Turns for Victory (Full Version)

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desert dawg -> Turns for Victory (9/11/2009 3:39:52 AM)

Can we extend the number of turns to reach a victory? Either they're very tight on the number of turns before complete failure or I suck. I'm playing on the easiest and have a hard time reaching the goals unless I play the map about three times and then move and fight extremely efficiently.

junk2drive -> RE: Turns for Victory (9/11/2009 4:09:21 AM)

You are no alone in the campaigns. They are tough even on easy.

Scenarios can be opened in the editor, changed, then save with a different name. Campaign scenarios I haven't seen how to do that yet.

timurlain -> RE: Turns for Victory (9/11/2009 8:45:57 AM)

I have played two 2 battles from the Barbarossa scenario on the General level and was able to achieve Bril. victories, without playing it three time. You must have been unlucky.

Obsolete -> RE: Turns for Victory (9/11/2009 1:21:54 PM)

A lot of luck can depend on the weather and what units you went after.  Going heavily on planes can be quite gambity.

Bloodshot -> RE: Turns for Victory (9/11/2009 1:50:30 PM)

Yeah, it's definately the weather.
In the first tutorial, you are supposedly able to take the two main objectives in as little as one turn (for a Brilliant Victory). I tried the mission twice racking my brains, thinking I was missing something because it was taking two turns. However, on the third attempt the game began with cloudy weather instead of rain and so then ... zee enemy vos in mein grasp!

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