Nemo121 -> Problem running under Vista 64... (9/25/2009 5:28:45 PM)
Hi, just looking for some advice re: getting this to work with Vista 64. I have Vista 64 and a dual monitor setup - Samsung T220 and a Samsung 2233 ( the 3D version for FPSes etc ). Both screens have a native resolution of 1650 x 1050. Anyways, when I first tried to start the game it gave me a DEP error which I fixed by making the BTR EXE one of the files which DEP had an exception for. Then when I tried to start it again it either wouldn't work and gave no error message or gave an error message that BTR wouldn't start because it "could not gain exclusive control" of the screen. I tried setting the shortcut so that it would run in "windowed mode" but no joy there, no joy with compatibility modes either. I also disabled my second monitor and tried running it on the 2233 both in 1650 x 1050 and 1024 x 768 modes but to no avail. So, I don't think it is as simple as it being due to my setup being a dual monitor setup. Are we certain it will run under Vista 64?