bigbaba -> RE: 4E bombers... (8/6/2009 8:16:12 AM)
at least in stocks you can bring down 4E with advanced japanese fighters in a large number. that happend to the last big allied raid in my game: Day Air attack on Rangoon , at 29,34 Japanese aircraft A6M2 Zero x 63 Ki-61 KAIc Tony x 132 Allied aircraft B-17E Fortress x 107 B-24D Liberator x 43 Japanese aircraft losses A6M2 Zero: 6 destroyed, 14 damaged Ki-61 KAIc Tony: 7 destroyed, 93 damaged Allied aircraft losses B-17E Fortress: 40 destroyed, 27 damaged B-24D Liberator: 22 destroyed the allied can not mount more raids like this without fighter escort because of the loses. maybe someone can do more testing via ediotor?