canuck64 -> RE: USA, Japan and China (11/27/2009 3:06:22 PM)
ORIGINAL: Anthropoid quote:
I think the cynic in me sees the Allies' advance from Normandy, liberation of Peenemunde and absorption of the vast majority of Nazi Germany's atomic/rocket work to be the root cause of why the world is now shaped the way it is. With more atomic weapons, the West makes the convoluted morality that we now see in the world. Might makes right, ultimately. But easily justified by Nanking and the concentration camps. I agreed with you 100% right up to that part. The American Empire has prevailed so far not because it is necessarily "mightier" in a "chop off their heads and rape their children in front of them" sort of way. ICBMs and SSBMs were a necessary part of the foreign policy mixture that led to "winning" the Cold War, but they were not sufficient to win it. Perhaps proxy wars were also a necessary but insufficient part of the winning strategy. However despite losses and stalemates at several proxy wars the West "won" the Cold War. This is true becuse winning it ultimately was mediated more by sociocultural, political, and economic "competition" than military competition. I believe that this has _always_ been the case. Military power is only useful to help establish Empires, it cannot maintain them, and it certainly does not perpetuate them nor make them successful. Most people most of the time _LIKE_ what they get from American-style Imperialism = Britney Spears videos on YouTube and free-trade (like Matrix Games download area), and 5-day holiday weekends where you can get in your car and drive all the way across the continent without Big Brother stopping you to check your papers, _AND_ if you get pulled over on the way the cop is more likely to be fair and uncorrupt as not _AND_ the currency you use will be functional all the way across that geographic area, _AND_ you can get the same kind of chips and soda in thousands of convenience stores along the way, etc. This is why I disagree with your cynical sides inclination to blame the allies. Had the Soviets "liberated" France, we would see the same stagnation and abuses to human rights and the standard of living as we saw in Eastern Europe. Might does not make right, but it is useful to make it. What makes right is good civilizations. Agreed. And well stated. It was what I was struggling to make a case for, with a cautionary and cynical tone thrown in. It's a lofty point to aim to make in a two paragraph box on a gamesite. Older societies with longer histories inevitably fall prey to "being lost" at times in their development. I think that's to be expected. We in the "West" must be very careful about looking around through lens of moral superiority. Men are men, and are equally capable of insanity. Sadly, I cannot subscribe NECESSARILY to your argument that what makes RIGHT is (morally)good civilizations. I want to. Consider: -Until the principles of, say, the United States' Imperialism (in 'enjoyable' form as you put it) last as long as those of Rome, we're arguing about an 8 year struggle between nations where, very obviously, the totalitarian nations ended up corroding from within as fast as without. Thankfully. I'd not wish to live under communism or national socialism, of course. Those were awfully extreme examples of moral carelessness, mind you. What I was trying to say is that our version of history in the west is drafted on the back of a highly successful, ridiculously militaristic, and pagan, expansionistic, society. The Romans. Till we find an example that trumps that longevity, any and all "moral arguments" about the inevitability of right societies' triumphs-is merely arguing from hope.[;)] Winners write history. A hope I share, incidentally. I'm not that much of a cynic. [:D]