memman -> Newbie - Creating a Saudi Arabia Scenario (10/10/2009 6:18:30 AM)
I'm creating a scenario which will use all of Saudi Arabia. By any chance does anyone know if a 10km hex map of the country already exist? If I have to, I'll create one from the scratch using Google, but any short cuts would be appreciated. I'm also playing with an idea where the taking of Mecca will trigger an event which summons an all Arab coalition. Rather than tell the attacking player ahead of time, I was thinking of triggering events which would warn the player of this possibility. For example lets say the player takes a port near Mecca. An event would be triggered saying that an "Arab League" has joined forces to condemn the invasion and warn the player that any incursions into the "Holy City" would incur their wrath. This same event trigger would exist for any strategic hex's around Mecca. Now my question is, can I make it so that the player is only warned once? I really don't want the same warning popping up each time the player takes a nearby strategic hex.