GG 4.040 tourney Rd. 2: Marshall Art - AussieBoMbR (Full Version)

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Marshall Art -> GG 4.040 tourney Rd. 2: Marshall Art - AussieBoMbR (8/15/2009 10:53:22 PM)

Summer 1939 - after Germany took Poland without loss Japan lost a few Militia.

AussieBoMbR -> RE: GG 4.040 tourney Rd. 2: Marshall Art - AussieBoMbR (8/20/2009 11:35:22 AM)

Allies s39

Detroyers moved around atlantic to cover up trannies...

Marshall Art -> RE: GG 4.040 tourney Rd. 2: Marshall Art - AussieBoMbR (8/20/2009 9:59:52 PM)

German rail offers "visit Europe" tickets for young students. Older classes also welcome. 

Marshall Art -> RE: GG 4.040 tourney Rd. 2: Marshall Art - AussieBoMbR (8/24/2009 11:29:37 PM)

Winter 1940: Germans missed Christmas in Paris, Dutch infantry that retreated spoiled the party. 

AussieBoMbR -> RE: GG 4.040 tourney Rd. 2: Marshall Art - AussieBoMbR (8/26/2009 1:19:13 PM)

allies w40

french reorganise after near miss with paris almost falling before christmas...

axis subs engaged around horn of africa with no luck sinking any...

Marshall Art -> RE: GG 4.040 tourney Rd. 2: Marshall Art - AussieBoMbR (8/29/2009 1:05:05 PM)

Spring 1940 - France fell without losses to Germany, Yugos are up next...

AussieBoMbR -> RE: GG 4.040 tourney Rd. 2: Marshall Art - AussieBoMbR (8/30/2009 6:37:00 AM)

Allies Spring40

Churchill prefers to adopt a more defensive posture and reinforcements are sent to middle east rather than engaging air units in western france...

Axis subs have knocked out a couple of trannies but are now out of torps and a long way from home...

China continues a faceoff against the migth of the japanese army, when will they strike?

KGB steals blueprints for german infantry evasion

Marshall Art -> RE: GG 4.040 tourney Rd. 2: Marshall Art - AussieBoMbR (8/30/2009 12:41:17 PM)

Even with limited forces RAF causes high losses to the Luftwaffe.

Axis subs enjoy Italian supplies in E. Africa and go on to harrass Allied shipping.

AussieBoMbR -> RE: GG 4.040 tourney Rd. 2: Marshall Art - AussieBoMbR (8/31/2009 11:44:02 AM)


Nuisance axis sub resupplied from IEA which flipped the turn they were able to load up torpedos and continue to harass british merchant fleet in the red sea...not sure why the italians were hoarding 21inch u-boat torps in africa [8|]

Anyway italian expedition in east africa is short lived anyway after being invaded by superior british forces...

In the med a lone italian tranny is sunk off corsica...hopefully this will put even more pressure on the italians trying to supply the armies of north africa...

Britain continues to fortify the home defenses while sending all spare units to cairo to prepare to defend against Rommel [sm=00000036.gif]

Situation in the Med...big stand off with pretty even forces


Marshall Art -> RE: GG 4.040 tourney Rd. 2: Marshall Art - AussieBoMbR (9/1/2009 7:57:13 AM)

Fall 1940 - Balkans are Axis, with both sides trying to get the upper hand in the Med theater. Norway invaded, we cannot allow them to be Pro-Allied for much longer [:-]

AussieBoMbR -> RE: GG 4.040 tourney Rd. 2: Marshall Art - AussieBoMbR (9/2/2009 1:22:45 AM)

F40 Allies

The med is still at boiling point...RN and regia marina running naval execises alongside each other...only a matter of time before all hell breaks loose[sm=fighting0083.gif]

Montgomery wins a nice little battle against a handful of inexperienced and ill equiped Italian forces [8D] after a tac and fighter together with coastal bombardment successfully knocked off Italian artillery...however it looks like Rommel is not far behind them with a couple of panzer divisions...[:'(]

Maximum reinforcements sent to cairo...artillery set up all around the city...churchill reckons we can hold it but probably depends on timing of barbarossa...

KGB discovers that Japs are stealing a lot of American research...[:-]

AussieBoMbR -> RE: GG 4.040 tourney Rd. 2: Marshall Art - AussieBoMbR (9/2/2009 1:25:46 AM)

F40 Allies
The med is still at boiling point...RN and regia marina running naval execises alongside each other...only a matter of time before all hell breaks loose...[sm=fighting0083.gif]

Montgomery wins a nice little battle against a handful of inexperienced and ill equiped Italian forces [8D] after a tac and fighter together with coastal bombardment successfully knocked off Italian artillery...however it looks like Rommel is not far behind them with a couple of panzer divisions...[:'(]

Maximum reinforcements sent to cairo...artillery set up all around the city...churchill reckons we can hold it but probably depends on timing of barbarossa...

KGB discovers that Japs are stealing a lot of American research...[:-]

Marshall Art -> RE: GG 4.040 tourney Rd. 2: Marshall Art - AussieBoMbR (9/2/2009 9:42:05 PM)

Winter 1941 - Italian were badly beaten, thus German reinforcements were redispatched to other areas. Italians and British exchange one BB each in the Med, some Uboats prowl the Atlantic with EV3.

Marshall Art -> RE: GG 4.040 tourney Rd. 2: Marshall Art - AussieBoMbR (9/5/2009 6:38:26 PM)

Spring 1941 - Rapid advance in Russia, while Africa was reinforced. Japan does some attrition in China prior to refocussing. Kiev pocket has 2 supplies without relief nearby. several armour divisions looking to blitz further east from Kharkov...


Marshall Art -> RE: GG 4.040 tourney Rd. 2: Marshall Art - AussieBoMbR (9/26/2009 12:48:52 AM)

Summer 1941 - with Stalingrad, Grozny and Moscow the only strongholds the Axis advance continues. The huge Kiev pocket costs the Russians about one third of their non-militia units. Despite Allied ASW reaching 2 the subs continue to harass Atlantic sailors.


AussieBoMbR -> RE: GG 4.040 tourney Rd. 2: Marshall Art - AussieBoMbR (9/26/2009 12:28:29 PM)

Allies Su41

Stalin surprised by the germnan invasion is urgently recalled from his holidays in antartica [sm=fighting0056.gif] to attend emergency defense plans for moscow (which is likely to fall next turn...)

Russians are deep in the hole...scratch forces including the latest soviet weapon "peasants with pitch forks" are thrown into defensive fortications in moscow, grozny and staligrad...everyone praying for an early winter [&:]

While in the med things are shaping up quite nicely with Italian/German forces in north africa cut off from europe...allies desperately need to help out the soviets...


Marshall Art -> RE: GG 4.040 tourney Rd. 2: Marshall Art - AussieBoMbR (9/27/2009 6:59:44 PM)

Fall 1941 - After Moscow was surrounded and captured another good portion of the Red Army was destroyed. Despite the set-back in the Med the Axis still enjoys the symphaties of the Neutral Nations it seems as after Finland last turn Sweden joined the Axis, a wise move [;)]. 


nemesszili -> RE: GG 4.040 tourney Rd. 2: Marshall Art - AussieBoMbR (9/28/2009 12:14:08 PM)

I've never seen a game in which Sweden joined the war...

Anyway, good AAR. Russians will be hard pressed, as I see.

sapper32 -> RE: GG 4.040 tourney Rd. 2: Marshall Art - AussieBoMbR (9/28/2009 1:00:31 PM)

Im following this AAR closely as im playing my first game against the AI as WA its helping me out a lot this is the first game ive played at the strategic level apart from WaW on AT cheers Ian

Marshall Art -> RE: GG 4.040 tourney Rd. 2: Marshall Art - AussieBoMbR (9/28/2009 10:23:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: nemesszili

I've never seen a game in which Sweden joined the war...

Yeah it is my first time, too. Now if only those Russians finally gave up [:D] Not much during Winter 1942 except an offensive by Rommel in N. Africa that fails but causes losses to the Allies. Japan waits.

Marshall Art -> RE: GG 4.040 tourney Rd. 2: Marshall Art - AussieBoMbR (10/1/2009 10:18:03 PM)

Spring 1942 - Allies command the Med but the Axis bombers force the Allied ships to flee into Malta and Alexandria harbours. Germany smashes another Russian Army, paving the way for further advance.

Japan sits tight for another turn, US WR below 32. Will Roosevelt join at all or negotiate?[:D]

Marshall Art -> RE: GG 4.040 tourney Rd. 2: Marshall Art - AussieBoMbR (10/14/2009 7:49:43 PM)

We skipped a few turns but in Fall 1942 the Axis powers reached AV level which the Allies could not counter. In brief Russia was beaten and Japan snatched enough resources in DEI to secure peace. 

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