Skirt Armor Confusion (Full Version)

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MarkP -> Skirt Armor Confusion (6/22/2002 8:01:44 AM)

Looking at the database, there is a lot of rather thick skirt armor for vehicles that had none. An example is the Pz38t. It's shown as having 50 mm of skirt armor. None of my sources indicate any skirt armor on any Pz38 (the Pz38tE's did have 25+25 mm front armor for a total of 50, but this is front armor.)

So what is this skirt armor value, anyway?


AJVa -> Re: Skirt Armor Confusion (6/23/2002 2:03:14 AM)

The first digit is armor quality and the second is skirt thickness in cm. So 50 would mean no skirts.

MarkP -> Next Stuipd Question.... (6/23/2002 3:48:03 AM)

...If 50 means no skirts, then why put it in at all... unles the "5" is used elsewhere?


AJVa -> Re: Next Stuipd Question.... (6/23/2002 6:32:41 AM)

5 is rating for overall armor quality, not just skirt quality. X0 means tank has X quality armor and no skirts.
For more info

MarkP -> Re: Re: Next Stuipd Question.... (6/23/2002 9:21:04 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by AJVa
[B]5 is rating for overall armor quality, not just skirt quality. X0 means tank has X quality armor and no skirts.
For more info [/B][/QUOTE]

Thanks for the link. One final (?) question :

For vehicles such as, say the Pz IIIg, which have a skirt rating of zero, this means a rating of 1.0?

From Paul's post :
[QUOTE]in general teh modifiers will range:

1.3 - .9 for 40
1.15 - .8 for 50
1.05 - .7 for 60
.95 - .6 for 70

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