RE: February 1943 (Full Version)

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String -> RE: February 1943 (3/10/2010 8:09:46 AM)



Good results on Magwe! If possible I would keep pounding him, repairing the AF eats
up supplies and maybe you can get some AC on the ground.
I´m sure he is able to pull the fighters out using the road though.

Wonder if you can cut off those units at Akyab. Its just too juicy. [;)]

Wow man you a drowning in snow. Havent seen this amount in Austria for some years. [X(]

Actually, repairing does not eat up supplies. But it does keep the engineers busy and prevents forts being built up.

LoBaron -> RE: February 1943 (3/10/2010 8:55:23 AM)

It doesn´t? Again proof that you never stop learning... [;)]

aztez -> March 1943 (3/10/2010 11:12:52 AM)

LoBaron: Thanks. That was longtime coming though. It seems that we gained the upper hand for now at least.

He might have been forced to disband some of those squadrons at least.

I did get the new turn but haven't had time run it.

This good news though since he will lose many more of his precious pilots when the CenPac offensive start rolling forward.

That offensive is just few weeks away.

Yeah, the winter has been that bad here too. Allthough it seems to have hit Estonia too by looks of it.

String: I didn't know that either. I thought it eats some supplies and "cancels" the fort build ups.

Good and very useful info here. Thanks.

SuluSea -> RE: March 1943 (3/10/2010 2:29:36 PM)

Is this confirmed?  I thought repair of airfields & ports cost supply too. Still reading Jari, Looking forward to how your Burma offensive plays out. Best of luck.

aztez -> March 1943 (3/12/2010 9:03:44 PM)

Burma (march 18th - 21st 1943)

We have kept constant pressure on enemy airfields around Burma.

In 18th and 19th we visited Magwe and in 20th through 21st the target was Mandalay.


Morning Air attack on Magwe , at 57,47

Weather in hex: Severe storms

Raid detected at 160 NM, estimated altitude 18,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 55 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 33
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 40
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 14

Allied aircraft
Blenheim IV x 7
Hurricane IIc Trop x 7
Wellington Ic x 10
B-17E Fortress x 15
B-17F Fortress x 14
B-24D Liberator x 16
B-25C Mitchell x 16
P-40K Warhawk x 42
F4F-4 Wildcat x 15

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-43-IIa Oscar: 3 destroyed, 4 damaged
Ki-43-IIa Oscar: 1 destroyed on ground
Ki-44-IIa Tojo: 1 destroyed
Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
Blenheim IV: 1 damaged
Hurricane IIc Trop: 2 destroyed
Wellington Ic: 3 damaged
B-17E Fortress: 1 destroyed, 7 damaged
B-17F Fortress: 5 damaged
B-24D Liberator: 2 damaged
B-25C Mitchell: 2 damaged
P-40K Warhawk: 4 destroyed
F4F-4 Wildcat: 3 destroyed

Airbase hits 3
Airbase supply hits 2
Runway hits 16

Morning Air attack on Magwe , at 57,47

Weather in hex: Severe storms

Raid detected at 160 NM, estimated altitude 16,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 61 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 12
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 18
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 5

Allied aircraft
Blenheim VD x 11
Hurricane FR.IIb x 1
Liberator II x 8
Wellington Ic x 9

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
Blenheim VD: 1 destroyed, 3 damaged
Hurricane FR.IIb: 1 destroyed
Liberator II: 7 damaged
Wellington Ic: 8 damaged

Afternoon Air attack on Magwe , at 57,47

Weather in hex: Light cloud

Raid detected at 160 NM, estimated altitude 27,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 40 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 27
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 8

Allied aircraft
Beaufighter VIc x 21
Hurricane I Trop x 14
Hurricane IIb Trop x 10
Hurricane IIc Trop x 16
P-38G Lightning x 20
P-40K Warhawk x 17
F4F-4 Wildcat x 2

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-44-IIa Tojo: 9 destroyed
Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
Hurricane IIb Trop: 1 destroyed
P-38G Lightning: 1 destroyed

Afternoon Air attack on Magwe , at 57,47

Weather in hex: Light cloud

Raid detected at 80 NM, estimated altitude 30,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 19 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 4
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 3

Allied aircraft
Hurricane IIb Trop x 7
Hurricane IIc Trop x 2
P-40K Warhawk x 17
F4F-4 Wildcat x 2

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
Hurricane IIc Trop: 1 destroyed
P-40K Warhawk: 1 destroyed

Morning Air attack on Magwe , at 57,47

Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid detected at 160 NM, estimated altitude 20,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 55 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 17
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 19
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 6

Allied aircraft
Blenheim IV x 7
Hurricane IIc Trop x 1
Hurricane FR.IIb x 1
Liberator II x 9
Wellington Ic x 5
B-17F Fortress x 12
B-24D Liberator x 16
B-25C Mitchell x 6
P-40K Warhawk x 21
F4F-4 Wildcat x 4

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-43-IIa Oscar: 13 damaged
Ki-43-IIa Oscar: 2 destroyed on ground
Ki-44-IIa Tojo: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
Blenheim IV: 1 destroyed, 5 damaged
Hurricane IIc Trop: 1 destroyed
Hurricane FR.IIb: 1 destroyed
Liberator II: 5 damaged
Wellington Ic: 1 destroyed, 4 damaged
B-17F Fortress: 2 damaged
B-24D Liberator: 2 damaged
B-25C Mitchell: 2 damaged
P-40K Warhawk: 2 destroyed
F4F-4 Wildcat: 1 destroyed

Japanese ground losses:
9 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 1 (0 destroyed, 1 disabled)

Airbase hits 1
Airbase supply hits 2
Runway hits 60


Morning Air attack on Mandalay , at 59,46

Weather in hex: Light cloud

Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 18,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 15 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 16
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 2

Allied aircraft
Blenheim VD x 5
Hurricane IIc Trop x 8
Hurricane FR.IIb x 2
Wellington Ic x 12
B-24D Liberator x 21
B-25C Mitchell x 12
P-40K Warhawk x 17

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-44-IIa Tojo: 1 destroyed, 1 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Hurricane IIc Trop: 2 destroyed
Hurricane FR.IIb: 1 destroyed
Wellington Ic: 3 damaged
B-24D Liberator: 2 damaged
B-25C Mitchell: 2 damaged
P-40K Warhawk: 4 destroyed

Airbase hits 2
Runway hits 25

Morning Air attack on Mandalay , at 59,46

Weather in hex: Light cloud

Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 17,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 14 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 13
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 1

Allied aircraft
Liberator II x 12
B-17E Fortress x 12
B-25C Mitchell x 4

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-44-IIa Tojo: 2 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
Liberator II: 1 destroyed, 5 damaged
B-17E Fortress: 6 damaged

Airbase hits 2
Airbase supply hits 2
Runway hits 5

Morning Air attack on Mandalay , at 59,46

Weather in hex: Light cloud

Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 16,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 13 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 9
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 1

Allied aircraft
B-17F Fortress x 12
P-40K Warhawk x 7

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-44-IIa Tojo: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
B-17F Fortress: 4 damaged
P-40K Warhawk: 1 destroyed

Airbase supply hits 2
Runway hits 9

Afternoon Air attack on Mandalay , at 59,46

Weather in hex: Severe storms

Raid spotted at 30 NM, estimated altitude 31,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 7 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 7
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 3

Allied aircraft
Beaufighter VIc x 7
Hurricane I Trop x 14
Hurricane IIb Trop x 9
Hurricane IIc Trop x 3
P-40K Warhawk x 9

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-44-IIa Tojo: 3 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
Hurricane IIc Trop: 1 destroyed

We are not going to stop these raids. Next turn it is back to Magwe once more. I bet that airfield has been repaired into some extent at least.

The losses are mounting here for sides for sure.

An tip to any allied player dashing through the jungles at Burma. Well, the troops advance very slowly indeed.


aztez -> RE: March 1943 (3/12/2010 9:05:09 PM)

Aleutians (march 18th - 21st 1943)

We did finally seize up the base at Cold Bay. Engineers are immediately send in to build up airfields here.

The 1st frontline Corsair deployment was done here too. These fighters did very well againts some Oscars and medium bombers.

Looking forward to get more of these planes soon.

Allied signit indicated that Dave is loading some troops in Tokyo and sending them into Adak Island. Some submarines are ordered to intercept.

Other than that well the report of sinking enemy CV turned our false and CV Wasp is just 7 days from full battle readiness in Seattle. It will sail out immediately loaded with 90 trained Wilcats.

Our offensives are moving along as planned...

More detailed reports when the burden of the work week ease up at Weekend.


aztez -> RE: March 1943 (3/12/2010 9:06:57 PM)

SuluSea: Good to hear! The things have somewhat "peaceful" in past couple of months but it is changing rapidly.

How are things back there in the other side of atlantic?

offenseman -> RE: March 1943 (3/13/2010 1:09:35 AM)

Looks like his Nicks are doing well- surviving more often than the less durable types.  I hypothesized to myself a few days ago that using the Nick KAIa model as a fighter might be the hot ticket for the army fighters until the KI83 comes out.  I'll be paying attention to those battles for that reason.

The tide is turning...

SuluSea -> RE: March 1943 (3/13/2010 1:16:40 PM)



SuluSea: Good to hear! The things have somewhat "peaceful" in past couple of months but it is changing rapidly.

How are things back there in the other side of atlantic?

Things are going well. Enjoying an historic game against the AI right now. [:)] Thanks.

Looks like you still own Ramree Island is it possible to march to the trail if you land a small force of commandos there by float plane?

If at all possible just something to think about if you think it can assist the operation.

aztez -> RE: March 1943 (3/13/2010 8:07:28 PM)

offenseman: The Nicks have done ok. A couple of times they have gotten slaughtered though.

Last turn we encounterd some Tony's here and that model seems to tough too. They were overwhelmed though so that is good news.

Hopefully the tide is turning BUT I can guarantee that major storm is coming....

CV Wasp should be operational within next 5 days.

SuluSea: Good to hear! At leat the AI is better and I have no doubt you will enjoying an historical game vs PBEM opponent too.

Hmmmm, I will the situation regarding Ramree Island. I will get back to you on this idea when I have the turn.

aztez -> RE: March 1943 (3/13/2010 8:08:28 PM)

Burma (march 22nd - 23rd 1943)

Last turn our airforce focus was back at Magwe. This marks the first turn we have encountered the Tony fighters.

That model did an ok job but we got the upper hand. Dave was worried about the service rating which is 3 for this type of fighter.

We shall see whether that plays an part on future battles.

The Magwe and Mandalay airfields were severely damaged in past two turns. Still he seems to be putting up an decent CAP levels so we shall visit Meikhtia next turn.

It seems to be level 4 airfield too.

Here is the last round of action detailed below...

Morning Air attack on Magwe , at 57,47

Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid detected at 15 NM, estimated altitude 28,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 3 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 9
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 33
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 8
Ki-61-Ia Tony x 21

Allied aircraft
Hurricane IIc Trop x 4
Hurricane FR.IIb x 3
P-38G Lightning x 20

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-43-IIa Oscar: 3 destroyed
Ki-44-IIa Tojo: 2 destroyed
Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
Hurricane IIc Trop: 2 destroyed
Hurricane FR.IIb: 1 destroyed
P-38G Lightning: 5 destroyed

Morning Air attack on Magwe , at 57,47

Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid detected at 160 NM, estimated altitude 26,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 40 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 5
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 26
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 6
Ki-61-Ia Tony x 18

Allied aircraft
Beaufighter VIc x 4
Hurricane I Trop x 12
Hurricane IIb Trop x 27
Hurricane IIc Trop x 16
P-38G Lightning x 3

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-43-IIa Oscar: 1 destroyed
Ki-44-IIa Tojo: 2 destroyed
Ki-61-Ia Tony: 2 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
Hurricane I Trop: 1 destroyed
Hurricane IIb Trop: 3 destroyed

Morning Air attack on Magwe , at 57,47

Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid detected at 160 NM, estimated altitude 16,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 61 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 1
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 9
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 2
Ki-61-Ia Tony x 4

Allied aircraft
Blenheim VD x 9
Liberator II x 7
Wellington Ic x 14
P-40K Warhawk x 15

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
Blenheim VD: 4 damaged
Liberator II: 2 damaged
Wellington Ic: 1 destroyed, 11 damaged
P-40K Warhawk: 1 destroyed

Airbase hits 1
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 17

Morning Air attack on Magwe , at 57,47

Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid detected at 160 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 55 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 1
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 5
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 2
Ki-61-Ia Tony x 2

Allied aircraft
B-17E Fortress x 12
B-17F Fortress x 9
B-24D Liberator x 17
B-25C Mitchell x 25
P-40K Warhawk x 14

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 1 destroyed on ground

Allied aircraft losses
B-17E Fortress: 3 damaged
B-17F Fortress: 3 damaged
B-24D Liberator: 2 damaged
B-25C Mitchell: 8 damaged

Airbase hits 6
Airbase supply hits 4
Runway hits 71

Morning Air attack on Magwe , at 57,47

Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid detected at 80 NM, estimated altitude 15,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 27 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 1
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 2
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 1

Allied aircraft
B-24D Liberator x 10

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-43-Ic Oscar: 1 destroyed on ground

Allied aircraft losses
B-24D Liberator: 6 damaged

Airbase hits 1
Runway hits 16

Morning Air attack on Magwe , at 57,47

Weather in hex: Overcast

Raid detected at 160 NM, estimated altitude 30,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 40 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 8
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 30
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 7
Ki-61-Ia Tony x 15

Allied aircraft
Beaufighter VIc x 6
Hurricane IIb Trop x 12
Hurricane IIc Trop x 8
P-38G Lightning x 3

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-44-IIa Tojo: 4 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
Beaufighter VIc: 1 destroyed
Hurricane IIb Trop: 1 destroyed
Hurricane IIc Trop: 2 destroyed

Morning Air attack on Magwe , at 57,47

Weather in hex: Overcast

Raid detected at 160 NM, estimated altitude 19,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 61 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 4
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 10
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 4
Ki-61-Ia Tony x 8

Allied aircraft
Blenheim VD x 8
Hurricane IIb Trop x 7
Hurricane IIc Trop x 1
Hurricane FR.IIb x 2
Liberator II x 6
Wellington Ic x 10
B-24D Liberator x 27
P-40K Warhawk x 26

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-61-Ia Tony: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
Blenheim VD: 2 damaged
Hurricane IIb Trop: 1 destroyed
Hurricane FR.IIb: 1 destroyed
Liberator II: 3 damaged
Wellington Ic: 1 destroyed, 5 damaged
B-24D Liberator: 9 damaged
P-40K Warhawk: 1 destroyed

Japanese ground losses:
3 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Airbase hits 2
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 42

Morning Air attack on Magwe , at 57,47

Weather in hex: Overcast

Raid detected at 120 NM, estimated altitude 19,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 44 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 1
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 5
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 1
Ki-61-Ia Tony x 1

Allied aircraft
Liberator II x 6
B-17E Fortress x 12
B-17F Fortress x 11

Japanese aircraft losses
No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
Liberator II: 4 damaged
B-17E Fortress: 4 damaged
B-17F Fortress: 1 destroyed, 3 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
8 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Airbase hits 1
Runway hits 41

The ground offensive is grinding forward slowly.


aztez -> RE: March 1943 (3/13/2010 8:09:27 PM)

China (march 22nd - 23rd 1943)

The chinese controlled hexes has shrunk significantly but I'am still confident he cannot capture Chungking.

Dave did an ground offensive through southern areas are were threatening of flanking our armies. So, that is why Chihkiang were forced to abandon.

That base was not significant so that was an easy judgement call.

We are now formed on the defensive positions protecting Kweiyang and Chungking.

It has been hard days work to keep this front of collapsing.


aztez -> RE: March 1943 (3/16/2010 2:46:36 PM)


Just to let you guys know that the game is ongoing.

Due to lack of time we are going time warp few weeks in game time. Also I think you guys are getting "bored" of reading about our slow grinding Burma.

There will be an CenPac offensive ongoing very soon. The carriers are at Hawaji. Now, I just need to load up those infantry troops so any good tips regarding this aspect are very much appreciated.

The go light is now GREEN though! [:D]

LoBaron -> RE: March 1943 (3/16/2010 5:17:11 PM)

Hey aztez!

Be sure that I am far from bored. I´m an avid reader of the Burma Air War and very interested in the results you are achieving.
Cannot help on troop loading though (I´m sure you are at least on par on that topic).

Good luck on the CenPac OP!

cfulbright -> RE: March 1943 (3/16/2010 5:28:22 PM)

Aztez - on troop loading I can't say I'm an expert, but I have found that when loading Amphib TF's, even if you add 30% allowance as the manual says, the game still seems to leave the parent remnant of the LCU on the beach. Then you have to find another AP or AK to load that last bit.

Something else to be aware of is that if the Japanese base has a CD unit, it can be quite damaging even to BB's. I invaded Ponape and Maloelap. They had 14cm and 15cm guns, which I think is about 6", yet they really beat up two of my Pearl Harbor BB's which have the thickest armor of any US BB. Then even after two days of bombarding with BB's and CA's, and bombing by the SBD's and TBF's from two CV's for each island, when I sent in the invasion force, the AP's and AK's got shot up by the shore guns. On the second invasion I included some DD's and DE's as escorts with the Amphib TF, and they seemed to surpress the shore guns some.

Has anyone else had either of these experiences?

Smeulders -> RE: March 1943 (3/16/2010 5:45:07 PM)

Include heavies in your invasion fleet if possible. I've just had Ambon invaded, on the first day his invasion fleet included a BB and 4 CA and my CD guns hardly hit anything because they were suppressed. On the second day the ships were detached and his merchants got a lot more damage. The couple of DD and AMC weren't anywhere near as effective.

aztez -> RE: March 1943 (3/18/2010 10:26:56 PM)

LoBaron: Thanks for compliment. Very busy week this has been. A hectic days at work and also some bank business etc to be taken care off.

I will go into details regarding burma airwar tomorrow or during the weekend. I should have plenty of freetime since this weekend the daughters are not here.

Not to worry you and many others have "helped" plenty on strategical, in game mechanics etc.

The CenPac is operation is go go go go.... more details on this too tomorrow or during or during the weekend. Happy to say that "peaceful" times are gone for good.

cfulbright: Hmmm, the loading is almost complete and didn't notice that "parent" thing. Maybe this has been tweaked on some of patches.

I'am a bit worried about those CD guns but have to live with it. That is nasty results though you describing there. Allthough I think it was good that they tweaked those CD guns in last patch. A bad thing that I'am not able to get those results since japanese main invasion phase was over way before this.

I haven't done much of amphibitious operations in AE but I guarantee that you will some "results" in this PBEM very soon.

Smeulders: I have made 4 BB TF's. Two of these will do naval bombardments and two others cover tf's and be ready for any enemy intervention.

I did however put some DD's etc among the transports. Well, all I could spare from other offensive responsibilites.

We shall see how this goes. The bad thing is that I cannot support my naval assets with lba before the phase 1 is complete. We are playing two day turns so basically we pretty much need to seize our objectives in day 3 of the landings. A bit diffrent scenario than one would have when playing with 1 day turns.

Yamato_Blitzer -> RE: March 1943 (3/19/2010 9:20:55 PM)

Oh i'm fine Aztez, thanks for asking. Just haven't been on here very often. Which bases are you going for in cenpac and what intelligence/recon reports have you gotten from them?

Ohhh and I saw these same results in my game against the AI. The shore gun problem. After that I made sure to include 2 BB's, 3 CA's and 3 CL's in the invasion TF and that made quite a difference. I'd say 85% suppression on the Jap shore guns.

aztez -> RE: March 1943 (3/21/2010 5:41:45 PM)

Yamato_Blitzer: That is good to hear!. I will post an pic from CenPac operation among other things once the next turn arrives.

Hmmm, that not good news than since I don't have enough BB's around to cover everything due to that nasty Pearl Harbour start.

Well, things are heating up steadily now. More on this a bit later on...

aztez -> RE: March 1943 (3/21/2010 7:36:57 PM)

First I want to "apoligize" due to lack information on this campaingn.

As I stated the things went into "holiday" mode due to preparations. This has been long and sometimes painful journey but now it is time hit back.

Lets start with current Burma situation...

Burma (april 17-18th 1943)

RAF has taken the main burden of the airwar so far. We have kept pounding his airfields around Burma and eventhough we have gained 60-80 airfield damage levels Dave has been able to keep the CAP up.

It is almost impossible to close airfields in AE. At least when the opponent has mutually supporting airfields in the region.

In fact he has kept hitting my ground units at Akyab with significant number of bombers and fighters.

All in all it has been really bloodbath. My RAF pools are not pretty sight but as said this must be done.

I did pause these assaults for 2 weeks but now ge will keep it up.

The loss ratios have been around 1:1 in terms of fighters overall. That is not good but I don't what his experience levels are.

Allied pools are showing this and some rookie pilots are ordered to fly out eventhough they should train. Well, now it is not the time to do that...

In ground war we have captured Akyab. Now resting a bit and moving along with these units.

I have good reserves in India and these will deployed in due time.

Other spearheads are moving also. Dave seems to be trying move small units behind the advance and this has slowed us down a bit.

The map shows current situation. Next turn our bombers will visit Schwebo.

There has been no sign of enemy carriers nor any other surface combat vessels. They have sailed out...

Allied signit indicates reinforcements arriving at Rangoon.


aztez -> RE: March 1943 (3/21/2010 7:38:55 PM)

Operation MONKEY (april 17th - 18th 1943)

I think the name of this operation must be MONKEY. Simply because I want that "MONKEY" out of back...

The operation has scheduled landings at Pago Pago, Savaii, Upolu and Ta'uu. These landings are made by US forces.

The scheduled for the initial waves are D -2 turns!!! I have no intel about the base strenght nor do I know whether or not my forces have been spotted.

Well, they will be when next turn arrives and our carriers are setup accordingly.

Another landing force has now left Wellington. It is combined effort of NZ and US troops.

These guys are to hit Tongatapu and Eua. The main target here is Tongatapu.

In support to these landings there are heavy airstikes scheduled at Port Moresby. These bombers will take off from Cairns. Addition to this Umnak Island will be sweeped and bombed also.

As promised the "holiday mode" is over and lets get back to war!!! As said D-day for the landings is -2 turns...


LoBaron -> RE: March 1943 (3/21/2010 9:40:43 PM)



First I want to "apoligize" due to lack information on this campaingn.

aztez no idea what you are apologizing for. [;)] I couldn´t handle 2 PBEMs, let alone 2 AARs included. Always nice to see updates here though.

Do you have any intel on Suva/Nadi? Maybe sneak a sub in the harbor?

aztez -> RE: March 1943 (3/22/2010 8:26:58 AM)

LoBaron: Well, I didn't find the "appropriate" word for it. What I meant that the peace/silence took quite sometime. Too long for my personal taste too! [:D]

Absolutely none. It seems that these are lightly guarded bases but who knows. Well, we do when we hit the beaches. This is no minor operation and once we get lba foothold in Samoa and near Fiji you can write off Suva/Noumea region.

I don't even mind him fighting here. This is something I actually would like but I doubt he will.

What I expect to see though is his carreirs plus other naval assets. He will commit them for sure. Very suprised if he doesn't.

The invasion fleet is still about 4 days off their targets....

I did run the combat replay but didn't take too much note of it. I will get back into it once I get home.

LoBaron -> RE: March 1943 (3/22/2010 8:42:52 AM)



What I expect to see though is his carreirs plus other naval assets. He will commit them for sure. Very suprised if he doesn't.

Hm I am not sure about this. If you were playing against me I´d think twice about commiting my naval assets to such a remote area in summer ´43.
Most of all if I alredy have the feeling that I had enough benefit from owning the Fijis for +1(?) year.
Maybe I´d just make a show to keep you guessing but concentrate my true forces on other high value areas.

Which leads me to: do you need to conquer the Fijis? Why not commit the same forces closer to HI areas and simply let the Fijis starve?

Commit. Strange word. Committ? Commit? Comit? Comitt? [&:]

aztez -> RE: March 1943 (3/22/2010 2:04:28 PM)

LoBaron: That is an good point. I base this estimate on two things. 1) The fleet he had around Burma seems to have vanished and 2) It is mid 1943 and further he delays this the odds get worse due to more allied carriers and better aircraft.

Also the turn delay before he posted it back was longer.

We shall see. I think there is 80% of chance that we see major action very soon.

Yeah. We really do need to conquer the southern areas. I want to get Aussie and NZ troops into game too. Their airforce hasn't been involved that much so the pools in good condition.

Whether this actually has any bearing whether or not to cut off Rabaul and Truk.. well no. There are around 3000av ready for and "middle" push trough cenpac or aleutians.

I haven't decieded how to handle this yet. I want to see his reaction to these first.

Basically in addition we need New Caledonia or Fiji's. Not necessarily both since either one does cancel the other.

English is an cc "funny" language! [:D] ...damn, still another hour before this day over at work.

Rob Brennan UK -> RE: March 1943 (3/22/2010 4:35:57 PM)


English is an cc "funny" language!

Can't argue with that , but oh so flexible and eloquent when folk are committed to using it properly [;)]. Being honest though, English is a real mongrel language made up from so many tongues and dialects (comes from being constantly invaded for 600 years 400-1066 AD.)Not to mention all the empire and colonial infuence on it over the more recent 3 centuries. Not forgetting our own British Isles languages such as Gaelic etc. Not suprisingly the English vocabluary is about 4 times the size of its nearest European rival French. And not forgetting the long Roman influence which affected pretty much all of Europe West of the Rhine. OK I'm babbling now .. [:-] time to shut up. although i will happily admit that there are most likely more words for snow in Finnish[;)]

Good luck on the invasions Aztez , I'm not sure he'll risk his main CV force here tbh, too much of a backwater.Maybe take this area then bomb suva into dust and then go past it, re-taking the place will take 2-3 months out of your schedule just to prep the troops (assuming you havnt already). If you have prepped troops then by all means use them and get it back, otherwise imo go round and starve it out.

aztez -> RE: March 1943 (3/22/2010 5:42:10 PM)

Rob: Yeah! I must admit that it easier to understand Irish and others when you have drunk few beers. That "english" is quite diffrent that what I'am used to.

As for finnish well you might want to take few lessons. Your tongue might be shell shocked! [:D]

Thanks. I'am anxious to get this underway. We need those bases which to build up. I have troops prepped for Suva already but there are other possible targets as well.

It really all depends what his reaction will be but as you said we can even bypass Fiji's and New Caledonia if chosen to do so.

Intresting next few turns I must admit. I still have my money on CV vs CV action here...

aztez -> RE: March 1943 (3/22/2010 5:43:58 PM)

Burma (april 20th - 21st 1943)

The airwar was intense last turn too. RAF/US bombers visited the airfield at Schwebo. I have lost count how many fighters and bombers have been lost but as said this must be done.

Morning Air attack on Shwebo , at 59,45

Weather in hex: Heavy rain

Raid spotted at 22 NM, estimated altitude 27,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 5 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 22

Allied aircraft
Beaufighter VIc x 12
P-40K Warhawk x 47

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-44-IIa Tojo: 4 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
P-40K Warhawk: 1 destroyed

Morning Air attack on Shwebo , at 59,45

Weather in hex: Heavy rain

Raid detected at 45 NM, estimated altitude 31,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 9 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 2
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 11
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 8

Allied aircraft
P-38G Lightning x 11
P-40K Warhawk x 14

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-43-IIa Oscar: 1 destroyed
Ki-44-IIa Tojo: 2 destroyed
Ki-45 KAIa Nick: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
P-38G Lightning: 1 destroyed
P-40K Warhawk: 4 destroyed

Afternoon Air attack on Shwebo , at 59,45

Weather in hex: Moderate rain

Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 14,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 15 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 3
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 23
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 3

Allied aircraft
Blenheim VD x 11
Hurricane FR.IIb x 6
Liberator II x 16
Wellington Ic x 21
B-17E Fortress x 16
B-17F Fortress x 16
B-24D Liberator x 7
B-25C Mitchell x 16
F4U-1 Corsair x 1

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-44-IIa Tojo: 4 damaged
Ki-46-II Dinah: 1 destroyed on ground

Allied aircraft losses
Blenheim VD: 1 damaged
Hurricane FR.IIb: 3 destroyed
Liberator II: 1 damaged
Wellington Ic: 1 destroyed, 2 damaged
B-17F Fortress: 1 damaged
B-24D Liberator: 5 damaged

Airbase hits 4
Airbase supply hits 5
Runway hits 63

Afternoon Air attack on Shwebo , at 59,45

Weather in hex: Moderate rain

Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 13,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 11 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 16
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 27
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 4

Allied aircraft
B-24D Liberator x 12
B-25C Mitchell x 16
P-40K Warhawk x 24

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-43-IIa Oscar: 1 destroyed
Ki-44-IIa Tojo: 1 damaged
Ki-44-IIa Tojo: 1 destroyed on ground

Allied aircraft losses
B-25C Mitchell: 1 damaged
P-40K Warhawk: 10 destroyed

Airbase hits 1
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 9

Afternoon Air attack on Shwebo , at 59,45

Weather in hex: Moderate rain

Raid spotted at 14 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 4 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-43-IIa Oscar x 12
Ki-44-IIa Tojo x 24
Ki-45 KAIa Nick x 2

Allied aircraft
B-24D Liberator x 12
P-40K Warhawk x 16

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-43-IIa Oscar: 1 destroyed
Ki-44-IIa Tojo: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
P-40K Warhawk: 2 destroyed

Airbase hits 2

...the focus is Mandalay next turn. There are fresh bombers and fighters enroute to India but it will take few weeks to get them here.

Another turn where there is no sign of his naval forces.

The ground assaults are moving slowly forwards...


Operation MONKEY is moving closer to Samoa. I still don't know whether or not he has spotted these ships. Our submarines haven't seen any naval movement in this region.

The D-DAY is still some 3-4 days off. The invasion TF's will split up once they are closer to their targets.

Port Moresby and Umnak Island were bombed. Only light resistance were encoutered.


gladiatt -> RE: March 1943 (3/23/2010 1:35:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: Rob Brennan UK

Not suprisingly the English vocabluary is about 4 times the size of its nearest European rival French.

Sorry highjacking Aztez AAR;
Can't admit this commentary [:-][sm=00000023.gif].
French has much more words/meanings/notion than English .
Such words could be judged in the field at dawn, or just trigger another Hundred Year War, and this is a WWII AAR, not a middle-age on ! [sm=00000016.gif]

.........sorry, could not resist [;)].
Rob Brennan, no problem, i was jokking (almost) [sm=00000436.gif]

And to Aztez: nice to see your AAR back to life, i like it

crsutton -> RE: March 1943 (3/23/2010 4:17:14 PM)

aztez, Where are you from? Your English writing is very good.

A question for you. I asked this of Canoerebel as well. Could you look at your seven Aussie tank regiments and tell me what they look like? Do they all now have 18 light tanks and about 40 mediums or do some of them have much fewer tanks. I just want to see if mine are filling up correctly after the replacement bug fix.


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