lostsm -> industry troops resource pool (8/9/2009 8:28:28 PM)
in WiTP, jap vs AI, dec 31st 42 levels... are these atypical? manpower: 592,811 HI: 348,585 armament: 75,159 vehicle: 13,335 I ran low on vehicles when the 3rd tank reg (chinese exp) showed up, but it quickly got remedied when I turned vehicle production back on. manpower and armament don't seem to budge much, granted there really wasn't much fighting in the last 3 months of the game to deplete these. with high manpower/arms/vehicle levels, there is no need to keep those industries on or feed manpower centers right? as for HI, it's just steadily climbing, of course arms, vals and kates production is halted. these numbers just seem really high. I thought I'd be stringing it out nearing the end of 42, but it was the opposite, IJ was just getting fatter and fatter. in comparison I saw the allies had 1.8 mil manpower, 3 times as much, but still. this was vs AI so I suppose it's not much of a far stretch to accumulate so much.