mitchell2 -> Bug: Scrolling in unit details obscures screen (8/1/2009 10:03:42 AM)
Under certain conditions the use of scrolling while viewing ground unit details obscures the screen. Steps: 1. Open szenario with a significant number of ground units, e.g. Szenario 1 (Assumption: More than 16 ground units for one side required) 2. Left click "List all ground units" to see "All ground units list" 3. Left click on an arbitrary ground unit to see unit details 4. Scroll with mouse wheel up and down, or use up arrow/down arrow keys Behavior: The "All ground unit list" appears and partially obscurs the ground unit details screen. The appearing ground unit list is not usable. Expected behavior: No reaction on scrolling Variants: This bug occurs also on other instances of a ground unit list, if the list is long enough to have a scroll bar: - Unit details -> Show units with same HQ - Main Map -> Show all units in hex (e.g. for Hex 106,41 in Szenario 001, Japanese Player) Kind regards mitch