Gabby -> Frustrating thing about land combat (6/12/2002 8:39:59 PM)
One thing that bothers me about land combat is it is impossiable to pursue retreating enemy units. If during land combat I force the enemy units to retreat, bam he is in the next hex. But my troops that were just incontact with the fleeing units now have to march 30 miles to where the enemy is now which can take a couple of weeks to do. Then on top of that the enemy is resting and recovering while my troops are incurring fatigue and disruption. :( So now after weeks of building building up enough transport and supplies to get enough troops in battle, then in addation to fighting the eneny, we fight the jungle, and malira, so that once we start to get the upper hand in the battle, the enemy pull out thier handy dandy personal transporters and beam out of the battle. Okay enough of my rant. Overall I love the game. And I think it says a lot about the game when it took me three weeks of almost constant play(at least two hours a day), to find something worth complaning about. Great game, but that dosn't mean that I don't want the patch.:)