Loaned corps in stack returned to owners control, when stack attacked (Full Version)

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eske -> Loaned corps in stack returned to owners control, when stack attacked (11/11/2009 12:26:53 AM)

In this stack in Wurzburg all corps and Charles was under control off Prussia. Enter Napolen and army ... (see next post) ...


eske -> RE: Loaned corps in stack returned to owners control, when stack attacked (11/11/2009 12:33:46 AM)

... and all corps now controlled by their owner???

This could be related to this issue from Mantis, that was fixed in 1.06.03:
- 0000482: [Game Bug] Loaned corps losing "loaned" status (marshall) - closed.

But it is different.

Would also be interested in knowing who battles who, when everyone is under own control.

Below attached austrian gamefiles and french land move.

Can you fix this game Marshall ??



eske -> RE: Loaned corps in stack returned to owners control, when stack attacked (11/11/2009 12:38:31 AM)

To fix this you may need french gamefiles - who is also host.

Plz ask gazfun for those.


gazfun -> RE: Loaned corps in stack returned to owners control, when stack attacked (11/11/2009 1:32:28 AM)

Eske you are making a fuss over nothing
The Corps there are under One control and that of Charles, all the corps that are in that stack are in the combat. So whats the problem?
You made assumptions based on what you thought should of been a prussian battle but ther are mainly Austrians lead by Charles, with prussia, russian Corps
In your picture you show has a slider bar on it, there would be more corps if you moved that slider.

The picture below shows that the said Army & Corps , but are all controlled by Charles.
This will have to be played on in its current status, in the middle of exchange of battle files


eske -> RE: Loaned corps in stack returned to owners control, when stack attacked (11/11/2009 8:05:09 PM)

Thx gazfun, but I know what corps are there. (And also the function of a slider...). First screenshot was just to show all the austrian corps was under Prusian control before french land move.
The changing of control is a serious bug!

And I have doubts, what will happen as a consequence of this bug. If no other 'strangeness' happens I see two consequences:
1) The change of control, that has happened will also change which area or areas the corps will retreat to, in case of losing the battle. This may be a serious disadvantage sepperating the army in a way, that makes France able to attack parts of it next month.
2) Without joint control there is no possibility for this allied army to attack jointly later in this month.

... and then there is the supply situation, that has also changed drastically.

This is somewhat similar to a french army being attacked suddenly puts it under turkish control, making it retreat towards Constantinople in case of defeat and to be supplied from turkish supply sources in the coming landmove. I don't think France would accept this and just move on...

And to speculate, what if France had chosen to move after Austria, but before Prussia? Would the corps that changed control miss their landmove?

So all in all this 'fuss' is about something!

But if my host tells me to go on with this I'll do so. [8D]
We may need a rollback or a workaround if any of the above happens.


gazfun -> RE: Loaned corps in stack returned to owners control, when stack attacked (11/11/2009 9:13:46 PM)



Thx gazfun, but I know what corps are there. (And also the function of a slider...). First screenshot was just to show all the austrian corps was under Prusian control before french land move.
The changing of control is a serious bug!

And I have doubts, what will happen as a consequence of this bug. If no other 'strangeness' happens I see two consequences:
1) The change of control, that has happened will also change which area or areas the corps will retreat to, in case of losing the battle. This may be a serious disadvantage sepperating the army in a way, that makes France able to attack parts of it next month.
2) Without joint control there is no possibility for this allied army to attack jointly later in this month.

... and then there is the supply situation, that has also changed drastically.

This is somewhat similar to a french army being attacked suddenly puts it under turkish control, making it retreat towards Constantinople in case of defeat and to be supplied from turkish supply sources in the coming landmove. I don't think France would accept this and just move on...

And to speculate, what if France had chosen to move after Austria, but before Prussia? Would the corps that changed control miss their landmove?

So all in all this 'fuss' is about something!

But if my host tells me to go on with this I'll do so. [8D]
We may need a rollback or a workaround if any of the above happens.


At this point and time this is all mainly specualtion.
The loaned units feature is designed to have more than one MP army to move at the same time. This has been happening, it is an extension on your part to assume that Prussia of all countries (who has no leader in this battle) should take control of the battle, this is a false premise.
Really what happened to common sense.

eske -> RE: Loaned corps in stack returned to owners control, when stack attacked (11/12/2009 12:17:30 AM)

Cloud anyone tell us, what are the rules for loaned corps with leaders?
Does anything provoke them to loose loaned status and return to control of owners. In land move or involved in battles ???


bresh -> RE: Loaned corps in stack returned to owners control, when stack attacked (11/12/2009 8:08:57 AM)

Actually Gazfun, Prussia should be in control of the battle, but Charles be in command, the control is required for supply purposes since we dont have combined movement....

I seen this happen in TGHQ-game5 once to, think 1.05 or 1.04. (Controller did have a corps in the force, but still same result, control returned to Corps owners), all forces where at war with France.
We conducted the combat, and then had Marshall return the control of the corps to the value they had before the battle.
Thought it was fixed in the fix Eske noted.

Think we saw this later to in 1.05, where Prussia lend 1 corps to Russia, who had 2 corps and Kutosov at Koningsberg, France attacked and Prussia corps returned to Prussian control. All forces where at war with France.

Control and whos included in battles, from what i understood in case mixed Wars between MPs on each side it gets alot more tricky, it matters on who is attacking and who is defending.


gazfun -> RE: Loaned corps in stack returned to owners control, when stack attacked (11/12/2009 11:09:30 AM)

There has been Prussian control of Austrian units each time and is currently.

This picture shows the stack before the attack, that the Corps where controlled by Prussians


eske -> RE: Loaned corps in stack returned to owners control, when stack attacked (11/13/2009 6:36:14 PM)

Yes. Exactly as the picture in the first post.

And that they don't stay under prussian control is a serious bug!


gazfun -> RE: Loaned corps in stack returned to owners control, when stack attacked (11/14/2009 10:39:41 AM)

Hi Marshall
Change of control after french units entered map Area Weimar, am PM ing you a copy of the GM files.
All Corps in the Weimar area should be under Prussian control, this is version 1.06.03
Could you please change this and PM me back the Files, the I will issue backups to all the players

Marshall Ellis -> RE: Loaned corps in stack returned to owners control, when stack attacked (11/14/2009 3:09:45 PM)

Can you email them to me, Garr?
I'm a little web challenged at the moment?

gazfun -> RE: Loaned corps in stack returned to owners control, when stack attacked (11/14/2009 9:17:45 PM)

Ok will email to you

Marshall Ellis -> RE: Loaned corps in stack returned to owners control, when stack attacked (11/19/2009 2:40:02 PM)

Got it! Back in the saddle for a few and will look at today...

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