HARD_SARGE -> (6/29/2002 12:13:42 AM)
Hi Dgaad Guderians political truthfulness when the discussion is centered on a tactical issue that really isn't in dispute in the primary sources well I think Jennifer can defend herself and prove her points, again here is the part I am agrueing about, the "tactical" AGC, could of been saved by a "tactical" change, 12 miles and AGC could of been saved, a different Tactical layout, and AGC could of been saved once you get to the Army level, Army Group level, isn't Tactical out of the scope of the duscussion "Herr Obest, yes we would of won the war, if only that fool had put the 88 behind the hill, instead of on the side of it, I mean, How many times while I was sitting in the Wolf's Lair speaking with Hitler, I've told him and told him, behind the hill, always behind the hill, but no, does he follow orders, some silly stuff about the gunner can't see though the hill if he puts his guns where I tell him too, the fool" but what do I know, I was only a Grunt, not a General HARD_Sarge