Ocean1 -> RE: No-go for me. (7/29/2009 4:34:07 AM)
Wow, harsh responses :) I am 47 year old and have been playing computer and strategic war games forever. I feel for the original poster and his issues. $100.00 isn't easy to come by for anyone, especially a 16 year old. I'll admit I haven't been a devotee of WiTP. I did purchase Uncommon Valor recently, after reading MANY posts and not being able to make a decision on whether or not to purchase WiTP. I have played UV and enjoyed it, but not really become a grognard for the game. I was looking foward to WiTP Admiral's Edition and some updated features. I looked today and actually had my credit card on my desk, then saw the price! wow.... It causes one to pause and I did put my card away. I won't be purchasing the game for now. I have read MANY of the posts and comments by the publishers on their marketing strategy and why they charge their prices. I believe it comes down to the fact that they know mostly wargame grognards or devotees will buy the games and they need to recoup their investment, so they charge more. I won't argue with some of that logic, but I would purchase the game now for $40 or maybe $50, but $80 or $90 will have to take some serious thought! I can't imagine being 16 again (wow, was I ever?) and spending that much on a game. I love a publisher who puts out good war games though. Matrix - Can I get the discount for having Uncommon Valor, Highway to the Reich and Airborne Assault? Please? Come on.. say yes.