracker", spreadsheets, or any other externals.

TalonCG2 -> RE: Survey Question - How do you organize/administer/document your war effort? (7/22/2009 12:11:04 AM)

Good grief! [X(]
Talk about over complicating things. Some of you guys... Are you serious? I bet some of you could make diamonds all on your own [:'(] [8|]

All I ever find myself making notes about are how many tons of shipping I need to transport X and Y units. So I know how many and what type of ship to put in the transport TF when I form it. Only other thing I jot down is during turn resolution if a sub takes a hit I write down the name to check it and see how bad the damage is.

Two questions...
1) You can name your TFs in AE? I missed that in the manual!
2) A little help with some of the alphabet soup I see getting thrown around. What is an LCU, and what is KB please?
   Nothing in the AE manual glossary on either one of those gems.

AttuWatcher -> RE: Survey Question - How do you organize/administer/document your war effort? (7/22/2009 1:42:25 AM)

I'm going to try with just a notepad at first and see how things go. That and the manual anyway, until I've learned the basics.

Wirraway_Ace -> RE: Survey Question - How do you organize/administer/document your war effort? (7/22/2009 2:05:52 AM)


Two questions...

2) A little help with some of the alphabet soup I see getting thrown around. What is an LCU, and what is KB please?
   Nothing in the AE manual glossary on either one of those gems.

Land Combat Unit and Kido Butai (translates to approximately 'mobile strike force', which is the name the IJN gave its massed carrier task force)

Yamato hugger -> RE: Survey Question - How do you organize/administer/document your war effort? (7/22/2009 6:12:13 AM)



Good grief! [X(]
Talk about over complicating things. Some of you guys... Are you serious? I bet some of you could make diamonds all on your own [:'(] [8|]

All I ever find myself making notes about are how many tons of shipping I need to transport X and Y units. So I know how many and what type of ship to put in the transport TF when I form it. Only other thing I jot down is during turn resolution if a sub takes a hit I write down the name to check it and see how bad the damage is.

Two questions...
1) You can name your TFs in AE? I missed that in the manual!
2) A little help with some of the alphabet soup I see getting thrown around. What is an LCU, and what is KB please?
   Nothing in the AE manual glossary on either one of those gems.

In AE you have 25 or so characters you can put in as a note on your TFs (anything you want). Its one of many really nice features about AE that I would love to see ported to WitP but doing this would change the WitP database and force restarts of current games.

n01487477 -> RE: Survey Question - How do you organize/administer/document your war effort? (7/22/2009 6:28:49 AM)


In AE you have 25 or so characters you can put in as a note on your TFs (anything you want). Its one of many really nice features about AE that I would love to see ported to WitP but doing this would change the WitP database and force restarts of current games.

Well WitpTracker allows you to do this regarding WITP "classic" in the Label and notes section of the TF screen ... not as good as AE I'll warrant, but ... [;)]


but who am I to steal the limelight [:D]

Flying Tiger -> RE: Survey Question - How do you organize/administer/document your war effort? (7/22/2009 8:01:33 AM)

Yikes!! I play WitP for FUN - you guys sound like you made a career out of it. Excel? notebooks? sounds like work to me!!

what do i do....

start in top left of map and slowly move down, checking every unit/ship/plane in every base every turn. I'm nearly finished December 1941 in my first game. I started in 2005. FUN!!

herwin -> RE: Survey Question - How do you organize/administer/document your war effort? (7/22/2009 8:33:25 AM)



>here was second file for download<

EDIT1: Didnt worked as it was supposed to. Herwin may get them on a RHS backup site (tomorrow) and provide a link

EDIT2: If you would like to have them earlier, send a PM or e-mail me on thunderbolt(at)centrum(dot)sk.
I could be lurking here until 00:30 Central European Time

EDIT3: Once I will have AE in my hands I will try to customize the files more to AE. I'll let you know then.

I've uploaded the file to my WiTP backup site.

Yamato hugger -> RE: Survey Question - How do you organize/administer/document your war effort? (7/22/2009 9:56:52 AM)


ORIGINAL: n01487477


In AE you have 25 or so characters you can put in as a note on your TFs (anything you want). Its one of many really nice features about AE that I would love to see ported to WitP but doing this would change the WitP database and force restarts of current games.

Well WitpTracker allows you to do this regarding WITP "classic" in the Label and notes section of the TF screen ... not as good as AE I'll warrant, but ... [;)]


but who am I to steal the limelight [:D]

There isnt one thing on this that makes it any different than clicking on the TF itself. Dont have a clue why you consider this to be a plus. The ONLY thing I have seen about tracker that I consider a plus is the leader display, (which you do not need in AE btw since its built into the game and another thing I would like to see retrofitted to WitP) and I havent found it to be useful enough in WitP to actually bother to use it.

Dili -> RE: Survey Question - How do you organize/administer/document your war effort? (7/22/2009 11:06:40 AM)

I only made a spreadsheet w/main ship/air squadrons /army divisions by Theatre Commands or if too big(in Geographic sense) Army Command, to know what i have where. If i had a big operation i might write in a paper the force structure and put some thinking which btw is what like more to do, the top is when a tricky plan works.

denisonh -> RE: Survey Question - How do you organize/administer/document your war effort? (7/22/2009 3:16:32 PM)

I actually write a full "5 paragraph" operations order then track the progress on a laminated map (~3' x 4').

As the situatition changes significantly, will write fragmentary orders that update the original opord.

22 years as an Army officer, can't execute start operation without an OPORD or execute without FRAGOs.....

CaptDave -> RE: Survey Question - How do you organize/administer/document your war effort? (7/22/2009 3:37:30 PM)

I think what's clear from this whole discussion is that everyone does things differently, which makes sense since everyone's brain works differently.  Some people can track things in their heads, some can't.  Some people can play six turns a day, others are lucky to get in one turn a week.  In the end, you need to do what's best for you.  The original poster simply asked for ideas, and plenty have been presented -- keep 'em coming!  But, while they're mild as far as the forums go overall, I for one am getting a little tired of the jabs at other people's preferences.  Just because something isn't the way you do it doesn't mean it's wrong or bad, it's just different.

n01487477 -> RE: Survey Question - How do you organize/administer/document your war effort? (7/22/2009 3:49:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: Yamato hugger


ORIGINAL: n01487477


In AE you have 25 or so characters you can put in as a note on your TFs (anything you want). Its one of many really nice features about AE that I would love to see ported to WitP but doing this would change the WitP database and force restarts of current games.

Well WitpTracker allows you to do this regarding WITP "classic" in the Label and notes section of the TF screen ... not as good as AE I'll warrant, but ... [;)]


but who am I to steal the limelight [:D]

There isnt one thing on this that makes it any different than clicking on the TF itself. Dont have a clue why you consider this to be a plus. The ONLY thing I have seen about tracker that I consider a plus is the leader display, (which you do not need in AE btw since its built into the game and another thing I would like to see retrofitted to WitP) and I havent found it to be useful enough in WitP to actually bother to use it.

I was pointing out the labels and notes - that's all ... you can do that in WITP "classic"? "NO" and now it's a function in AE - ironic huh?

Each to his own, you do your thing, I'll do mine

Shark7 -> RE: Survey Question - How do you organize/administer/document your war effort? (7/22/2009 3:54:13 PM)

The old fashioned way...pen and paper. I have a little 4" x 6" notebook that I keep notes in.

mussey -> RE: Survey Question - How do you organize/administer/document your war effort? (7/22/2009 4:25:33 PM)



I think what's clear from this whole discussion is that everyone does things differently, which makes sense since everyone's brain works differently.  Some people can track things in their heads, some can't.  Some people can play six turns a day, others are lucky to get in one turn a week.  In the end, you need to do what's best for you.  The original poster simply asked for ideas, and plenty have been presented -- keep 'em coming!  But, while they're mild as far as the forums go overall, I for one am getting a little tired of the jabs at other people's preferences.  Just because something isn't the way you do it doesn't mean it's wrong or bad, it's just different.

Quite right - let's be nice folks. Overall, it is facinating to see the great variety of organization used in this game! I'm sure we can all barrow a thing or two from each other. At times I got sloppy with my planning in WITP, and would forget what I was convoying to where - and most importantly the reason why! Couple of times I sent several allied base forces to the same base when I should have sent one of them to another. Other times I got my supply convoys wrong. This new AE (I think) will award those who can spend at least some time on proper planning. After I get the hang of it, I'll probably take some shortcuts.

When we get our hands on AE, I'm sure some previous worksheets etc. by others will change a bit to reflect the new realities. Let's keep in touch with updated docs.

mussey -> RE: Survey Question - How do you organize/administer/document your war effort? (7/22/2009 4:33:54 PM)



I was doing some template files for myself to keep things organized.
So here is what I got:
Strategy Directive - docfile for HIGH LEVEL PLANNING (like what I would like to do in terms of whole map or POA/SWPAC/SEAC/China theathre area)
Operational Directive - docfile for lower level planning - i.e. campaign or operation planning with many details.
Theathre template - xlsfile for each theathre with their own command structure, airforce, navy and ground units.
Magic - xlsfile with your sigint highly organized for unit types like HQs, ARM, ART, AAA, INF Divs, INF Bdes, INF Small, ENG construction, ENG combat, IJA BF, IJN BF, CDs, ....
magic_old_game - txtfile I used in my last games - absolutely easy to put informations, bit harder to extract them

Excellent! Barb, how do you accumulate Intell info - do you go thru each gameturn's Intell Report? Wouldn't it be great (in future patches) if the game would accumulate the intel reports and actually place supposed enemy units on the map!? I need an Intel Officer!

Barb -> RE: Survey Question - How do you organize/administer/document your war effort? (7/22/2009 6:32:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: mussey


I was doing some template files for myself to keep things organized.
So here is what I got:
Strategy Directive - docfile for HIGH LEVEL PLANNING (like what I would like to do in terms of whole map or POA/SWPAC/SEAC/China theathre area)
Operational Directive - docfile for lower level planning - i.e. campaign or operation planning with many details.
Theathre template - xlsfile for each theathre with their own command structure, airforce, navy and ground units.
Magic - xlsfile with your sigint highly organized for unit types like HQs, ARM, ART, AAA, INF Divs, INF Bdes, INF Small, ENG construction, ENG combat, IJA BF, IJN BF, CDs, ....
magic_old_game - txtfile I used in my last games - absolutely easy to put informations, bit harder to extract them

Excellent! Barb, how do you accumulate Intell info - do you go thru each gameturn's Intell Report? Wouldn't it be great (in future patches) if the game would accumulate the intel reports and actually place supposed enemy units on the map!? I need an Intel Officer!

Hi, take a look into magic_old_game.txt - just have file like this in your save folder. everytimes turn comes open the sigint and this file, copy a line and past (or replace) into magic_old_games. Also take a look into operations reports for sightings and recons. Easy as kiss my hand.
If you want somethink more sophistical you could take Magic.xls as base - filling it will be much more demanding but could also be much more easy to get informations from via filters.

Here is the link to my templates: TEMPLATES.RAR

NOTE: The theathre_template.xls is not really finished, I am waiting to get AE to make the final touches with rows and columns, colors, filters and that stuff. Worst thing in this template is while you have all the sheets involved in any theatre their command structure is absolutely different

bstarr -> RE: Survey Question - How do you organize/administer/document your war effort? (7/22/2009 9:31:31 PM)

I love to keep a notebook handy. Which may seem odd since I play against as Allies vs the AI. Hoewever, I must say that I use it more of an alternative history curiosity than for organization - example "Did I really lose three CLs in January 42?" or "I wonder which sub has scored the most kills?"

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