Don't Change cover/survivability (Full Version)

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Derouin -> Don't Change cover/survivability (9/8/2009 9:00:55 AM)

Please do not change the difficulty in spotting sneaking/ambushing etc infantry. Some players grumble, but this makes the game much better to play.

There is nothing more unrealistic (and deflating!) than spotting crawling enemies from 100 plus meters away as in the older CC games.

As well, do not change the defensive attributes of bunkers! They are appropriately very strong defensively. They are BUNKERS after all. There is a reason why we use the term 'bunker down' today!

DasHoff -> RE: Don't Change cover/survivability (9/8/2009 11:19:23 AM)

ive always wondered about bunkers in real life. they seem such a tight place, one well placed HE shell into the bunker would wipe out everyone in it, wouldn't it? like wouldnt it hit the back of the bunker wall and just kill/wound everyone with the splash damage? were tanks accurate enough to put rounds into such a place at range?


Senior Drill -> RE: Don't Change cover/survivability (9/8/2009 1:21:38 PM)

Tanks could. That is how a lot of bunkers were taken out on Utah, Gold, Juno and Sword. Few of Omaha's tanks made it to shore. Tanks were also one of the main bunker busters of the Pacific theatre.

Bunkers are build to withstand air and naval artillery attacks, not direct fire from ground level. That is why they are usually enfiladed to have interlocking fire across the expected enemy direction of attack with AT and MGs. Tanks and infantry are usually concerned with getting past what is to their front and trusting in the others on their flanks to take out those in front of the flanking units that are shooting across at everyone else.

In CC, the tanker gunnery leaves a lot to be desired, especially at the ranges presented by most maps, but if every tank could get a first round kill on every target, it would take a lot away from the game.

DasHoff -> RE: Don't Change cover/survivability (9/8/2009 11:24:05 PM)

if you were able to hide your guns better, i think it'd be ok. that was the main strength of AT guns wasn't it; surprise, firing from hidden areas.

panzerlehr62 -> RE: Don't Change cover/survivability (9/9/2009 12:45:36 AM)

"if you were able to hide your guns better, i think it'd be ok. that was the main strength of AT guns wasn't it; surprise, firing from hidden areasBelieve it or not it still happens that way in this game"

Hoff. I got nailed by an at-gun in a hedge row (during debriefing I was told it was set on defend). I knew it was in the area because he fired off 1 round at a building I had just taken with an infantry team but it never showed. It will be in the next post and will be better explained there, so don't think they are always visible. It did not last long after its kill, but it did get one. I also had to target a general area to actually start taking it out to boot with the second tank I rolled out to engage it. After like 3 guys died it displayed, now it was still trying to fire so that's probably why its position was finally given away at the end.


DasHoff -> RE: Don't Change cover/survivability (9/9/2009 1:37:26 AM)

the only time i couldnt spot a gun was on carentan causeway, it was an inf gun in a hedgerow that fired at my stuart; i didnt spot it because it was night. as soon as i shot a flare on the hedgerow the fire was coming from i spotted it and killed it instantly

so i guess it can happen sometimes, but it still rages you me you cant hide guns easily

CSO_Talorgan -> RE: Don't Change cover/survivability (9/9/2009 11:07:32 PM)



one well placed HE shell into the bunker would wipe out everyone in it, wouldn't it?


One of the old veterans I know tells how on D-Day morning they were making their way up Sword Beach when they came across a "dirty great big bunker". All the officers and NCOs were dead so these four teenagers in uniform huddled together in the dunes to try and figure out what to do next. While they were debating they failed to notice that one of the group had slipped away.

All of a sudden there was a series of tremendous explosion inside the bunker and bits of guns, equipment and dead Germans came flying through the air towards them. When the smoke cleared the missing member of the group could be seen standing next to the bunker. He had got fed up with the discussion which he saw as pointless, sneaked round the back of the bunker and chucked a grenade in through an open door. A few sympathetic detonations later and the bunker was no more.

RD Oddball -> RE: Don't Change cover/survivability (9/12/2009 11:46:44 AM)



Please do not change the difficulty in spotting sneaking/ambushing etc infantry. Some players grumble, but this makes the game much better to play.

There is nothing more unrealistic (and deflating!) than spotting crawling enemies from 100 plus meters away as in the older CC games.

As well, do not change the defensive attributes of bunkers! They are appropriately very strong defensively. They are BUNKERS after all. There is a reason why we use the term 'bunker down' today!

Your second sentence is one reason why we try to limit alterations to the release version to fixes that obviously effect game play. i.e. CTD's or those that effect operation. Anything else or what I call subjective fixes are based on opinion and can and often are debated endlessly. Some people like a feature as is others want it changed. In the end we need to release the game we'd want to play and stick with it. Otherwise it's a dog chasing it's tail as you can't please everyone. It sure would be nice but just not possible.

No plans to change the defensive attributes of bunkers.

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