Joseignacio -> RE: Case White AAR (After action report) (7/29/2009 7:53:15 AM)
ORIGINAL: Froonp quote:
ORIGINAL: BallyJ quote:
ORIGINAL: Joseignacio True. Although that was not what I was objecting (the air combat factor), it enlightened me anyway. So, it seems that the statistics of the plane are modified in the bombing screen, that's why a plane with movement factor 5 appears like MF 2, which was what was driving me mad. I always thought that MF5 halfed to 2and a 1/2, which rounded up to 3.????? which is right when rounding ranges? The original range was 3, which halved to 1.5, rounded to 2. Joseignacio confused the starting A2A factor and the starting range. THe starting A2A factor was 5, which went down to 4 for being a bomber. quote:
ORIGINAL: Shannon V. OKeets Perhaps changing the number within the grey is a bad idea. I could just change the color of the range for fighter-bombers when they fly as bombers. The purpose behind all this is to let the defender know whether the fighter-bomber is a fighter or a bomber when he is deciding about interceptors. No, this is a good idea, please keep that as it is. A ftighter flying as a bomber have its range halved, both for the raid and for the fly back to base, so it is better if only the reduced range is shown. Better for all sides. The A2A confused me because I could not see previously in the area any 4 A2A factor, but could have been hidden in any stack, but what made me crazy was that that plane seemed to be a fighter-bomber with a (unmodified, i thought) range of 2, so it couldn't ever have arrived to the bombing target from the german lines, because the modified range would be 1. Anyway, I know that the range factor is rounded up for planes, but I was always told that in the case of bombings it was not. [X(] The modification is an excellent idea as far as the players read the (shortened?) manual or do the tutorial. If not, it will puzzle them, I guess.