Shark7 -> RE: Filling Up Air Units (7/31/2009 5:45:14 PM)
ORIGINAL: Captain Cruft This confused me at first ... You will get inexperienced (though trained) pilots unless the airgroup in question has some experienced bods in the Reserve Pool. Click on Reserve Pool when in Pilot Replacements and then sort by group. What I found quite a pleasant surprise is that the 35 exp guys aren't that bad. At least they seem to be able to fly around without crashing, if not being of much use in actual combat. Funny thing that, the Red Baron couldn't land without crashing, but was the leading German ace of WWI. Apparantly even in RL dogfighting skills don't necessarily mean you are a good pilot. I have a feeling that the experience thing isn't so much what matters, take a look at the individual skills on the pilots you get. Naturally they are going to have low overall experience, they have not been in combat yet. They are 'trained' not 'veteran' pilots. A final thought, in WWII, Korea and Vietnam, it was generally accepted that most pilots would not survive their first 5 missions. If they did make it for those first 5 missions without getting killed, they were very likely to survive the rest of the war. It all comes down to actual combat experience, and there is only 1 way to get that.