Fishbed -> Uber-light AAMG is killing my LSTs! (10/3/2009 3:54:21 PM)
Hello everyone playing a PBEM right now, Allied side, Thousand Miles scenarios. Both Attu and Kiska are fitted with a Japanese AA division which is trying to oppose my little boys. That wouldn't be a problem if most of my casualties weren't caused by pesky... 7,7mm T99 AAMG mounts! [img][/img] It's been several turns on both islands that they have been wrecking havoc landing ships. It's not a problem on Attu (my APA are sturdy...) but on Kiska it's getting out of control: LST are burning because of them (they penetrate AND cause internal explosions!!!), which seems a little out of proportions here... Add to this that the invasion support (AMCs, DDs, BBs) seem unable to silent them, while their bigger brothers were already days ago (it's been going on for a week now). Are we sure their stats are ok, or is there a database bug? Thanks in advance! Fish