Graphics Problems (Full Version)

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Chosin51 -> Graphics Problems (9/20/2009 3:30:20 PM)

When attempting to play the game I find that the map and command icons are very dark, almost pitch black in fact, which naturally makes it very difficult to play the game. I have tried adjusting the settings for OGRE when I start up the game but nothing seems to make any difference. Any suggestions?

junk2drive -> RE: Graphics Problems (9/20/2009 3:44:43 PM)

You need to adjust the gamma setting in your video card.

I have an ATI card and didn't have the control panel installed. I went to the ATI website and downloaded the ATI Catalyst Control Center. Once installed I found the gamma control panel and was able to lighten the gamma for full screen games or the desktop. Turns out my old CRT monitor is getting darker from age and I needed to lighten both.

There are some other gaming programs that will do it and are mentioned in another thread in this section.

Chosin51 -> RE: Graphics Problems (9/21/2009 4:24:23 PM)

Thanks a lot, problem now fixed.

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