skukko -> Of Lost Victories and river of Bug (4/9/2005 12:20:10 AM)
Howdy :) Well..- I've finally found something from my CDs. I have a question: RichardT1st: Have you your desert fox running? Have you tried it? I might know what is problem. I've seen similar errors in my battle at the desert. I just haven't had time and interests to fix them for my own struggle. And besides, those tanks driving other tanks have been in my games scenario-related, and dissapeared in next fights. Saving: Create new folder/ name it MCbackup/ copy working save into there, -Before starting game. This way you allways loose only one battle when game crashes. Don't mind about killed troops: someone has said that "don't get too big friend with your squad-members, they can be dead in next fight and you loose your faith". (Save-problems seems to solved anyway. -or?) I am not so confident with Desert Fox, but there are similar oddities as are in All MCs, and some of them I can fix, or say why they don't run they should be.. Is there a problem still mr55555 with Potapov Strikes? And what it comes to Timetravellers in Lost Victories:: uhm.. From Kiev to Festung Molotov.. You'll have to understand that when setting up around 300 scenarios there can be some mistakes unseen. This is what has happened: Kiev is scenario number XXX and aftermath should open to you scenarios ZZZ. So now this has gone wrong and you have scenarios CCC next. Sounds simple to keep track of all these "from here to there", but its not easy for one man. Brent Grenadier Richards kept those followups in his hands, and he did it good. If there is more scenario-errata that Still causes your bloodpressure to rise, lets fix them, just keep posting here. BUT, -try to look at the right -hand corner scenarios number and creator. It really helps to know where problems are. Might take some time before I'll answer due to other things, but I'll answer with plea. yours: mosh, -LV Team Cpt