Trouble with picked up survivors! (Full Version)

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entemedor -> Trouble with picked up survivors! (6/14/2002 4:27:26 AM)

Playing IJN, minelayer TSUGARU automatically rescued survivors from a sunken transport, the 225 men are still aboard after more than a month! I tried leaving the ship alone in a TF, disbanding it in port, sending TSUGARU to main base at Truk... Still won't unload the men, and the option "land troops" is greyed/not available.
Anyone had the same problem?
A bug, or am I just doing something wrong?
Thanks for any idea.

Sonny -> (6/15/2002 1:50:35 AM)

Is the unload supplies/cargo button active? Maybe it thinks they are cargo. Or maybe they are so grateful to be rescued that they never wanna leave the ship.:D

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