willgamer -> Suggestions for a tedious UI (10/14/2009 4:25:50 PM)
The User Interface demands many more clicks than necessary to accomplish basic tasks. [:)] Here's a couple of examples, with suggested improvements. [:D] 1. The deploy new units screen requires that you click the unit, the click again to deploy. This second click is totally un-needed. Eliminate that button and immediately deploy the unit. This screen also allows only one unit at a time to be deployed. I suggest that using the Window's style ctrl+click to select multiple units, then deploy to as many valid deployment hexes as possible, contiguous to the target hex. 2. Rotating damaged fleet units in and out is crazy making! [sm=00000007.gif] When one or more units are selected with the intent of creating a new fleet to move (typically back to port for repair, but could be anywhere), enable the MOVE button to both move the units and automatically create a new fleet. There is no need for a separate create new fleet step. Create a join fleet button as an alternative to the move fleet button. Join fleet would cause the selection box for the fleets in the targeted sea zone to pop up avoiding the need to move fleets in one step, then transfer them in another. As in suggestion #1 above, allow multiple new ships to be selected via ctrl-click for deployment to the same port. I'm hopeful these could be considered as UI changes typically do not require the same degree of programming that AI or rule changes do. [:)]