Vypuero -> My biggest play issues (9/20/2009 10:25:40 PM)
#1 big issue, one that is EASY to fix: The Icons in the lower right hand side - every unit has an icon that looks like a UK roundel - regardless of what side it is on. It makes it very, very hard to see at a glance who is who. WHY is this not set to look like the country of origin??? It should be: Germans - white cross on black Russians - yellow star on red ... and so on PLEASE FIX #2 issue - unit selection. Sometimes I very clearly have a unit selected, or an attack to make, with the odds showing. I click, and instead of the unit or the attack, a nearby unit is selected instead. This is a real pain in the arse and makes the game a chore to play at times. Also not too hard to fix, I hope.