fail to load saved game (Full Version)

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d007mog -> fail to load saved game (11/18/2009 5:15:41 AM)

i have played time of wrath with no problems for a couple months

now when i try to load a game i get the message

"failed creating direct 3d device" and then the game wont load

thank you

Bleck -> RE: fail to load saved game (11/18/2009 5:42:07 PM)

Did you tried after restarting whole system?

d007mog -> RE: fail to load saved game (11/19/2009 4:10:05 AM)

i restarted my computer and got the same error message

d007mog -> RE: fail to load saved game (11/19/2009 4:13:01 AM)

i was able to load a new game but not my saved game

Bleck -> RE: fail to load saved game (11/19/2009 11:07:38 AM)

Please send me this saved game (bleck[at]wastelands-interactive[dot]com)

d007mog -> RE: fail to load saved game (12/14/2009 4:59:10 AM)

here is the saved game that wouldnt load

Uxbridge -> RE: fail to load saved game (12/14/2009 6:17:15 AM)

Have you patched, mr Bond?

If so, try open misc.csv in the saved folder with notepad. You will see this:

4;9;1942;data\\gfx\\europe.png;2000;1511;data\\gfx\\europe2.png;2000;1511;1941 Barbarossa;61;361;Not a PBEM game;0;1.50000;22;6;1941

Change the red figures to 1.70000 instead. Should work. This is only if you have patched. Hope it solves the problem.

doomtrader -> RE: fail to load saved game (12/14/2009 9:15:38 AM)

@ d007mog,
The save game you have attached is from 1.50 version of the game which is not compatible with 1.70.
I can suggest that you will start new game in patched version.

d007mog -> RE: fail to load saved game (12/24/2009 4:04:11 AM)

please see above
i never upgraded to 1.7
ive played 1.5 all along and suddenly the saved turn wont play

can i get an answer please

Bleck -> RE: fail to load saved game (1/5/2010 1:06:18 PM)

There was a bug in 1.5 causing wrong transporter ID was saved in some particular situation. It was fixed in patch 1.6. Here is your save fixed manually so you can continue playing, but there is possibility that such problem will repeat itself.

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