Amis vs Aussies - World Domination(no jrcar or Tony) (Full Version)

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jwilkerson -> Amis vs Aussies - World Domination(no jrcar or Tony) (8/8/2009 4:47:49 AM)

We are starting up a 2x2 game. Nik and Joe will be the Japanese, Rob and Tony will be the Allies.

Our first house rule was that we would not choose sides until after we had agreed to all the house rules and that we would use the BradyRandomizer to perform our coin toss.

Here are our house rules:

01 - Restricted command units must pay PP's to change to an unrestricted command cross national boundaries.
02 - No ASW air missions prior to 1944
03 - No ASW TF prior to 1944
04 - May not use "supply draw" feature to suck supplies to China
05 - No allied non-Chinese LCU may enter China until 1944 and then only USA ENG and HQ.
06 - No city bombing of any kind prior to 7/43
07 - Surprise on, PDU ON, Historic/non-historic depending of Japanese team decsion.
08 - If Non historic Japanese have NO restrictions, Allies can move any already formed TF, change aircraft orders (but not move them), Allies can do anything in China (less HK)
09 -1 Day turns until end Jan then 2 day turns.
10 - Use of many small task forces in a given small area for the express purpose of “borking” the naval combat engine will be frowned upon.
11 - No more than one 4EB Group per airbase until 1944
12 - No more than 1 Additional div (3 RCT) and 1 Arty Regt (or 3 Bn) of combat troops can be sent to CBI until 1944. No restrictions on non cbt forces (Eng, AA, HQ).
13 - No night mission until 1944
14 - No more than one air unit flying a mine laying air mission per turn.
15 - Realistic factories.

Turned out the most devisive house rule was 1-day versus 2-day versus 3-day turns. Ultimately we agreed on the above.

On our Japanese team, Nik will play the IJN, I will play the IJA, but our commands will be "joint" commands in reality, more geographically based, but Nik will always have KB no matter where they are located. I will run production - but Nik will provide priorities for the Naval planes and the ship types.

In testing against Nik and also against the AI, the opening for AE has soe similarities, at a high level to the opening for WITP. It is not possible to take the historical places with the historical troops on the historical timetable - even when facing the historical opposition. So, being used to this phenomena, I take borrow from my WITP ideas. This means that from a major LCU allocation perspective I will be running:

Malaya: 5ID, 18ID, IG, 56ID and later 21ID, under 25 Army

Burma: 55ID(-), 33ID and later 38ID, under 15 Army

Sumatra: 35 Bde, 21 Bde, 1st Raiders

Luzon: 16ID, 48ID, 65 Bde, under 16 Army

And I will lend Nik the 2ID, 4ID and 56 Bde. His mission will include Mindano, "South" Borneo, Celebes, Ambon, Timor

We will both join up to attack Java from both ends. We will have many smaller units, but the above encompasses the main units allocated to the Southern attack.

From an Air perspective, I will start with everything on the Asian mainland, Hainan, Formosa, China, Manchuria. Nik will have all the Naval planes in the Home Islands and in the Pacific Ocean areas. I will be sending him Zeros, Nells and Betty's from my area quickly for his use.

I will use a few PP to release mostly bomber units from Manchuria.

As to the Ships, I will have the warships (DD and above) in the South China Sea, Ryukus and Yellow Sea areas and all the other vessels in the ports I control. We will divide up the home islands, Nik get the Eastern Half (including Toyko and Yokohoma) and I get the Western half.

Nik will get all other DD and above and the other ships in his ports.


We've already played turn 01, our Japanese team used our option to go for historical start, so the first turn was quick. I think we got Repulse, but not PoW.

More to come.

jwilkerson -> RE: Amis vs Aussies - World Domination(no jrcar or Tony) (8/8/2009 5:09:58 AM)

Plans - North/Central China

While I think Ichang can be held - at least for some time - having tried several options - I am not sure that is the best option - primarily because it ties the Japanese to a more defensive plan - and I am a player who believes in trying to sustain the initiative as long as possible. In AE as in WITP the best defense is an active offense and this is true for both sides.

We do need to gather some forces - and we will launch our attack in the "center" in open country where our armor, artillery and airpower will give more advantage. In the mean time we will defend in the indicated cities. The "red" arrows being "phase I" were we reinforce and sweep through the center, the the "yellow" arrows will be in main attack in phase II, this will put the Chinese forces on our flanks in exposed positions and they will either have to withdraw or risk being cutoff. Of course, we do not expect the Chinese to sit idle and watch and that is what will make this fun!!!


jwilkerson -> RE: Amis vs Aussies - World Domination(no jrcar or Tony) (8/8/2009 5:14:07 AM)

Plans - Southern China

I've played some test games leaving 38ID, 21ID and 21 Bde in China. This gives the Japanese enough force to "romp" in Southern China for a while. But, alas, testing also indicates that the attacks in Malaya, Burma and Java desperately need these troops. So, in this game all three units will be heading South. This changes things dramatically in this area and puts the Japanese on the defensive. We will play "smoke and mirrors" as long as we can - to disguise our redeployment. We will launch a single pronged attack from the East, driving to support Nanchang. If more troops become available later we will attack from Vietnam to the East.


treespider -> RE: Amis vs Aussies - World Domination(no jrcar or Tony) (8/8/2009 5:16:03 AM)

You can hold Ichang and still do the central drive.

The "problem" with surrendering Ichang is that it frees up about a dozen Chinese Corps which can shift to Nanyang....or to the south.

scott64 -> RE: Amis vs Aussies - World Domination(no jrcar or Tony) (8/8/2009 5:19:44 AM)


Mike Solli -> RE: Amis vs Aussies - World Domination(no jrcar or Tony) (8/8/2009 6:36:06 PM)

Joe, are you going to discuss your economic plans?

jwilkerson -> RE: Amis vs Aussies - World Domination(no jrcar or Tony) (8/8/2009 6:51:18 PM)

Economic plans still evolving. I think the high level concept I used in WITP stock is still valid in AE. Optimize for ship production - only build as many planes of each type as you need.

Nik and I will establish "min/max" stocking levels for all actively producing aircraft. If the pool level drops below the minimum I will turn production on for that type, if the pool level rises above the maximum I will turn production off for that plane. In stock this usually means that only about 30% of my Japanese aircraft factories are turned "on" at any moment. There will be "surges" when new types come on line - but except for those surges we will turn off as much aircraft production has possible to allow for maximum acceleration of ship types.

We have not yet established the priorities for the ships, but I have turned off Yamato, Musashi, Taiho and Shinano to allow some accumulation of naval build points. Not sure whether we will build any submarines or not, but for turn 01 I left on all submarines will due dates up through August 1942. We can turn those off on turn 02 if we decide not to build them.

Also under discussion is whether we will convert any AK to auxiliaries or not.

In stock, in my later games, I do not recall increasing HI, this is because there is really only a brief period in the middle of the game when there are sufficient oil, resources to support increased HI levels, and building up the HI and the high level factories to align with higher HI is vedry expensive - and bottomline I deemed it was not worth it. You can produce more planes than you need and all the ships you need in stock without increasing HI, so why do it? For AE, I do not know the "equation" yet. But I will be doing the same things I do in stock, monitoring the levels of all resources daily, in a spreadsheet until I find the "handle". I post some screen shots once there is enough data to make it worth looking at. After one day, there is not.

Mike Solli -> RE: Amis vs Aussies - World Domination(no jrcar or Tony) (8/8/2009 7:03:34 PM)

I also do the min/max for aircraft pool levels. If you have some time, I'd love to see what your levels are.

By shutting off the Yamato, Musashi, Taiho and Shinano, did you end up with a surplus of naval points? If so, how many?

jwilkerson -> RE: Amis vs Aussies - World Domination(no jrcar or Tony) (8/8/2009 7:33:52 PM)

01 - Min/Max ... well this depends on the "size" of the slot pool at various points in time. So right now I am crunching through the data adding up the number of aircraft slots of the various types at roughly 6 month intervals.

The primary limiting factoring in terms of Japanese air production is this number of slots. No matter how many planes you produce, you can only deploy the number of slots that you have. So like right now, in 3rd Air Divison I have five fighter sentai or about 216 slots. If these were the only fighters I had then I might want to budget say 40/20 as my max/min levels. Roughly 20% and 10%. But this also depends on how quickly I think the pool could be depleted. So like for Dinah or Jake I expect the pools to be depleted at a slow steady rate, whereas for Zero and Betty I would expect slow periods and spike period, so my levels should be able to handle a "spike". So for Zeros and Bettys' maybe 300/200 - at least those were the levels I used in stock. For Dinah it was more like 50/25. But before setting the levels, I need to finish the "slot inventory over time" work.

02 - Haven't run turn two yet, so don't know what the savings are. I just want to see it (naval shipyard points) increasing. I want to see everything increasing everyturn - even if just a little bit. That is how I manage the Japanese economy, if everything is increasing a little bit every turn then I know the bottom will not fall out. If something is decreasing then the bottom can fall out and it can take a long time to fix it - meanwhile you aren't producing anything - which is bad! So, "bottom fall out avoidance" is best insured by sustained increases (even if just a little bit) across the board. So I will continue to make adjustments until I see that happening.

Mike Solli -> RE: Amis vs Aussies - World Domination(no jrcar or Tony) (8/8/2009 7:42:33 PM)

Your plan sounds familiar. I do much the same thing. Often I choose max and min more by feel or instinct than anything.

For my naval and merchant pools, I try too keep them at a minimum of 500. That way, if something major starts drawing points, it doesn't suck the pool dry and screw up everything.

jwilkerson -> RE: Amis vs Aussies - World Domination(no jrcar or Tony) (8/8/2009 8:01:04 PM)

Yeah I've mostly done "instinct" also, but my AE instincts are not as strong as my WITP instincts, so I want a little data to interpolate off of!

As to industry pool levels - I try to have them always increasing - even if just slight - and not maintaining particular levels. So in my case, we should see the pools growing and growing during the game. By 1944 and later, then the "extra" stuff in the pools acts as a hedge against ultimately economic collapse once the raw materials are no longer arriving in sufficient numbers. For example, in the few games I've played that have reached 1944, I have always had more than 1M in the HI pool. That only lasts about a month a full blast production - but it is better than no reserve!

Monter_Trismegistos -> RE: Amis vs Aussies - World Domination(no jrcar or Tony) (8/8/2009 10:52:18 PM)

Thats weird ASW limitations. I would left a gap in houserules in case of someone parking a sub in my base. Such ad-hoc counter-attack force would been surely created if USN sub had enter Tokyo Bay! (sorry for bad English, my conditionals sucks)

Wirraway_Ace -> RE: Amis vs Aussies - World Domination(no jrcar or Tony) (8/9/2009 5:06:21 AM)


ORIGINAL: Monter_Trismegistos

Thats weird ASW limitations. I would left a gap in houserules in case of someone parking a sub in my base. Such ad-hoc counter-attack force would been surely created if USN sub had enter Tokyo Bay! (sorry for bad English, my conditionals sucks)

That was my thought also. What was the logic for the no ASW TF till 44 rule?

jwilkerson -> RE: Amis vs Aussies - World Domination(no jrcar or Tony) (8/9/2009 5:47:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: Wirraway_Ace
What was the logic for the no ASW TF till 44 rule?

Same as the logic for the no ASW air mission till '44 rule. ASW is still too powerful. SAIEW in WITP. If this gets fixed in the game - we will consider backing out these two house rules.

jwilkerson -> RE: Amis vs Aussies - World Domination(no jrcar or Tony) (8/9/2009 6:14:19 AM)

Well, I don't normally put combat reports in my AARs, but will put a few pieces of the turn one in here - Pearl Harbor and the Force Z attacks. We think we got Repulse, but probably not PoW.

Morning Air attack on Pearl Harbor , at 180,107

Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid detected at 80 NM, estimated altitude 12,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 26 minutes

Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 68
B5N2 Kate x 143
D3A1 Val x 126

Allied aircraft
no flights

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M2 Zero: 1 destroyed, 1 damaged
B5N2 Kate: 5 destroyed, 17 damaged
D3A1 Val: 1 destroyed, 8 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
B-18A Bolo: 5 destroyed on ground
PBY-5 Catalina: 20 destroyed on ground
B-17D Fortress: 5 destroyed on ground
P-36A Mohawk: 10 destroyed on ground
P-40B Warhawk: 28 destroyed on ground
SBD-1 Dauntless: 5 destroyed on ground
A-20A Havoc: 3 destroyed on ground
B-17E Fortress: 1 destroyed on ground
O-47A: 3 destroyed on ground
R3D-2: 1 destroyed on ground
F4F-3 Wildcat: 3 destroyed on ground
C-33: 1 destroyed on ground

Allied Ships
AV Curtiss, Torpedo hits 1
BB West Virginia, Bomb hits 9, Torpedo hits 5, heavy fires, heavy damage
BB California, Bomb hits 6, Torpedo hits 4, and is sunk
BB Oklahoma, Bomb hits 7, Torpedo hits 4, heavy fires, heavy damage
BB Tennessee, Bomb hits 12, Torpedo hits 1, heavy fires
xAP St. Mihel
SS Tautog, Torpedo hits 1
BB Arizona, Bomb hits 2, Torpedo hits 4, on fire, heavy damage
BB Pennsylvania, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 6, on fire, heavy damage
BB Nevada, Bomb hits 8, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
CL Helena, Bomb hits 1
BB Maryland, Bomb hits 6, Torpedo hits 2, heavy fires
CA San Francisco, Bomb hits 2, Torpedo hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
CM Oglala, Bomb hits 1
DM Breese
DD Allen, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage
CL Raleigh, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
DD Helm, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
DD Cummings, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
PT-21, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk
DM Montgomery, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage
DM Pruitt, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires
AD Dobbin, Bomb hits 2, on fire, heavy damage
AR Medusa, Bomb hits 1
DMS Zane, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
CL Phoenix, Bomb hits 1
AM Rail, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
DMS Perry, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
DD Cassin, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
CL Honolulu, Torpedo hits 1
AVP Swan
DD Dewey, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires
CL St. Louis, Bomb hits 2, Torpedo hits 1, on fire
CA New Orleans, Bomb hits 2
DD Henley, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
CL Detroit, Torpedo hits 1, on fire
SS Narwhal, Torpedo hits 1
DD Ralph Talbot
DD Jarvis, Torpedo hits 1, on fire, heavy damage
AV Wright, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires
SS Dolphin, Torpedo hits 1, heavy damage
DM Gamble, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk

Allied ground losses:
17 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Guns lost 3 (0 destroyed, 3 disabled)
Vehicles lost 1 (0 destroyed, 1 disabled)

Repair Shipyard hits 5
Airbase hits 45
Airbase supply hits 5
Runway hits 194

Morning Air attack on TF, near Mersing at 52,82

Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid detected at 160 NM, estimated altitude 28,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 63 minutes

Japanese aircraft
G3M2 Nell x 9

Japanese aircraft losses
G3M2 Nell: 1 destroyed, 8 damaged

Allied Ships
BB Prince of Wales, Torpedo hits 2, on fire
BC Repulse

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Mersing at 52,82

Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid detected at 160 NM, estimated altitude 16,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 56 minutes

Japanese aircraft
G4M1 Betty x 13

Allied aircraft
Buffalo I x 4

Japanese aircraft losses
G4M1 Betty: 1 destroyed, 9 damaged

Allied Ships
BC Repulse, Torpedo hits 3, heavy damage

Afternoon Air attack on TF, near Mersing at 52,82

Weather in hex: Clear sky

Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 26,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 15 minutes

Japanese aircraft
G3M2 Nell x 9

Allied aircraft
Buffalo I x 6

Japanese aircraft losses
G3M2 Nell: 4 destroyed, 3 damaged

Allied Ships
BC Repulse, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage

AttuWatcher -> RE: Amis vs Aussies - World Domination(no jrcar or Tony) (8/9/2009 9:27:52 AM)


ORIGINAL: scott1964



khyberbill -> RE: Amis vs Aussies - World Domination(no jrcar or Tony) (8/9/2009 5:46:10 PM)


09 -1 Day turns until end Jan then 2 day turns.

I was not aware you could change the turn rate after the game started. How do you do this? Thanks,

jwilkerson -> RE: Amis vs Aussies - World Domination(no jrcar or Tony) (8/9/2009 5:49:40 PM)

Good question.

I can do it now becuause I have "special abilities" - [;)][:D] - though we do hope to roll this capability out to everyone one day. We are testing it now.

davidjruss -> RE: Amis vs Aussies - World Domination(no jrcar or Tony) (8/9/2009 6:23:43 PM)

How does the PBEM system work with 2 people to a side?


Laxplayer -> RE: Amis vs Aussies - World Domination(no jrcar or Tony) (8/9/2009 6:40:59 PM)



How does the PBEM system work with 2 people to a side?


1st person on the team just puts in his orders for his responsibilities, "saves" the turn when he is finished (as opposed to hitting the "end turn" button), then emails it to his partner. Partner does his stuff, then hits the end turn button and emails it to the opponents. Rinse/repeat.

Q-Ball -> RE: Amis vs Aussies - World Domination(no jrcar or Tony) (8/9/2009 7:54:00 PM)

Consider me subscribed, can't wait for your colonialist-crushing strategies!

jwilkerson -> RE: Amis vs Aussies - World Domination(no jrcar or Tony) (8/11/2009 5:14:02 AM)


South China Sea

I forgot to reset the range of some Nells, so they flew over about six TFs of Allied shipping leaving Hong Kong and suicided themselves against the P40s at Manilla to get a shot an 1 AKL in port (missing). I guess this is SAIEW since UV.

My area will first land at Miri and establish a small fighter base to cover a later landing at Kuching.

I will sortie the BC group out into the SCS to try to bump into some of that massive amount of shipping I see out there.

The Izusu will sortie from Saigon to Kuching to mess with any reinforcement attempt.

A submarine I positioned to pick off the PoW instead put 2 Torps into the Repulse, so I guess we still didn't get her (she has take 7 torp hits so far).

Here is some air production data.


jwilkerson -> RE: Amis vs Aussies - World Domination(no jrcar or Tony) (8/11/2009 5:14:44 AM)


And aircraft engines


jwilkerson -> RE: Amis vs Aussies - World Domination(no jrcar or Tony) (8/11/2009 5:15:17 AM)


And resources


jwilkerson -> RE: Amis vs Aussies - World Domination(no jrcar or Tony) (8/13/2009 4:06:10 AM)


South China Sea

See pic below. Not a good day for the Japanese in the South China Sea. No bombers from Indochina flew, despite presence, of HQ, morale 99, fatigue 0, fighter escort, etc. [:)] Allied merchant shipping steams by with no interference [:D] even our BB Surface Group sails through the lot with no contact!

But, Allied submarines massacre some unescorted convoys (set up pre-war by the scenario) - I should've sent them back to port to get proper escorts. Doing so now!

Allied Uber PTs perform a typical daylight attack on a heavily escorted convoy, sinking a second class DD and escaping.[:D]

To top it off, our attack at Kota Bhura failed, messing up our regiment there - maybe we'll have better luck on another day [;)].


erstad -> RE: Amis vs Aussies - World Domination(no jrcar or Tony) (8/13/2009 5:28:22 AM)


ORIGINAL: jwilkerson

But, Allied submarines massacre some unescorted convoys (set up pre-war by the scenario) - I should've sent them back to port to get proper escorts. Doing so now!

Uh, yeah. Insufficient escorts, no aircover, and heading deep into the bowels of the DEI (manado and some other base I forget?). What were those dev's thinking [:-] I've got those guys bobbing along in mid-ocean until I can protect them.

jwilkerson -> RE: Amis vs Aussies - World Domination(no jrcar or Tony) (8/13/2009 1:39:35 PM)

Oh I did manage to turn those two convoys around. They are unloading at Samah. Then I can disband those convoys into the Port - since there are insufficient escorts - but disbanded into the port at least they will be safe from marauding Uber PTs! [:D]

Kull -> RE: Amis vs Aussies - World Domination(no jrcar or Tony) (8/14/2009 3:33:58 AM)

Joe, what are you using as the reaction settings on your Subs? FWIW, I played the entire Aleutians scenario with IJN subs at zero, and they might have launched one attack for every ten "hunker down and get demolished". In my second run through, the subs are all set to 1 and the attack rate is closer to 50%.

jwilkerson -> RE: Amis vs Aussies - World Domination(no jrcar or Tony) (8/14/2009 3:45:20 AM)

Right now for submarines on patrol I'm using 6 and for submarines performing RTB I am using 0. So far I have gotten 1 attack per turn (2 attacks total). I am running the 16 or so submarines in the South China Sea, so I have 12 on patrol and 4 performing RTB right now.

jwilkerson -> RE: Amis vs Aussies - World Domination(no jrcar or Tony) (8/15/2009 4:20:53 PM)


South China Sea

Our submarines torpedoed 2 small tankers in the Java Sea, both expended all their torpedos and are now performing RTB (Saigon). The Kongo/Haruna Group caught 1 AP (with troops aboard) and another small tanker, during a sweep of the Sulu Sea. This unit must now proceed to Miri to cover the landing there. The Isuzu poked her head in at Kuching over the evening but there was no shipping home. Now she will proceed the Miri landing force into Miri this turn. We do see some Allied destroyers between our Miri landing force and Miri so, we expect some type of battle.

The high command insisted that we attack Hong Kong prior to completing our preparations. Our attack did reduce the fortifications somewhat, but the enemy troops are still holding out.

Here is an excerpt from this turns combat report:

AFTER ACTION REPORTS FOR Dec 10, 41--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Submarine attack near Billiton at 52,91

Japanese Ships
SS I-153

Allied Ships
TK Strix, Torpedo hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage

SS I-153 is sighted by TK Strix
SS I-153 launches 8 torpedoes at TK Strix

Submarine attack near Billiton at 52,92

Japanese Ships
SS I-153

Allied Ships
TK Semiramis, Torpedo hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage

SS I-153 is sighted by TK Semiramis
SS I-153 launches 8 torpedoes at TK Semiramis

Day Time Surface Combat, near San Jose at 76,84, Range 22,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
BB Kongo
BB Haruna
CA Takao
CA Atago
CL Jintsu
DD Asashio
DD Oshio
DD Michishio
DD Arashio
DD Akatsuki
DD Hibiki

Allied Ships
xAP President Madison, Shell hits 2, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk We find a transport with troops in the Sulu Sea

Allied ground losses:
Vehicles lost 1 (1 destroyed, 0 disabled)

Day Time Surface Combat, near Jolo at 74,88, Range 20,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
BB Kongo
BB Haruna
CA Takao
CA Atago
CL Jintsu
DD Asashio
DD Oshio
DD Michishio
DD Arashio
DD Akatsuki
DD Hibiki

Allied Ships
TK Manatawny, Shell hits 13, and is sunk We find a tanker in the Sulu Sea

Morning Air attack on TF, near Kwangchowan at 73,60

Weather in hex: Light rain

Raid detected at 40 NM, estimated altitude 2,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 13 minutes

Japanese aircraft
Ki-51 Sonia x 10

No Japanese losses

Allied Ships
xAKL Halldor, Bomb hits 1, on fire Of the hundreds of aircraft we have trying to bomb the Allied shipping in the South China Sea, one group of Sonia finally got a hit. Note that none of the Nells or Betty's have yet flown after the first turn

Aircraft Attacking:
4 x Ki-51 Sonia bombing from 1000 feet
Naval Attack: 2 x 50 kg GP Bomb
6 x Ki-51 Sonia bombing from 1000 feet *
Naval Attack: 2 x 50 kg GP Bomb

Heavy smoke from fires obscuring xAKL Halldor


Ground combat at Hong Kong (77,61)

Japanese Shock attack

Attacking force 26280 troops, 321 guns, 218 vehicles, Assault Value = 632

Defending force 8685 troops, 133 guns, 80 vehicles, Assault Value = 226

Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 1 Fortifications reduced we can try again soon

Japanese adjusted assault: 892

Allied adjusted defense: 405

Japanese assault odds: 2 to 1 (fort level 1)

Japanese Assault reduces fortifications to 1

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(-), experience(-)
Attacker: shock(+)

Japanese ground losses:
1202 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 48 disabled
Non Combat: 6 destroyed, 61 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 14 disabled
Vehicles lost 8 (2 destroyed, 6 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
375 casualties reported
Squads: 3 destroyed, 36 disabled
Non Combat: 2 destroyed, 23 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Vehicles lost 5 (1 destroyed, 4 disabled)

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