Weight to Length Conversions? (Full Version)

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Rankojin -> Weight to Length Conversions? (6/4/2002 3:46:55 AM)

I'd like to know an easy way to convert weight to length for tank, AT, ect. ammo.
For example 7.5 cm and 17 pounder I would assume the 17 lbs is bigger and better for pentration. But I'd like to know a length so I may more carefully choose my battles.

Thanks in advance

Belisarius -> (6/4/2002 4:22:57 AM)

I assume you mean the bore of the gun when you say "length"?

Here's a rough translation:

2 pdr_____=40mm

6 pdr_____=57mm

17 pdr____=76mm

18 pdr____=84mm

25 pdr____=88mm

60 pdr____=127mm

Now, the guns characteristics are not only the bore (consider the 88's and 75mm PaKs being better than larger guns), but it gives an idea. 2, 6, 17 and 25 pds are most useful for comparing AT guns.

Edited: Since you ask about a 17pdr being better than a 75mm, I'd like to clarify - the most important thing is the calibre. This states how long the barrel is in bores.

Example: A 75mm/L24 gun has a barrel length 75x24=1800=1.8m. A 75mm/L48 consequently has a barrel of 75x48=3600=3.6m. This means that more of the energy of the propellant gases can be converted to propel the shell (inside the barrel)----> higher V0, or muzzle velocity. The shell will have more energy and thus travel farther, straighter and hitting harder, causing more damage.

And again, this is invalid for shaped charges (i.e. bazookas and such), as that energy will be focused on the target regardless how fast the grenade travels. :D

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