Right Field (Full Version)

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1925frank -> Right Field (11/10/2009 4:50:27 AM)

I just downloaded the free version and the 1.86 patch as well. The patch gives the game a much better appearance.

Regarding right field, virtually every outfielder has a range of 100 for right field. Why is that? I've just played about 11 games with the 1975 season, and, for example, Hal McRae has a range of something like 54 in left but a range of 100 in right. This doesn't appear to be an oversight. What's the thinking behind making the range of right fielders so good?

Edit: The thinking must be that that right fielder is given a very limited area to cover, such that most outfielders will get a 100 range rating. The focus must be on arm strength and hands, and the CF must be assigned to cover those areas the RF isn't covering. I've never played baseball, so I've no clue if that is the way it's actually done.

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