Lebatron -> RE: Deluxe AWD 1.04 (11/16/2011 8:24:30 PM)
You could increase the standard difficulty level while playing the standard scenario which would certainly give you a challenge, but better yet select one of the 2 extra scenarios I made that are tailor made to be human vs AI. In these two scenarios, I carefully added extra units to the AI's side, plus placed units in the AI nations build cues to help it choose these builds over ones made from scratch. I also tweaked AI tech levels so that each nation goes down a more correct path so that it helps its overall strategy given each nations specific needs. For instance, the US needs to focus its tech on air and navy while the Soviet Union needs to focus on army techs. For the average player, I believe Axis blitz or Arsenal of Democracy will provide a solid challenge at normal difficulty. If you want a bit more challenge you can custom tweak each nation to give them combat bonuses. For instance, if you find that the balance is fine in Russia then don't give the Soviets a combat bonus, and if you find the US being a bit to timid because it keeps trying out attacks then calling them off because the odds don't look to good for them, then what you can do is give the western Allies a +1 or +2 combat bonus to help out their aggressiveness. It's what I prefer to do. And for those playing with advanced supply you could also optionally turn that off for the AI nations. The AI will also improve its play under simple supply. It just can't finesse this as well as we can. In any case, I provide these suggestions in the readme for Deluxe, and maybe a few more, I can't remember off the top of my head because I wrote it over 2 years ago. Edit. I should add that maybe you should wait until you know the game better before trying the extra hard AI scenarios I created, since you mentioned you are just learning the game. You may find it to hard to knock out France in a timely manner if you do not know how to do so under the normal scenario yet. Just play the normal scenario of Deluxe for now and ask questions if you're having trouble. Have fun.