rjh1971 -> RE: GG 4.040 tourney Rd.2 xianing vs rjh1971 (8/6/2009 6:32:27 PM)
Allies Su 40 All action is on the West, even more since Italy is still hesitant as to wether join Germany or not. Germany pretty much ready to launch Op Sealion, with six TF in W. Germany, all the LW positioned in France but a single Fighter in the motherland, three fallschirm korps in France. A preventive attack was ordered on Kiel by all available forces, after scouts reports by brittish midget subs, stated there were no flak units. 2 cags and a heavy bomber struck the port facilities resulting in 1 fighter, 1 HF, 1 LF and TF damaged for no losses on the Brittish side. [8D] This happens once in a hundred [:'(] Brittain was reinforce to prevent germans from landing. For now LW fighters have the edge on technology 1 evasion and 1 attack point ahead of the allies. [image]local://upfiles/19055/913B02B1C99A4F50A6DBE30EE3948255.jpg[/image]