DrewMatrix -> Can't add AC to airgroups on CVs (8/19/2009 3:32:39 PM)
This is from the "What are all the requrements to add AC to a carrier air group?" thread. I can't add AC to an air group on a CV and don't see why. I have for example TF 56 docked in Sydney (port large enough to dock CVs). Sydney has 193,602 supply. Look at VF-3 on the Saratoga. Max AC is 27. Air group has 25 and there are 14 in the pool but I can't add more. Or VB-3 on Saratoga. Max AC is 18, 12 in group, 22 in pool but again can't add more. I have "replacements off" because I don't want the program to automatically add AC (I want to pick where they go). Is that the problem? Earlier in the turn (I can send that file too if it helps) I could add some AC but after adding a few I couldn't add more. If I click "replacements on" I get "replacements delayed". If I run one turn I still can't add to this group. Is this a) me not seeing what to do b) because the TF is docked way over in Sydney but the TF is assigned to the Pacific Fleet (which is currently in Pearl) c) something else <G> Thanks in advance Drew Sullivan