Game freezing up and not working properly (Full Version)

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hweston -> Game freezing up and not working properly (11/24/2009 4:18:05 PM)

Game freezing up and not changing screens. Inclosing DXfile.

Erik Rutins -> RE: Game freezing up and not working properly (11/24/2009 4:21:51 PM)

Hi Hweston,

Exactly when does the game freeze on you? Can you provide some more details regarding exactly what you are seeing? Are you getting any error messages of any kind?

Did you allow all the Required components in the installer to install (did you uncheck any of the checkboxes)?


- Erik

hweston -> RE: Game freezing up and not working properly (11/24/2009 4:46:41 PM)

It is freezing when going into the combat module the screen is flicking and the ships never appear on the screen. It also locks up there after several minutes.

hweston -> RE: Game freezing up and not working properly (11/24/2009 4:50:14 PM)

I also intalled all the components.

Erik Rutins -> RE: Game freezing up and not working properly (11/24/2009 4:52:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: hweston
It is freezing when going into the combat module the screen is flicking and the ships never appear on the screen. It also locks up there after several minutes.

Ok, I'm not seeing anything in your DxDiag that would indicate an issue. If you've changed anything in your video driver settings, could you try restoring them entirely to their defaults please? Also, can you make sure any other background programs and processes are terminated and then try this again?

If that doesn't fix it, I will have to ask Bob for his advice. Are you able to auto-resolve battles as a work-around to get past this until then?

Erik Rutins -> RE: Game freezing up and not working properly (11/24/2009 4:53:20 PM)

Also, if you have a save file that replicates this on your system, can you please zip it up and upload it here? I'd like to see if this is system-specific or if there's something about this particular battle that is causing the issue.

noxious -> RE: Game freezing up and not working properly (11/24/2009 4:55:00 PM)

Might also try tweaking the graphic settings in the Options menu, particularly the shadow setting : set it to low, try, if it works, and you want better shadows, raise it a notch, try again, etc. Ditto with other settings. This trick worked for at least one of the testers.
Hope that helps, and that you can enjoy the game :)
Cheers !

hweston -> RE: Game freezing up and not working properly (11/24/2009 4:59:02 PM)

Also after it freezes the menu is still up, will load the opening screen but freezes after that. Will try the shadows.

hweston -> RE: Game freezing up and not working properly (11/24/2009 5:19:24 PM)

They game has major problems have suspended playing until fixed. There is something major some screens fail to load. Please fix it and I will play again. Very disappointed in Matrix releasing a unfinished game.

Erik Rutins -> RE: Game freezing up and not working properly (11/24/2009 5:26:06 PM)


The game has no such issues on our test systems here, our home systems and the systems the beta testers used. This is apparently system specific and we'll have to ask the developer to investigate this with you. We will either fix it or refund it if we can't get it to work on your system. I don't blame you for being upset, but please don't assume that what you are seeing is what other people are seeing on their systems (or what we saw on ours).


- Erik

hweston -> RE: Game freezing up and not working properly (11/24/2009 6:36:53 PM)

Erik I know that Matrix will correct this problem that is why I have not asked for my money back. But if you will look into your records I have downloaded a dozen or more games from Matrix without any problems until this one. Also I digitally download at least 30 t0 40 games a year from other sites without this problem where I cannot even get throught the tutorial. I not knocking Matrix I know they will fix the problem. I am trying to say it is not a problem with just my system I have run all the games download to date without a major problem until this one. It just I was looking forward to this game and cannot even run the basis game without problems.

hweston -> RE: Game freezing up and not working properly (11/24/2009 6:41:10 PM)

Once the game freezes and exit back to my desktop the game will not load again past the menu screen. Could there be a memory problem where there is a memory leak. I have tried everything you suggested without any improvement. I managed to save a game where are the save games located I will send you a copy, could not find them in the Armada directory.

Erik Rutins -> RE: Game freezing up and not working properly (11/24/2009 6:46:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: hweston
Erik I know that Matrix will correct this problem that is why I have not asked for my money back. But if you will look into your records I have downloaded a dozen or more games from Matrix without any problems until this one. Also I digitally download at least 30 t0 40 games a year from other sites without this problem where I cannot even get throught the tutorial. I not knocking Matrix I know they will fix the problem. I am trying to say it is not a problem with just my system I have run all the games download to date without a major problem until this one. It just I was looking forward to this game and cannot even run the basis game without problems.

Another way to look at this is to use your experience with our previous releases to realize that we would not have released a game if it had problems like you describe. In any case, it's clearly having issues on your system and we'll get to bottom of that and fix them if we can. The next step is to get the developer on the case, which should happen tonight (he is across the globe from us).

Erik Rutins -> RE: Game freezing up and not working properly (11/24/2009 6:53:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: hweston
I managed to save a game where are the save games located I will send you a copy, could not find them in the Armada directory.

You should find your saved games in your Documents/My Games/Armada 2526 folder.

hweston -> RE: Game freezing up and not working properly (11/24/2009 7:13:28 PM)

This one of the save game files.

hweston -> RE: Game freezing up and not working properly (11/24/2009 7:14:13 PM)

This is the other one hope they help.

Erik Rutins -> RE: Game freezing up and not working properly (11/24/2009 7:15:29 PM)

Thanks, checking it out now.

Erik Rutins -> RE: Game freezing up and not working properly (11/24/2009 7:16:02 PM)

The first save seems to be from the very start of the tutorial and everything loaded fine and proceeded fine here.

Erik Rutins -> RE: Game freezing up and not working properly (11/24/2009 7:17:37 PM)

Second save also seems to be from the start of the tutorial? Is that correct? Also loaded fine here.

hweston -> RE: Game freezing up and not working properly (11/24/2009 7:41:45 PM)

Yes that is correct. Removed the game and completely reinstalled still having the same problems. Once I enter the combat screens it shows my ships to the right buy not on the main screen also if I end the battle I does not go back to the star screen it loads more windows on top of the combat screen.

Andrew Loveridge -> RE: Game freezing up and not working properly (11/24/2009 9:18:53 PM)

When combat starts it is centered on the planet, often in small battles all your ships are off-screen to the left.  If you don't command them to do anything, it will look like nothing is happening.  Is the clock in the lower right counting down?
After combat, it gives you a battle report screen, before you can return to the star map.  What is the screen that appears for you after combat?

hweston -> RE: Game freezing up and not working properly (11/24/2009 9:29:42 PM)

The planet never appears in the combat screen. The clock does count down. I try to deploy the ships but nothing appears. When it does not freeze it gives me a battle report. But will not go back to the star map.

hweston -> RE: Game freezing up and not working properly (11/24/2009 9:52:38 PM)

Loaded it onto my laptop it seems to work fine. Both computers have nvidia cards and have updated drivers. On my laptop I can a planet in the background in the battle module but on my main computer I cannot see the planet. Everything seems to be stable on my laptop. Why is my main computer having problems when they have the same graphic cards. Please help if you can.

PJL1973 -> RE: Game freezing up and not working properly (11/24/2009 10:22:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: noxious

Might also try tweaking the graphic settings in the Options menu, particularly the shadow setting : set it to low, try, if it works, and you want better shadows, raise it a notch, try again, etc. Ditto with other settings. This trick worked for at least one of the testers.
Hope that helps, and that you can enjoy the game :)
Cheers !

This worked for me, expecially the shadow setting. Otherwise had everything from minor bugs like planet below disappering to hardcore BSODs and lock ups, deepending on that shadow setting. Basically anything other than lowest level doesn't work for me.

BTW, I too have a NVidia graphics card (driverr 100% updated). Details:

NVIDIA System Information report created on: 11/24/2009 22:35:06
System name: PJL-PC

Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E6750 @ 2.66GHz (2667 MHz)
Operating System: Windows Vista (TM) Home Premium, 64-bit (Service Pack 2)
DirectX version: 10.0
GPU processor: GeForce 8500 GT
Driver version: 178.13
Stream processors: 16
Core clock: 459 MHz
Memory clock: 333 MHz (666 MHz data rate)
Memory interface: 128-bit
Total available graphics memory: 2047 MB
Dedicated video memory: 256 MB
System video memory: 0 MB
Shared system memory: 1791 MB
Video BIOS version:
IRQ: 16
Bus: PCI Express x16


nvCplUIR.dll NVIDIA Control Panel
nvCpl.cpl NVIDIA Control Panel Applet
nvCplUI.exe NVIDIA Control Panel
nvViTvSR.dll NVIDIA Video and TV Server
nvViTvS.dll NVIDIA Video and TV Server
nvDispSR.dll NVIDIA Display Server
NVMCTRAY.DLL NVIDIA Media Center Library
nvDispS.dll NVIDIA Display Server
NVCPL.DLL NVIDIA Compatible Windows Vista Display driver, Version 178.13
nvGameSR.dll NVIDIA 3D Settings Server
nvGameS.dll NVIDIA 3D Settings Server

hweston -> RE: Game freezing up and not working properly (11/24/2009 10:36:41 PM)

Received the following error on main unit. The NV_4 disp driver has stopped working normally, Iam running 191.07 which is different than my laptop Erik can you try this driver and see if it gives you trouble.

Erik Rutins -> RE: Game freezing up and not working properly (11/25/2009 12:16:53 AM)


GPU processor: GeForce 8500 GT

Hm, 8500 and hweston had a 9500. I will have to lookup to see how these differ from the cards we tested with. Hweston, can you try setting all the in-game graphical settings to their lowest levels and see if that helps at all?

Hweston, regarding your question on the driver, can you explain a bit more? Are you running this on two systems now? What exactly is happening on the other system and do you have a DxDiag for that one too?

hweston -> RE: Game freezing up and not working properly (11/25/2009 12:28:22 AM)

Yes I am running it on my laptop and my main unit. Both have nvidia cards but different drivers. The game on the laptop is running fine, but the console is the one Iam getting all the errors. It has the 191.07 driver. Will try and get the dxdiag to you from the laptop.

hweston -> RE: Game freezing up and not working properly (11/25/2009 12:34:46 AM)

This is my dxdiag from the laptop, everything seems to running fine on my laptop. Running a different nvidia driver.

hweston -> RE: Game freezing up and not working properly (11/25/2009 12:44:58 AM)

Sorry forgot to attach it.

hweston -> RE: Game freezing up and not working properly (11/25/2009 1:43:09 AM)

Lower all the graphic settings to their lowest level and its seems to work.

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