3 Games The World Must Have!! (Full Version)

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RobertMc -> 3 Games The World Must Have!! (6/18/2002 4:13:03 AM)

Here are three games I really wish somebody would do:

1. As much as I like complex wargames, I'd really enjoy sometimes (or often) playing a more simple game when I only have fifteen or thirty minutes to spare, so I wish there was a combination of Panzerblitz/Tanks! that used counters and was based around the platoon/company scale. I know the World At War series was this scale, but these games are agonizingly slow having to watch the animations play, even with Fast Computer and Fast Human player switched on. So...a simple, fast-moving platoon scale game, WW2 or Modern, please!

2. A tactical ship-to-ship wargame, WWI, WW2 or Modern or (better still) all the above! A tactical ship-to-ship wargame construction kit. Three-quarter view looking down on the miniature ships on a moving, animated ocean. Destroyer escorts, destroyers, PT boats, submarines, cruisers, battleships...I guess everything up to the aircraft carrier class. Or maybe that too, while I'm dreaming.

3. A remake of SSG's Europe Ablaze. An airwar construction kit, from WW1 to Modern and Future Wars. Build your own maps and airforces and let fly!

Maybe while I'm still alive and able to play games somebody will do these or something like them???

slehtine -> (6/18/2002 6:14:43 AM)

I couldn't agree more!


WarBuddy -> (6/19/2002 9:46:20 AM)

I think the technology is already here for what I would call the greatest wargame ever!

I wish someone would take the much neglected theater, ( of course were talking about the Pacific theater here ), and make it so a player could be zoomed all the way out to what I would call a living map, where you could see the whole Pacific Theater, realtime weather patterns, Base icons, real time moving fleet icons, air icons and so forth, then at any point, choose an icon or point on the map, and be able to zoom down to see fleets moving in a 3d living world where you could see everything happening.

From Planes taking off from carriers, to troops landing on beaches, then moving thru the jungle to attack a base, and with the player pausing, and giving orders and so forth.

Of course one should be able to pause time, speed up time to get to important events. I mean, Combat Mission does a beautiful job with its 3d units fighting on a 3d map.

I know doing the whole Pacific Theater would be a chore with a game like this, but just look at some of the Massively Multi Player worlds, they are just huge. I think it could be done. And done well.

Someone just needs to grow balls and set the new standard in Naval and Pacific Theater wargames.

Just think of the Naval battles we could watch play out. And all the realtime aircraft diving down on fleets with puffs of flak all around. One should be able to watch their air groups fly to their target's, and ships moving into potision or crossing the tee in an actual 3d world. You get the picture.

O well, sigh, I guess I'll have to keep dreaming for now. Not to put down games like UV, an awesome operational game!!!, and WITP, ( which I can't wait to get my hands on!!!! ) Its just a dream I wish would come true.

Well, I must go, I have two UV PBEM moves I must send.

Long Live The Pacific Theater!!!!!!!!

WarBuddy -> (6/19/2002 8:53:28 PM)


Marathon -> (6/19/2002 11:02:08 PM)

I am still looking for a good turn-based version of SWAT 3/Rainbow 6 with Jagged Alliance style graphics.

sprior -> Re: 3 Games The World Must Have!! (6/21/2002 12:29:23 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by RobertMc
2. A tactical ship-to-ship wargame, WWI, WW2 or Modern or (better still) all the above! A tactical ship-to-ship wargame construction kit. Three-quarter view looking down on the miniature ships on a moving, animated ocean. Destroyer escorts, destroyers, PT boats, submarines, cruisers, battleships...I guess everything up to the aircraft carrier class. Or maybe that too, while I'm dreaming.

Maybe while I'm still alive and able to play games somebody will do these or something like them??? [/B][/QUOTE]

How about going here for a ship-to-ship game in development:

CaptDave -> (6/21/2002 1:15:26 AM)

This looks like a good place to put my comment on what wargame I'd like to see.

My primary interest is WW II, but all the games available are for isolated portions (you might get the whole Pacific theatre, or the whole European theatre, but read on).

What I'd like to see is a WW II game that encompasses the entire world. This includes the Italian operations in Ethiopia (or whatever it was called then), the German maneuvers in South America, and everything else.

It would also include economic considerations (letting the US player actually decide how to divvy resources up between the Pacific and the Atlantic), worldwide intelligence (the Japanese had an extensive network in South America), and so on. Essentially, it would include all the best features of the current crop of strategic games.

But, and this is important, this dream game won't simplify combat to the point of being moronic. Combat resolution has to be at least as sophisticated as that in Pacific War (sorry, I haven't seen the others to compare -- they're probably even better). Also, unit granularity at the Pacific War level is the minimum acceptable.

By the time anyone ever gets around to actually producing a game like this, I'd be willing to bet it would be nothing to the computers then available!

abradley -> Re: 3 Games The World Must Have!! (6/21/2002 5:48:38 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by RobertMc
[B]Here are three games I really wish somebody would do:
3. A remake of SSG's Europe Ablaze. An airwar construction kit, from WW1 to Modern and Future Wars. Build your own maps and airforces and let fly!

I've the Apple II "Europe Ablaze", that I run on my PC with WinApple, plus all the SSG 'RUN5' in house magazines with the Europe Ablaze extra scenarios.

But I haven't been able to make the disks for building the scenarios! Can you help?


Spooky -> (6/21/2002 9:30:00 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by CaptDave
[B]This looks like a good place to put my comment on what wargame I'd like to see.

My primary interest is WW II, but all the games available are for isolated portions (you might get the whole Pacific theatre, or the whole European theatre, but read on).

What I'd like to see is a WW II game that encompasses the entire world. This includes the Italian operations in Ethiopia (or whatever it was called then), the German maneuvers in South America, and everything else.

It would also include economic considerations (letting the US player actually decide how to divvy resources up between the Pacific and the Atlantic), worldwide intelligence (the Japanese had an extensive network in South America), and so on. Essentially, it would include all the best features of the current crop of strategic games.

But, and this is important, this dream game won't simplify combat to the point of being moronic. Combat resolution has to be at least as sophisticated as that in Pacific War (sorry, I haven't seen the others to compare -- they're probably even better). Also, unit granularity at the Pacific War level is the minimum acceptable.

By the time anyone ever gets around to actually producing a game like this, I'd be willing to bet it would be nothing to the computers then available! [/B][/QUOTE]

There is a game in development by Paradox called "Heart of Iron" (HOI) that could interest you ... even if the unit granularity seems to be the TF/Division level.


There are also some interesting info in the HOI Forum.


CaptDave -> (6/22/2002 12:58:49 AM)

Ask and thou shalt receive! The Hearts of Iron stuff does look intriguing. I'll follow that one through its development.

Spooky -> (6/22/2002 1:12:05 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by CaptDave
[B]Ask and thou shalt receive! The Hearts of Iron stuff does look intriguing. I'll follow that one through its development. [/B][/QUOTE]

There is already a very interesting preview & interview at :

If Paradox manages to craft a good AI then this game could be really wonderful !

screamer -> (6/24/2002 8:09:23 AM)

i need screenies, because i hear the EU2 engine will be used and then its taking over provinces in ww2 and the same ****ed up battle system

screamer -> (6/24/2002 8:19:00 AM)

im actually looking for a good WW1 wargame with the wole of europe as playground not like a map with 4hexes between calais and swiss but on corps scale naval warfare so you can try to break the british blockade of germany and manage the subwar yourself. With a good diplomatic model ect ect

Spooky -> (6/24/2002 8:21:22 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by screamer
[B]i need screenies, because i hear the EU2 engine will be used and then its taking over provinces in ww2 and the same ****ed up battle system [/B][/QUOTE]

The HOI Beta-testing should begin in july so I hope we will see some screenies quite quickly :)

BTW, the battle system is completly different from EU2 ...

screamer -> (6/24/2002 8:56:10 AM)

thats a relief, but they wont include SS units because if they do there is a chance they cant seel it in germany

Spooky -> (6/24/2002 5:56:44 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by screamer
[B]thats a relief, but they wont include SS units because if they do there is a chance they cant seel it in germany [/B][/QUOTE]

They won't include the swastika flag because it is forbidden in Germany. German Elite Units will be of course included ... so if for you, it means SS Units then they will be present BUT the death camps will not be in the game ... and the SS were quite present in these camps !

screamer -> (6/24/2002 6:11:41 PM)

sure no death camps, anyway i would not have manned them if they where in

fud -> Re: 3 Games The World Must Have!! (6/28/2002 12:31:44 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by RobertMc
[B]Here are three games I really wish somebody would do:

2. A tactical ship-to-ship wargame, WWI, WW2 or Modern or (better still) all the above! A tactical ship-to-ship wargame construction kit. Three-quarter view looking down on the miniature ships on a moving, animated ocean. Destroyer escorts, destroyers, PT boats, submarines, cruisers, battleships...I guess everything up to the aircraft carrier class. Or maybe that too, while I'm dreaming.


Did you ever play the Harpoon games? Modern tactical naval warefare. Harpoon I was kinda simple, but fun. Harpoon II was great - my copy is still limping along. (Really a DOS game with pre-windoze video extenstions.) Harpoon III is out there, but it's being re-worked and only runs on Macs. Harpoon IV is supposed to be released by SSI later this year, but it's been delayed repeatedly - I'm not sure it will ever make it out.

antarctic -> (6/29/2002 2:52:30 PM)


Interesting Post

Just my comments:

My idea of a perfect game...
- unit level wargame
- real time
- 3d, rotatable, zoomable view, with rendering like that of modern sims
-editor, random battle and campaign generator, as well as predefined scenarios and campaigns
-WWII and modern eras
- and most importantly, a healthy, supportive and creative bunch of fans like this SPWAW forum.


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