floydg -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (11/14/2013 12:19:31 AM)
ORIGINAL: dr.hal Wow Floyd don't you ever sleep??? Ok, I ahve a trackerdb.data file that has 765,114KB, that should go? What do I replace it with or will the program create another trackerdb.date file? If I use the same wpae003.pws slot do I have to repoint? My opponent just sent his first turn in a wpae022.pws file slot, can I save this to 003 and have him switch to that? Or should he resend in slot 003??? Sorry to bother you so much, but as you can tell, my understanding of this is limited! No, I don't sleep much, but it's only 8PM here and I'm not that old...[;)] Delete all of the trackerdb files and new files will be created. You can also move the originals somewhere else if you ever want to go back to them. You can change the slot in the witptracker.properties file. That's probably easier than changing the slot you're using for the game itself.