RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (Full Version)

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DSwain -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (11/2/2013 5:28:48 AM)

Screen message

I know currnt Java has issues with Win 8. I think I may have initially not completed the actual install of Java. I reinstalld that and Tracker but,when I click to execute the bat file, it doesn't do its 'thing', just gives me the old error as pasted. Is it possible to 'reset'? Sorry for the IT illiterate questions. Thanks

witpqs -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (11/2/2013 7:12:18 AM)

I've used Tracker on Windows 8, no problem.

Your .bat file needs to look more like this:


"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\java" -Xms512m -Xmx768m -jar "WitPTracker.jar" nomap

Notice that this part

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\java"

has to spell out where to find Java version 6.x. The error message in your screen pic indicates that the system did not recognize 'java', meaning that it could not find it.

Is Java installed at all? If so, you probably have (or for security reasons should have) Java 7.x. BUT - Tracker is not yet compatible with Java 7, and requires Java 6 instead.

DSwain -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (11/2/2013 7:36:17 AM)

Aha - thanks! yes, it's Java 7 installed

msieving1 -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (11/9/2013 3:45:27 PM)

Any prospects of making the program compatible with Java 7? Failing that, is there any way to get Java 6 without going through Oracle? I'm not giving Oracle the information they demand to download Java 6.

n01487477 -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (11/10/2013 12:00:35 AM)


ORIGINAL: msieving1

Any prospects of making the program compatible with Java 7? Failing that, is there any way to get Java 6 without going through Oracle? I'm not giving Oracle the information they demand to download Java 6.

I have it linked here

Powloon -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (11/13/2013 9:06:33 AM)

I'm currently just grappling with my first full campaign of this monster game and just wanted to say thankyou for this tool!

It is absolutely invaluable in keeping track (as the name says [:)]) of all the vital information the game's GUI does not supply. The only thing I could wish for would be that the game accessed the information in the same ways as your tool. Once again thankyou!!

dr.hal -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (11/13/2013 11:24:59 PM)

I'm starting a new game and I want to use tracker but I want to dump the old files that make up the data and start with turn one. What files to I need to replace or get down to zero. To I have to dump the contents the "Save" folder that reflect the old game? What else must be done? I know you've been asked this MANY times, but I fear I can't find the "key" to this question.

floydg -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (11/13/2013 11:34:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: dr.hal

I'm starting a new game and I want to use tracker but I want to dump the old files that make up the data and start with turn one. What files to I need to replace or get down to zero. To I have to dump the contents the "Save" folder that reflect the old game? What else must be done? I know you've been asked this MANY times, but I fear I can't find the "key" to this question.

Just delete the trackerdb.* files. You may need to update the file to point to/describe the new game.


dr.hal -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (11/13/2013 11:40:42 PM)

Wow Floyd don't you ever sleep??? Ok, I ahve a file that has 765,114KB, that should go? What do I replace it with or will the program create another file? If I use the same wpae003.pws slot do I have to repoint? My opponent just sent his first turn in a wpae022.pws file slot, can I save this to 003 and have him switch to that? Or should he resend in slot 003??? Sorry to bother you so much, but as you can tell, my understanding of this is limited!

floydg -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (11/14/2013 12:19:31 AM)


ORIGINAL: dr.hal

Wow Floyd don't you ever sleep??? Ok, I ahve a file that has 765,114KB, that should go? What do I replace it with or will the program create another file? If I use the same wpae003.pws slot do I have to repoint? My opponent just sent his first turn in a wpae022.pws file slot, can I save this to 003 and have him switch to that? Or should he resend in slot 003??? Sorry to bother you so much, but as you can tell, my understanding of this is limited!

No, I don't sleep much, but it's only 8PM here and I'm not that old...[;)]

Delete all of the trackerdb files and new files will be created. You can also move the originals somewhere else if you ever want to go back to them.

You can change the slot in the file. That's probably easier than changing the slot you're using for the game itself.

khyberbill -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (11/14/2013 6:44:13 PM)

I just got a new computer and trying to re-install Tracker and get this error message:


MBF -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (11/14/2013 6:52:15 PM)

My first GUESS is that you don't have Java installed yet (I went through this back in May and that message looks familiar) Make sure to grab he correct Java version - Mr. Floydg had a link earlier in this thread

khyberbill -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (11/14/2013 7:03:25 PM)

I had downloaded and installed Java 6.

CaptDave -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (11/14/2013 7:16:39 PM)

Your next question, then, is whether you installed it where your batch file is looking for it. Do you actually have a path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin" and does it contain a java.exe file?

(This error message is telling you that the file you're trying to run doesn't exist in the path you specified. This could be because either the path doesn't exist or the file doesn't exist in that path.)

Cpt Sherwood -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (11/14/2013 7:27:54 PM)



My first GUESS is that you don't have Java installed yet (I went through this back in May and that message looks familiar) Make sure to grab he correct Java version - Mr. Floydg had a link earlier in this thread

You are missing a double quote after the word java.

khyberbill -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (11/14/2013 7:50:03 PM)

I added the double quote. Same error message.

MBF -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (11/14/2013 8:12:27 PM)

Just for the heck of it - can you open a DOS prompt (cmd from the run menu) - and enter: "java -version" (without quotes)

You may also want to browse to the location and see what is there and all.

khyberbill -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (11/14/2013 8:42:12 PM)

I downloaded Java from the location from this forum. Here is what is there.


n01487477 -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (11/14/2013 10:47:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: khyberbill

I downloaded Java from the location from this forum. Here is what is there.

Kyberbill - check in the bin folder that java is in fact there ... then ...
Change it to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe"

khyberbill -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (11/15/2013 12:07:50 AM)

It was there however, for some reason the application did not have the .exe extension so I added it and now have this error (but I believe I am making progress):


ORIGINAL: n01487477


ORIGINAL: khyberbill

I downloaded Java from the location from this forum. Here is what is there.

Kyberbill - check in the bin folder that java is in fact there ... then ...
Change it to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe"


n01487477 -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (11/15/2013 12:36:22 AM)


ORIGINAL: khyberbill

It was there however, for some reason the application did not have the .exe extension so I added it and now have this error (but I believe I am making progress):


ORIGINAL: n01487477


ORIGINAL: khyberbill

I downloaded Java from the location from this forum. Here is what is there.

Kyberbill - check in the bin folder that java is in fact there ... then ...
Change it to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe"


Yes you are..
Delete all the trackerdb.* files
Copy the pwsdll.dll from the beta2 folder into tracker (i assume you are using the beta)
Start the batch...

khyberbill -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (11/15/2013 12:55:05 AM)

That did it. I had the dll file from the game file, not the Beta 2 file. Thanks.

Lifer -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (11/18/2013 5:42:35 PM)

I have something going on that I haven't experienced before. Tracker loads fine and opens the display. When I then try to load the next turn, nothing happens. No error and nothing in the command box to indicate something wrong. I tried with my next turn and the same thing.

floydg -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (11/18/2013 8:12:38 PM)

Probably a null pointer issue (those are silent). Send me old turn, new turn and file to witptracker @


JVSFugitive -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.0 (11/18/2013 10:51:37 PM)

Initializing database

Jim Stevens -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (11/22/2013 11:53:40 AM)

Rookie WitPTracker questions:

- I save my last orders to save file #23
- I pull the trigger for a turn to run
- The AI also does a preturn save to #2
- turn completes and I save to #24

1st question is when I fire up WitPTracker and tell it to load turn, does it go out to where I have config'ed as my save directory and find the latest file to load?

2ed I my example, what would be the latest file to load?

3ed WitPTracker reports the turn number for every item in the database. How do I determine from the game what numeric turn I am currently writing orders for? So far that game turn number has eluded me.

4th Does WitPTracker have a log to see what turns by game turn date have been loaded.

When I was conversing with one of the WitPTracker authors he mentioned that after so many turns he would start the database over and olny load back the last 20 turns or so. What are the steps needed to do that?

Thanks first just for reading all this!

Jim Stevens -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (11/22/2013 12:27:59 PM)

Question to Java programmers in general. I have seen it mentioned that WitPTracker is dependent on verion 6 of Java and would require some effort to run under 7. My question isn't 7 compatable with 6? We don't use Java here at work for programming but it would be helpful to know more about Java in case it rears it's ugly head around here.

Encircled -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (11/23/2013 2:01:50 PM)

Hi guys, thought I'd give tracker a shot as I've never used it before

Attached a screen shot

I've got Java 6 from the link on here, copied the PWS file from beta, deleted the tracker files, checked the batch point to java is correct and I get this. (when I say "I've done all these things, I think I have as a bit of a technophobe)

Any ideas?

floydg -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (11/23/2013 3:21:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: Jim Stevens

Rookie WitPTracker questions:

- I save my last orders to save file #23
- I pull the trigger for a turn to run
- The AI also does a preturn save to #2
- turn completes and I save to #24

1st question is when I fire up WitPTracker and tell it to load turn, does it go out to where I have config'ed as my save directory and find the latest file to load?

It depends on the SaveMode setting. Check out the web site that explains how this works.


2ed I my example, what would be the latest file to load?

3ed WitPTracker reports the turn number for every item in the database. How do I determine from the game what numeric turn I am currently writing orders for? So far that game turn number has eluded me.

The turn number appears on the Save screen in the game. Some of the WitPtracker windows that show a turn number also have a tooltip that will show the game date.


4th Does WitPTracker have a log to see what turns by game turn date have been loaded.

Turn > Turn List


When I was conversing with one of the WitPTracker authors he mentioned that after so many turns he would start the database over and olny load back the last 20 turns or so. What are the steps needed to do that?

Thanks first just for reading all this!

Delete all of the trackerdb files.

I keep way more than 20 turns, though...

floydg -> RE: WitPTracker AE Release 1.9.2 Available! (11/23/2013 3:22:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: Encircled

Hi guys, thought I'd give tracker a shot as I've never used it before

Attached a screen shot

I've got Java 6 from the link on here, copied the PWS file from beta, deleted the tracker files, checked the batch point to java is correct and I get this. (when I say "I've done all these things, I think I have as a bit of a technophobe)

Any ideas?

There's not enough info there for me to even guess.

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