What's your luckest ship? (Full Version)

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Chris21wen -> What's your luckest ship? (8/26/2009 3:05:46 PM)

AS Canopus

Damaged by an air atteck in Manila I put her into the shipyard but she was never going to be fully repaired by the time Manilla fell and then she had to get out. Forgot the exact time but she had to leave or be caught in port with 50 sys 11 flt and 14 eng. Going through the Celebes was going to be dodgy as the KB was now operating in that area so towards Singapore, Batavia and hopefully Perth. I routed her direct traveling at mission speed of 2 hex per pulse. Dispite what seens like every Jap plane spotting her that surrounded the South China Sea, she was not been attacked once and now just 34 hexes to go. Her sys damage is now down to 34 by the way.

I'll be pissed if some Jap sub pops ups.

oldman45 -> RE: What's your luckest ship? (8/26/2009 3:09:54 PM)

USS Gato,

72 flotation damage, minor engine damage, made it to Midway from the Sea of Japan.

JohnDillworth -> RE: What's your luckest ship? (8/26/2009 3:10:19 PM)

Been in about 10 surface combats, couple of small hits, never really touched.  Bunch of Air attacks, always the other ships that get hit.  I think the Boise is an inside joke with the developers.  She has a reputation as a super-ship that her specs would not lead you to believe

John Lansford -> RE: What's your luckest ship? (8/26/2009 3:14:00 PM)

For me it has to either be PoW or Repulse.  PoW wasn't even scratched on the first day's airstrike, while Repulse took all the pounding.  She was 'lucky' in that she made it back to Singapore with 70+ flotation, 40+ system and 50+ engine damage, but frantic repairs got her seaworthy right before the base fell.  With two DD's escorting her she made it to Broome with 40+ flotation and 50+ engine damage, refueled and headed for Columbo, reaching there about a month ago.  Once she's better repaired her and her crew are going to spend a long time in an offmap shipyard...

DeriKuk -> RE: What's your luckest ship? (8/26/2009 4:55:19 PM)

CL Danae

. . . took out [sunk] a 3-ship amphib force (which included a CL) off Kuching in northern Borneo. [8D]

V22 Osprey -> RE: What's your luckest ship? (8/26/2009 5:15:07 PM)

CV Saratoga, 10+ waves of Val's and Torp Bombers, only got hit once with minor damage.(not even on fire)

jazman -> RE: What's your luckest ship? (8/26/2009 8:16:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: JohnDillworth

Been in about 10 surface combats, couple of small hits, never really touched.

That's not luck. That's Boise.

IKL -> RE: What's your luckest ship? (8/26/2009 9:14:08 PM)

DM Gamble. On ASW duty with 3 other DMs. She was torpedoed by an I-boat, and when the others forced the Jap sub to the surface with depth charge attacks, Gamble torpedoed the sub and sank it. Revenge, or what?
And then she made it back to Townsville with a very large hole in her side. Repairing at the moment, while her crew are living off the story in all the local bars.

Zebedee -> RE: What's your luckest ship? (8/26/2009 9:23:23 PM)

Prinz Eugen. [sm=character0231.gif] In WitP I developed a love for the Oi beyond all other ships. No idea why, but it just seemed to always get beat up on and come back for more. Unsinkable. At least until my assault on Pearl Harbour went a bit wonky in 1943 [8|]

crsutton -> RE: What's your luckest ship? (8/26/2009 10:25:48 PM)

USS submarine Narwall. Hit by a Japanese sub torpedo on the second day of the war. I thought she was done for but found her back at Pearl with about 80 sys and 80 flotation. She is in the yard now alongside the wrecks of my battle fleet.

Sheytan -> RE: What's your luckest ship? (8/26/2009 11:28:42 PM)

For me its probably the CL Java. She has not only held the honor of bieng the flagship for a number of SC TF's, but she has also been involved in virtually every surface combat mission ive engaged in around the DEI.

She is currently limping home after defeating two transport convoys well escorted by DD/CA mix, although the IJN CA's held their own, the Java led squadron was able to inflict considerable damage to the transports themselves.

So to conclude, I toast the captain and crew of the CL Java!

sfbaytf -> RE: What's your luckest ship? (8/26/2009 11:38:12 PM)


May not be the luckiest ship, but so far one of the more interesting ships. I sunk it in a PBEM game off PM. Thought the name sounded weird.

While reading Chapter 3 of "Tin Cans" I come across the tale of the "Willmoto" Pretty interesting. Was a German blockade runner captured off Africa before the US was officially "at war".

scott64 -> RE: What's your luckest ship? (8/27/2009 1:44:02 AM)

S-36 reportedly sunk three times. [:'(]

dorjun driver -> RE: What's your luckest ship? (8/27/2009 2:26:39 AM)

APA Heywood

She was headed off at the Attu Pass by BB Musashi et al.  She got 3 licks on Musashi (set topsides on fire), took a lick, and ran away successfully.  Her escort?  Not so much.

Really.  The engagement had the surface group close and cross the transports.  Heywood, being in the lead?, fired first.

What?  Win first, fight later?

Guns three-over-three,
Make great geysers grow about
The old ships' wake.
But still her guns give voice.
And now...

Damn, wrong theater again.

Fallschirmjager -> RE: What's your luckest ship? (8/27/2009 3:03:01 AM)

CL Dragon and CL Boise

I have enough ships in the DEI to create two powerful surface combat groups. One centered around the Boise and the other around the Houston.
The Houston force I send into combat and due to poor recon finds itself against a IJN taskforce including two heavy cruisers and the Kongo :(
The Allied force turns to run which is a good move. Two destroyers are hit and set aflame which I guess slowed down the withdrawl. The Houston is blazing away but can't hit a damn thing (it was worthless in WitP too). Meanwhile the Dragon is weaving in and out of very heavy naval fire and is peppering away with it's guns at the Kongo. It hit it probably 25+ times and did some extensive upperworks damage and took out some AA guns and secondary guns.
Then as the guns were dying away it unleashed a flurry of torpedos and hit a Japanese heavy cruiser with a full spread of three. [&o]
The TF lived to fight another day with the loss of just two DDs's

The Boise on the other hand is just the good ole Boise. It has been in two surface engagements and has sunk 3 DDs, did significant damage to a CL and blasted off the face of the ocean around 10 transports.
The crews day and nigh experience both are over 75 now and it is a super ship.
When I finnaly withdrew from the DEI the Boise was attacked by a force of 9 Nells and I thought it was going to be the end of her. With it's 1941 complement of AA weapons it shot down 5 of the 9 attacking Nells and damaged the rest.
Those 3" guns and .50s work well when the crew can get them on target.

CEDeaton -> RE: What's your luckest ship? (8/27/2009 8:51:01 AM)

It's gotta be AVD William B. Preston. The Preston survived not one, but two, short-range nighttime encounters with 3xBBs and 3xDDs with nary a scratch.

It was a dark and moonless night...

Night Time Surface Combat, near Donggala at 70,96, Range 1,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
BB Nagato
BB Ise
BB Hyuga
DD Wakatake
DD Kuretake
DD Sanae

Allied Ships
AVD William B. Preston

Reduced sighting due to 0% moonlight
Maximum visibility in Partly Cloudy Conditions and 0% moonlight: 1,000 yards
Range closes to 2,000 yards...
Range closes to 1,000 yards...
DD Sanae engages AVD William B. Preston at 1,000 yards
Range increases to 2,000 yards
BB Hyuga engages AVD William B. Preston at 2,000 yards
DD Wakatake engages AVD William B. Preston at 2,000 yards
Task forces break off...

Night Time Surface Combat, near Donggala at 70,96, Range 1,000 Yards

Japanese Ships
BB Nagato
BB Ise
BB Hyuga
DD Wakatake
DD Kuretake
DD Sanae

Allied Ships
AVD William B. Preston

Reduced sighting due to 0% moonlight
Maximum visibility in Partly Cloudy Conditions and 0% moonlight: 2,000 yards
Range closes to 3,000 yards...
Range closes to 1,000 yards...
BB Nagato engages AVD William B. Preston at 1,000 yards
Range increases to 2,000 yards
BB Nagato engages AVD William B. Preston at 2,000 yards
Range increases to 6,000 yards
BB Hyuga engages AVD William B. Preston at 6,000 yards
DD Wakatake engages AVD William B. Preston at 6,000 yards
Task forces break off...

Chickenboy -> RE: What's your luckest ship? (8/27/2009 2:27:29 PM)

CL Dragon for me too.

During a sweep through the DEI by mini-KB, CL Dragon was the recipient of a main strike by Kates with 800kg bombs. She took three penetrating hits from them, but managed to limp into port at Palembang. She's recovering (albeit slowly) floatation damage and will probably live to fight another day.

SireChaos -> RE: What's your luckest ship? (8/27/2009 4:45:09 PM)

The entire force of long-range subs that start the war near Pearl Harbour. I sent them off to the West Coast right away. They sank three transports, then played hide-and-seek with the entire complement of ASW-capable ships around the West Coast. Result: 4 DD, 3 PC sunk. Six of the subs were hit by depth charges, damage ranging from 10/25/5 or so to 30/50/15 - yet every single one of them made it safely back, all the way to Kwajalein.

John Lansford -> RE: What's your luckest ship? (8/27/2009 5:16:31 PM)

It's 12/8/41 in my 2nd CG and already the "luckiest" ship has to be PoW.  In both CG's I've started she has taken just one torpedo hit (this game), and it only did 10 pts of system damage and 5 pts of flotation!  Repulse, OTOH, again got the raw end of the deal, 3 torpedoes that have her at 40/50/30 damage, respectively.  Still, given time she should be patched up enough in Singapore to escape to Columbo before the base falls.

Tazo -> RE: What's your luckest ship? (9/10/2009 10:36:41 PM)

The *full* Tanker Teiyo Maru. Yes, a basic TK !!!

Attacked successively by 1BB 3CA 4DD, 2 subs and more than 20 bombers... before unloading happily her precious fuel! Even the BB Yamato sacrificed for her... together with 2CA, 2CL, 3DD, plus 1BB crippled and many bombers lost.

She was appraoching Rabaul under the threat of some lurking allied TF hidden around there with at least one CA that hurted a previously incoming convoy but this damned TF - indeed in Rabaul hex or adjacent - was impossible to spot due to bad weather during several days - so dissuasive Betties useless. Having lost a precious loaded tanker the week before thus running low on fuel, and not believing my last reco mentionning "BB CA CA CA CA" I detached the Yamato TF (1BB1CA4DD) from a big convoy mission on the way to lunga, just to protect the now crucial TK and intercept these silly raiders... indeed revealed to be... the SoDak TF[X(] with actually 1BB3CA1CL4DD that delivered an epic night battle where the brave Yamato was sunk after damaging lightly the impressive SoDak and sinking 2CA1DD - helped by the LR torp of the als sunk jap CA. Well, Miss Teiyo Maru ended the day very close to the SoDak hex and adjusted her course while I sended the Hiei TF (1BB2CA2CL4DD) at full speed to venge the offense and catched the damaged SoDAk in a day battle this time, where the SoDak was more badly damaged but my second BB even more and eventually crippled... Then Betties and KB kates had to spend two days raiding the retreating SoDak to send her to the bottom after taking many torps but also firing deadly AA fire - I never saw her sink before the usual delayed OP message one week later attesting the loss while I was still looking for the Yamato sinker[:@] during days... Meantime the happy tanker[;)] had 2 escorting DDs crippled by 2 sub attacks and several Beaufort/LB raids just in front of Rabaul. The definitive lucky ship status was undoubtly won when I laughted seeing the TK - supposed to enter Rabaul that night turn[X(] - in the middle of the target sub screen and read... "2 torp hits, not exploding[:D] !!!" Impossible to stop laughing that entire day.

So after a raging battle, Rabaul welcomed this tactically lucky tanker[8D]... but a damned strategically cursed one !!! Poor Yamato & Hiei & Maya & etc... to be named on the unlukest ships thread now...

Note that the Yamato vs SoDAk head to head did occur 3 times in my intensive Guadalcanal tests and the first time the Yam under Tanaka command crossed the T and sunk the SoDak quickly at 6000' range during another bloody night - ammo stock explosion after a deluge of shells. The third time a double combat (a cautious night combat then a day non decisive battle) at lunga ended with a draw and the two BBs depleted and severely damaged, then both were crippled while retreating, by planes diverted from an important 3CV vs 4CV air battle around... one of my most intensive battle experience with all warships all around (>10TF) and two major invasion forces converging to the same target... No lucky TK in the middle of the battlefield this time but what a huge dramatic clash during five days of hell - other BB fights after the air contests. Still not sure who won because of FOW, in principle I'm left with 2CV vs 1CV for the next decisive convoy, and more BB/CA/CVL but no Yam again.

AE is a strongly emotional and addictive drug !!! So many things may happen and players reactions are not always rational... leaving always possible to play with your opponent's nerves... even the AI should know that!

TZ (or this time, TK)

ltfightr -> RE: What's your luckest ship? (9/11/2009 2:30:40 AM)

I vote for Cuttlefishes Hibiki !!!!!!!!!!!

vlcz -> RE: What's your luckest ship? (9/11/2009 8:14:08 AM)


ORIGINAL: ltfightr

I vote for Cuttlefishes Hibiki !!!!!!!!!!!

Believe it or not, it is IA´s most lucky ship in my own game by far, attacking ALONE 3 consecutive times a PT Task force of 4-5 units, within reach of Dutch Airforce, 3 PT sinked and no one scracth to Hibiki!!!

Most curious think its me crossing fingers NOT to sunk it, cuttlefishes AAR rocks too much [&o]

Mike Solli -> RE: What's your luckest ship? (9/11/2009 3:30:43 PM)

The Hiryu (WitP, not AE).  She took some nasty damage in the Central Pacific in a carrier-carrier battle and limped into Jaluit (port level 3, airfield level 0) with 97% flot damage and survived to terrorize the Pacific.  The worst part was that the Soryu was damaged in the morning and 2 of her daitai landed on Hiryu.  The Hiryu was damaged in the afternoon and reached port with about 120 pilots on board. [X(] I was squirming a long time because she couldn't leave port and those pilots were sitting in the ready room playing pinochle up to their eyeballs in seawater.

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