Hard Sarge -> RE: Boy talk about a bad day (8/29/2009 2:01:47 AM)
Alt is tricky some fighters work better at low, other at high but over all, bombers do worse hitting the target, the higher they are (but, US Heavies have the Norden, so they get a bonus) yes, you can pull off low level attacks, get away with it ? depends on what is going on, if it gets caught, it is not going to fair well, but if it can get in before the defender react ??? of course, the lower you are, the more light/med AA can have a effect the hassle is fighters, they do best when bouncing there target, maybe around 80-20, something good is going to happen, when fighters attack, it tends to be more 50-50 something good will happen, so as in real life, Alt is life for a fighter (just in case, for fighters, you have two types of attacks, Bounce, or attack, hassle is, Bounce is more like a stalk, you are waiting for the best postion, best chance, so take your time, the Attack, on the other hand, just rushes in like a bull)