Czert -> RE: First Impressions & Feedback Thread (10/31/2009 1:18:45 PM)
I plyed only as mercenary and arichev top rank fairly easy (after cca 4 hours of gameply and lots of battles) , have battleship and dont see reason to continue play. My ideas for improvment/thougts on game. 1. autocombat - this is most needed feature to prevent combat boring, even in battleship and admiral rank, space combat is same boring (read, same tactic) as it was in begining .with figter. 2.missions - a. when you chose spying missions and you dont have needed equipmet/ability, lets game display you warning and show what you lack b. delivery missions - lets they offer you cargo capacities equvalent to your cargo capacity - say 1-3 runs, I hate to fly 20 there and back only to fulfil mission -new submision - you will just pickup special goods in certain planet and delivery to it destination - it will be one trip - no need to pay for cargo, but with inceased risk on attack on you - pirates if you did it for corporation, enemies if you did it for goverment c. governors will give you special missions instead of only generic ones. 3.more ranks - where is commander, vice-admiral, real-admiral and mayby few more ? and implement here some limitation - e.q. unles you are 1. lietnant, you cant command cruiser, admiral for dreagnughout (yes, completly new ship). And each important gives you choseable special ability (added to normal promotion), say at 1-leitnant you can chose between permanent +5% hit chance , +5% shield strenght, +5% eccm...etc (ship related),for commander crew related, for captain ship combat related, for admiral fleet combat related. of course, rank limit for ships will be relatd only to combat ships, not on trading related. 4. When you reach admiral rank, you can fly to your faction HQ/capital planet (need implementation) - and here they offer you special/unique missions (for all ranks, related to your ship/abilities), and for admiral you can here sugest invansions on enemy systems, try to settle peace with enemyies, or to make aliance. 5. more components to upgarede on ship, not only same genereic, when you have bigger ship, lets you have more componets to upgrade - e.q. ship bay on crusers and bigger, on battleship CIC , and please more variety - not only 4 engines, but 6 or more. And for each ship have another room for special/unique component - free for basic ship, but you can put here anything, for battleships e.q. flak for engaing of enemy missiles or crew comparment for increased crew size, armory for better ship assault..... 6. when you conquer ship, lets game inform you, that you change to this ship if you keep him, and not will be added to your fleet, as I first thought - with this I lost crusef for frigate.