Tom_Holsinger -> RE: Armada 2526 Creator Bob Smith Featured on Wargaming Podcast! (11/18/2009 2:59:47 AM)
I'm more than 20 minutes into the interview. Given the size of Ntronium, I cannot emphasize enough what a stupendous achievement Armada 2526 is. At this point I fully understand, and agree with, their decision not to allow players to design ships. They just did not have the manpower for it. I am fully aware of the tradeoffs involved, having been involved in working up all three Master of Orion versions. Which also gives me the background to understand all the details and hints divulged to date. There is enormous strategic depth in this game. It remains to be seen whether the game works, but the designers' intent is clear, and that intent is pretty damn ambitious. They're swinging for the bleachers on this one, particularly involving pacing. If it works, this may be the sleeper game of the year.