puresimmer -> RE: 1.83 run time error (9/11/2009 12:02:58 PM)
ORIGINAL: GNDN I was able to get the command prompt open (but not sure who to set it to run as admin) and followed your instructions. After step 4, I received the following error: The module "comdlg32.ocx" was loaded but the call to Dllregisterserver failed with error code 0x800040005. Stupid question: should I have deleted my comdlg32.ocx from system 32 before trying this? quote:
0x800040005 Hmm. Okay, a few things to try: 1) Try downloading and installing this update from Microsoft. 2) Try turning off User Account Control in Vista (Should not have to do this with PureSim, but we are troubleshooting and comdlg32.ocx is a Microsoft file, not a PureSim component)