HMSWarspite -> (6/10/2002 1:24:42 AM)
[QUOTE]Originally posted by bradfordkay [B]I understand that any fix might not be possible given the retraints of the game code. If that is the case, I will accept it, as I think that the game is excellent. The situation we are arguing is the game's biggest departure from the reailstic flavor we want from an operational game. We aren't asking for tactical control, just for this strange occurence to be handled. If it takes making bombardments and TF loading/unloading to use up operational points to correct the problem, then I'll be all for it. However, to say that my earlier proposal would be even more unrealistic is to ignore the abstraction that is occuring in the operational level of the game. "To give an example, swapping the daylight air and naval phases, to give LBA a chance to catch bombardments actually means that as dawn breaks, a full strike miraculously appears over the ships (in effect), with no searching delays, and no flight time (i.e. they took off in the dark, knowing where the target is!)." To use your reasoning, the game now spends the whole day searching for ships and then only strikes at dusk (hmmmm.... why aren't there more a/c operational losses from nighttime carrier landings? The answer is that the game abstracts the attacks and considers them as daylight attacks even though they hit the enemy at the end of his movement).[/B][/QUOTE] I do not agree. Most air attacks in the game are not particularly time critical, and effectively happen any time during the half day, but are abstracted to occur after naval movement. It does not mean they occur at dusk! All I was pointing out was that in the bombardment case, the true sequence is: - Bombarding force aims to cruise to get to sprint range to target, with a ToT of say midnight, by say 1 hour prior to dusk (although you can sprint in from further out than this, and lessen the window for spotting). For a 30 kts TF, that means 7hrs flat out from 5pm(to simplify the example - I know dusk isn't always at 6pm!). This places the TF at 210miles out at 5pm. Even if spotted here, too late for a strike before dark. (you're welcome to try a night raid in RL, but not effective usually) - The TF sprints in, and duly arrives at midnight. Say 1hr bombardment, leaves at 1am, sprints out. - At dawn (6am), is 150miles out, steaming hard. Say the base isn't knocked out, and gets a search plane off on the dot of 6am (5 hrs after 8" or 14" bricks were going bang in the neighbourhood, and no, I wouldn't take off in the dark on a freshly ploughed airfield!). Flight time, even if it goes directly to the TF, at say 150kts (v fast for a search cruise), =approx 1 1/4 hrs(the TF is still steaming). Sends contact report at say 7:10 (sees enemy in distance). - Base is really on the ball and gets strike off as soon as message recieved (say 10mins to get off and form up, which is impossibly fast). Flight time to TF (again at say 150kts - loaded bombers remember), now about 1 1/2 hrs. So the earliest a strike could occur is say 8:50. The ships are now nearly 8 hrs steaming from the target, ie 240miles. - This means that the TF has covered 210+240, i.e. 450miles (BTW all miles are nautical miles - I presume UV hexes are nm?), in 16hrs, and is the subject of an air strike at 240 miles out, about when it reverts to cruise speed. (Incurably optimistic best case for the base). If you put half realistic delays in, you could easily not spot the TF until 9:00, and then you are then trying a strike at range 240 miles. From where I am looking, in the game there should be a small chance of catching the bombardment force at extreme range in the morning, rather then apparently none as at present. A poor commander bombarding for too long (or not finding the target straight away), or having to enage surface forces first, would increase the chance of an air stike from roughly zero, to some (but not a lot, unless he really fouls up). There should also be some chance of spotting him as he cruises up to sprint start point, which there is, although at too long a range at present. As I have said before, the 600-700 miles case in the game is a little extreme, but has no real effect on the average case, which is that a bombarding TF WILL get in and out without significant risk of air attack. YOU may know he's coming, but the target is a little busy! I would love the bombardment to be 'not a sure thing' but it doesn't keep me awake nights! [QUOTE][B] When I look at the game's Sequence of Play, I note that there are only two naval movement phases, nighttime and daytime. At the same time, there are two daytime air phases, a morning phase and an afternoon phase. If it is possible to separate these two air phases, then having one occur before daytime movement would seem to be a reasonable fix. I would not want both daytime air phases to occur before daytime naval movement. Now, if the morning and afternoon air phases COULD be seperated by the daytime naval movement phase we would be simulating the natural occurence of morning (anytime between dawn and noonish) and afternoon airstrikes. While such a fix would not be perfect, it should take a lot less reprogramming than the idea of having the computer check for interception in every hex the TF enters. And it certainly would be no more unrealistic than having the TFs blythely sail all day long knowing they won't be attacked until the end of their day's transit. Another possible fix might be to allow (not require) any a/c that could have reached that TF during its daytime movement to form an air strike against it, rather than only those who can reach the end of day destination hex. It's possible that the game already does this but we haven't seen it yet - or it's possible that the game code couldn't handle this without serious revision. [/B][/QUOTE] The suggestion that the game is changed to do morning air strikes before naval movement would give the base a chance of a strike at zero range! Now, I may be biased against the aircraft, but how does this fix anything? You have now made bombardments in the dark impossible! This is exactly why Matrix should not do a quick fix to this.