consoleout help (Full Version)

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cracker -> consoleout help (10/25/2009 7:26:52 AM)

hello ive gotten far in the game and went to save it and came back to play and cant get the saved game to come on ive spent hours playing hope someome can help i really dont want to start over this is what i get in the consoleout info- Loading 73 Motorisierte Korps into Transport #394
Loading 87 Fallschirm Division into 56 Unterseebootflotille
87 Fallschirm Division is supposed to be loaded into 56 Unterseebootflotille
But this isn't transport or amphib. fleet. Data integrity error! Game terminated.what can i do to get back playing my game thanks for any info

cpdeyoung -> RE: consoleout help (10/25/2009 10:06:54 AM)


The ConsoleOut file gives a good description of the problem. What has probably happened is that two ships have the same ID number. There will be a transport, and a U-Boat both with the same number. The fix will be to change the U-Boat ID, but not the transport's. If this is the case the naval_units.csv will be the only file to need modification, but if you can send a zip file of the Autosave folder that would be best.

If it is too large you can send it to Bleck at his support address, bleck[at]wastelands-interactive[dot]com.

If you want to post it here, and can do so, that is fine, and someone will help.


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