john g -> something odd with suppression (6/21/2002 2:51:49 AM)
This is something that I had never noticed before, and have never read about. THis is on my win95 Compaq 4402, I never have had problems on my win98se HP4550z. Due to a bios upgrade, sound driver upgrade and video driver upgrade SPWAW would now lock up with a repeating sound when playing, though that is not what the message is about. To test different fixes to the problem I played using a Tiger about a dozen times trying different approaches to the sound lockup. On my last runthru which seems to have fixed it, the Tiger had killed most of the Soviet tanks, and I had run one of the infantry forward to finish off crews. It found and killed the last Soviet tank and then started hosing crew. The unit had gone to 20 suppression with a failed close assault on that last tank, so after killing it with a pf only shot, I then started chasing crew down. A right click on the rally button took the unit to 7 suppression after I shot up some crew and they returned fire. The next turn the unit was at 3 suppression and I again started firing, after it killed one crew I noticed the unit had gone to 1 supppression, after killing another it went to 0 suppression. This is what confused me, I had never seen a unit lower its suppression by firing at enemey units and had never seen a unit go to 0 suppression in the middle of a turn, I never hit the rally button at all in that last turn. Has anyone else noticed units lower their suppression by killing enemy units? By the way the fix wasn't with the sound card, by using dxdiag to raise sound acceleration to max then going to system to change video acceleration to none, I got the game to stop locking up. It was the video driver that was stopping during the playback of several different sounds. So if anyone else is having random lockup problems with older computers with integrated video and sound, you might fix what seems to be a sound problem by changing the video settings. thanks, John.