dgaad -> (6/6/2002 6:22:35 AM)
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Paul Vebber [B]I thinnk the current rules reflect pretty well the capabilities. The max loadout of mines is part of the class definitions, only Minelayers had the training to do it, (and even a few of them got sunk in the process) so its not the sort of thing any ship should be able to just go do. For the purposes of this campaign teh theater commander had to work withthe mine facitlities he had, and was not really at liberty to rearrange them, as their scarcity was a "big navy" problem. The game assumes that subtenders make there rounds to assist subs with torps as needed (someting explicted included in WITP) there was a single US mine layer tender, and it will likely appear in WITP, with some more mining options (like Aerial mining). BUt believe it or not it was 1944 before a replacemetn to the WWI mk16 was available in significant numbers! For the scope of this campaign the new rules do a good job for balancing historical capability against what the player might like to do. [/B][/QUOTE] Well, Paul, while I would tend to agree with your arbitrary rule for the limited purposes of UV implementation, I would have to strongly disagree if this approach is going to be used for WitP as well. Eventually, if you are planning to give the player the flexibility the historical commanders (Nimitz, Yammamoto et al.) had, you are going to have to come up with a set of rules that reflect historical limitations, but which allow some degree of flexibility if the player is willing to commit the time, effort and resources to depart from the strictly historical basing and use. Why not develop the rule now, and implement it in UV, instead of having one arbitrary rule for UV and a more flexible "conditional" approach for WitP?